
This is form engine - Class for creating the backend editing forms.


This class and its exposed method and method signatures will change

Table of Contents


$additionalInlineLanguageLabelFiles  : array<string|int, mixed>
Additional language label files to include.
$doSaveFieldName  : string
Can be set to point to a field name in the form which will be set to '1' when the form is submitted with a *save* button. This way the recipient script can determine that the form was submitted for save and not "close" for example.
$hiddenFieldAccum  : array<string|int, mixed>
$inlineData  : array<string|int, mixed>
$javaScriptModules  : array<int, JavaScriptModuleInstruction>
Array with instances of JavaScriptModuleInstruction.
$pageRenderer  : PageRenderer
$stylesheetFiles  : array<string|int, mixed>
List of additional style sheet files to load


addCssFiles()  : string
Adds CSS files BEFORE the form is drawn
mergeResult()  : mixed
Merge existing data with the given result array
printNeededJSFunctions()  : string
Prints necessary JavaScript for TCEforms (after the form HTML).
getBackendUserAuthentication()  : BackendUserAuthentication
getLanguageService()  : LanguageService
getPageRenderer()  : PageRenderer
Wrapper for access to the current page renderer object
JSbottom()  : string
JavaScript bottom code



Additional language label files to include.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $additionalInlineLanguageLabelFiles = []


Can be set to point to a field name in the form which will be set to '1' when the form is submitted with a *save* button. This way the recipient script can determine that the form was submitted for save and not "close" for example.

protected string $doSaveFieldName = ''


protected array<string|int, mixed> $hiddenFieldAccum = []

HTML of additional hidden fields rendered by sub containers


protected array<string|int, mixed> $inlineData = []

Data array from IRRE pushed to frontend as json array


List of additional style sheet files to load

protected array<string|int, mixed> $stylesheetFiles = []



Adds CSS files BEFORE the form is drawn

public addCssFiles() : string
Return values


Merge existing data with the given result array

public mergeResult(array<string|int, mixed> $resultArray) : mixed
$resultArray : array<string|int, mixed>

Array returned by child


Temporary method to use FormEngine class as final data merger


Prints necessary JavaScript for TCEforms (after the form HTML).

public printNeededJSFunctions() : string

currently this is used to transform page-specific options in the TYPO3.Settings array for JS so the JS module can access these values

Return values


JavaScript bottom code

protected JSbottom() : string
Return values

A section with JavaScript - if $update is FALSE, embedded in <script></script>

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