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Finds relations for a RelationalFieldType field such as: - inline - select with foreign_table or MM - group with allowed or MM - category - file

Files are handled differently with specific File / FileReference objects instead of general Record objects. Therefore, resolveFileReferences() is used.

What it does to the outside world:

  • You have a record and a field with relations and you get a collection of the related raw DB records.

What it hides:

  • How the DB queries are made.

The result is usually wrapped in a Closure, so it is only called when needed, however this piece of code does not care about how it is used.


not part of public API, as this needs to be streamlined and proven.

Table of Contents


$greedyDatabaseBackend  : GreedyDatabaseBackend
$resourceFactory  : ResourceFactory
$runtimeCache  : FrontendInterface


__construct()  : mixed
resolve()  : array<int, array{table: string, row: array}>
This method currently returns an array with "table" and "row" pairs, but will probably return something else in the future.
resolveFileReferences()  : array<string|int, FileReference>
getGroupedRelationIds()  : array<int, array<string, mixed>>
We currently use the RelationHandler to resolve all records attached to a given field.
getRelationalRows()  : array<string, array<int, array{table: string, row: array}>>
Find the relations relevant for this field. This could be multiple tables!




We currently use the RelationHandler to resolve all records attached to a given field.

protected getGroupedRelationIds(RecordInterface $record, FieldTypeInterface $fieldInformation, Context $context) : array<int, array<string, mixed>>
$record : RecordInterface
$fieldInformation : FieldTypeInterface
$context : Context

This will be replaced by querying the RefIndex directly in the future.

Return values
array<int, array<string, mixed>>


Find the relations relevant for this field. This could be multiple tables!

protected getRelationalRows(array<string|int, mixed> $necessaryRelationsOfRequestedField, Context $context) : array<string, array<int, array{table: string, row: array}>>

Note: While $necessaryRelationsOfRequestedField is sorted, the result will be the plain unsorted database rows.

$necessaryRelationsOfRequestedField : array<string|int, mixed>
$context : Context
Return values
array<string, array<int, array{table: string, row: array}>>

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