QueryBuilder extends ConcreteQueryBuilder

Object-oriented approach to building SQL queries.

It's a facade to the Doctrine DBAL QueryBuilder that implements PHP7 type hinting and automatic quoting of table and column names.

$query->select('aField', 'anotherField') ->from('aTable') ->where($query->expr()->eq('aField', 1)) ->andWhere($query->expr()->gte('anotherField',10')) ->execute()

Additional functionality included is support for COUNT() and TRUNCATE() statements.

Table of Contents


$additionalRestrictions  : array<string|int, mixed>
$concreteQueryBuilder  : ConcreteQueryBuilder
$connection  : Connection
$distinct  : bool
Whether this is a SELECT DISTINCT query.
$forUpdate  : ForUpdate|null
$from  : array<string|int, From>
The FROM parts of a SELECT query.
$groupBy  : array<string|int, string>
The GROUP BY part of a SELECT query.
$having  : string|CompositeExpression|null
The HAVING part of a SELECT query.
$join  : array<string, array<string|int, Join>>
The list of joins, indexed by from alias.
$orderBy  : array<string|int, string>
The ORDER BY parts of a SELECT query.
$restrictionContainer  : QueryRestrictionContainerInterface
$select  : array<string|int, string>
The SELECT parts of the query.
$sql  : string|null
The complete SQL string for this query.
$type  : QueryType
The type of query this is. Can be select, update or delete.
$typo3_unionParts  : array<string|int, Union>
The QueryBuilder for the union parts.
$typo3_with  : WithCollection
The WITH query parts.
$where  : string|CompositeExpression|null
The WHERE part of a SELECT, UPDATE or DELETE query.


__clone()  : mixed
Deep clone of the QueryBuilder
__construct()  : mixed
Initializes a new QueryBuilder.
__toString()  : string
Gets a string representation of this QueryBuilder which corresponds to the final SQL query being constructed.
addGroupBy()  : $this
Adds a grouping expression to the query.
addOrderBy()  : $this
Adds an ordering to the query results.
addSelect()  : $this
Adds an item that is to be returned in the query result.
addSelectLiteral()  : QueryBuilder
Adds an item that is to be returned in the query result. This should only be used for literal SQL expressions as no quoting/escaping of any kind will be performed on the items.
addUnion()  : $this
Add parts to be used to build a UNION query.
andHaving()  : $this
Adds a restriction over the groups of the query, forming a logical conjunction with any existing having restrictions.
andWhere()  : $this
Adds one or more restrictions to the query results, forming a logical conjunction with any previously specified restrictions.
castFieldToTextType()  : string
Creates a cast of the $fieldName to a text datatype depending on the database management system.
count()  : QueryBuilder
Specifies the item that is to be counted in the query result.
createNamedParameter()  : string
Creates a new named parameter and bind the value $value to it.
createPositionalParameter()  : string
Creates a new positional parameter and bind the given value to it.
delete()  : $this
Turns the query being built into a bulk delete query that ranges over a certain table.
distinct()  : $this
Adds or removes DISTINCT to/from the query.
escapeLikeWildcards()  : string
Quotes like wildcards for given string value.
executeQuery()  : Result
Executes an SQL query (SELECT) and returns a Result.
executeStatement()  : int
Executes an SQL statement (INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE) and returns the number of affected rows.
expr()  : ExpressionBuilder
Gets an ExpressionBuilder used for object-oriented construction of query expressions.
forUpdate()  : QueryBuilder
from()  : $this
Creates and adds a query root corresponding to the table identified by the given alias, forming a cartesian product with any existing query roots.
getConcreteQueryBuilder()  : QueryBuilder
Gets the concrete implementation of the query builder
getConnection()  : Connection
Gets the associated DBAL Connection for this query builder.
getFirstResult()  : int
Gets the position of the first result the query object was set to retrieve (the "offset").
getFrom()  : array<string|int, From>
Returns from tables from internal query state.
getGroupBy()  : array<string|int, string>
Returns selected group-by definitions from internal query state.
getHaving()  : CompositeExpression|string|null
Returns having expressions from internal query state.
getJoin()  : array<string, array<string|int, Join>>
Returns the list of joins, indexed by `from-alias` from the internal query state.
getMaxResults()  : int|null
Gets the maximum number of results the query object was set to retrieve (the "limit").
getOrderBy()  : array<string|int, string>
Returns order-by definitions from internal query state.
getParameter()  : mixed
Gets a (previously set) query parameter of the query being constructed.
getParameters()  : array<int, mixed>|array<string, mixed>
Gets all defined query parameters for the query being constructed indexed by parameter index or name.
getParameterType()  : string|ParameterType|Type|ArrayParameterType
Gets a (previously set) query parameter type of the query being constructed.
getParameterTypes()  : array<int<0, max>, string|Type|ParameterType|ArrayParameterType>|array<string, string|Type|ParameterType|ArrayParameterType>
Gets all defined query parameter types for the query being constructed indexed by parameter index or name.
getRestrictions()  : QueryRestrictionContainerInterface
getSelect()  : array<string|int, string>
Returns selected fields from internal query state.
getSQL()  : string
Gets the complete SQL string formed by the current specifications of this QueryBuilder.
getWhere()  : CompositeExpression|string|null
Returns where expressions from internal query state.
groupBy()  : $this
Specifies a grouping over the results of the query.
having()  : $this
Specifies a restriction over the groups of the query.
innerJoin()  : $this
Creates and adds a join to the query.
insert()  : $this
Turns the query being built into an insert query that inserts into a certain table
join()  : QueryBuilder
Creates and adds a join to the query.
leftJoin()  : $this
Creates and adds a left join to the query.
limitRestrictionsToTables()  : void
Limits ALL currently active restrictions of the restriction container to the table aliases given
orderBy()  : $this
Specifies an ordering for the query results.
orHaving()  : $this
Adds a restriction over the groups of the query, forming a logical disjunction with any existing having restrictions.
orWhere()  : $this
Adds one or more restrictions to the query results, forming a logical disjunction with any previously specified restrictions.
prepare()  : Statement
Create prepared statement out of QueryBuilder instance.
quote()  : string
Quotes a given input parameter.
quoteArrayBasedValueListToIntegerList()  : string
Implode array to comma separated list with database int-quoted values to be used as direct value list for database 'in(...)' or 'notIn(...') expressions. Empty array will return 'NULL' as string to avoid database query failure, as 'IN()' is invalid, but 'IN(NULL)' is fine.
quoteArrayBasedValueListToStringList()  : string
Implode array to comma separated list with database string-quoted values to be used as direct value list for database 'in(...)' or 'notIn(...') expressions. Empty array will return 'NULL' as string to avoid database query failure, as 'IN()' is invalid, but 'IN(NULL)' is fine.
quoteColumnValuePairs()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Quotes an associative array of column-value so the column names can be safely used, even if the name is a reserved name.
quoteIdentifier()  : string
Quotes a string so it can be safely used as a table or column name, even if it is a reserved name.
quoteIdentifiers()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Quotes an array of column names so it can be safely used, even if the name is a reserved name.
quoteIdentifiersForSelect()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Quotes an array of column names so it can be safely used, even if the name is a reserved name.
resetGroupBy()  : $this
Resets the grouping for the query.
resetHaving()  : $this
Resets the HAVING conditions for the query.
resetOrderBy()  : $this
Resets the ordering for the query.
resetRestrictions()  : void
Re-apply default restrictions
resetWhere()  : $this
Resets the WHERE conditions for the query.
rightJoin()  : $this
Creates and adds a right join to the query.
select()  : $this
Specifies items that are to be returned in the query result.
selectLiteral()  : QueryBuilder
Specifies items that are to be returned in the query result.
set()  : QueryBuilder
Sets a new value for a column in a bulk update query.
setFirstResult()  : QueryBuilder
Sets the position of the first result to retrieve (the "offset").
setMaxResults()  : QueryBuilder
Sets the maximum number of results to retrieve (the "limit").
setParameter()  : QueryBuilder
Sets a query parameter for the query being constructed.
setParameters()  : QueryBuilder
Sets a collection of query parameters for the query being constructed.
setRestrictions()  : void
setValue()  : QueryBuilder
Sets a value for a column in an insert query.
typo3_addWith()  : self
typo3_addWithRecursive()  : self
typo3_with()  : self
typo3_withRecursive()  : self
union()  : $this
Specifies union parts to be used to build a UNION query.
update()  : $this
Turns the query being built into a bulk update query that ranges over a certain table
values()  : QueryBuilder
Specifies values for an insert query indexed by column names.
where()  : $this
Specifies one or more restrictions to the query result.
addAdditionalWhereConditions()  : CompositeExpression|string|null
Add the additional query conditions returned by the QueryRestrictionBuilder to the current query and return the original set of conditions so that they can be restored after the query has been built/executed.
getCountExpression()  : string
getIdentifierQuoteCharacter()  : string
getQueriedTables()  : array<non-empty-string, non-empty-string>
Return all tables/aliases used in FROM or JOIN query parts from the query builder.
isEmptyPart()  : bool
Determine if a query part used for where or having is empty. Used as array_filter in ConcreteQueryBuilder methods. This is needed to avoid invalid sql syntax by empty parts, which can happen to relaxed custom CompositeExpression handling.
unquoteSingleIdentifier()  : string
Unquote a single identifier (no dot expansion). Used to unquote the table names from the expressionBuilder so that the table can be found in the TCA definition.



protected array<string|int, mixed> $additionalRestrictions


Whether this is a SELECT DISTINCT query.

protected bool $distinct = false


protected ForUpdate|null $forUpdate = null


The FROM parts of a SELECT query.

protected array<string|int, From> $from = []


The GROUP BY part of a SELECT query.

protected array<string|int, string> $groupBy = []


The HAVING part of a SELECT query.

protected string|CompositeExpression|null $having = null


The list of joins, indexed by from alias.

protected array<string, array<string|int, Join>> $join = []


The ORDER BY parts of a SELECT query.

protected array<string|int, string> $orderBy = []


The SELECT parts of the query.

protected array<string|int, string> $select = []


The complete SQL string for this query.

protected string|null $sql = null


The type of query this is. Can be select, update or delete.

protected QueryType $type = \Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryType::SELECT


The QueryBuilder for the union parts.

protected array<string|int, Union> $typo3_unionParts = []


The WHERE part of a SELECT, UPDATE or DELETE query.

protected string|CompositeExpression|null $where = null



Deep clone of the QueryBuilder

public __clone() : mixed


Initializes a new QueryBuilder.

public __construct(Connection $connection[, QueryRestrictionContainerInterface|null $restrictionContainer = null ][, ConcreteQueryBuilder|null $concreteQueryBuilder = null ][, array<string|int, mixed>|null $additionalRestrictions = null ]) : mixed
$connection : Connection

The DBAL Connection.

$restrictionContainer : QueryRestrictionContainerInterface|null = null
$concreteQueryBuilder : ConcreteQueryBuilder|null = null
$additionalRestrictions : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null


Gets a string representation of this QueryBuilder which corresponds to the final SQL query being constructed.

public __toString() : string
Return values

The string representation of this QueryBuilder.


Adds a grouping expression to the query.

public addGroupBy(string ...$groupBy) : $this
$groupBy : string

The grouping expression.

Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Adds an ordering to the query results.

public addOrderBy(string $fieldName[, string|null $order = null ]) : $this
$fieldName : string

The fieldName to order by. Will be quoted according to database platform automatically.

$order : string|null = null

The ordering direction.

Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Adds an item that is to be returned in the query result.

public addSelect(string ...$selects) : $this
$selects : string
Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Adds an item that is to be returned in the query result. This should only be used for literal SQL expressions as no quoting/escaping of any kind will be performed on the items.

public addSelectLiteral(string ...$selects) : QueryBuilder
$selects : string

Literal SQL expressions to be selected.

Return values


Add parts to be used to build a UNION query.

public addUnion(string|QueryBuilder|ConcreteQueryBuilder|QueryBuilder $part[, UnionType $type = UnionType::DISTINCT ]) : $this
  $qb = $conn->createQueryBuilder()
    ->union('SELECT 1 AS field1')
    ->addUnion('SELECT 2 AS field1', 'SELECT 3 AS field1')
$part : string|QueryBuilder|ConcreteQueryBuilder|QueryBuilder
$type : UnionType = UnionType::DISTINCT
Return values


Adds a restriction over the groups of the query, forming a logical conjunction with any existing having restrictions.

public andHaving(mixed ...$predicates) : $this
$predicates : mixed

The restriction to append.

Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Adds one or more restrictions to the query results, forming a logical conjunction with any previously specified restrictions.

public andWhere(string|CompositeExpression ...$predicates) : $this
$predicates : string|CompositeExpression

The query restrictions.

Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Creates a cast of the $fieldName to a text datatype depending on the database management system.

public castFieldToTextType(string $fieldName) : string
$fieldName : string

The fieldname will be quoted and casted according to database platform automatically


Deprecate this method in favor of ExpressionBuilder::castText().

Return values


Specifies the item that is to be counted in the query result.

public count(string $item) : QueryBuilder

Replaces any previously specified selections, if any.

$item : string

Will be quoted according to database platform automatically.

Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Creates a new named parameter and bind the value $value to it.

public createNamedParameter(mixed $value[, string|ParameterType|Type|ArrayParameterType $type = ParameterType::STRING ][, string|null $placeHolder = null ]) : string

This method provides a shortcut for Statement::bindValue() when using prepared statements.

The parameter $value specifies the value that you want to bind. If $placeholder is not provided createNamedParameter() will automatically create a placeholder for you. An automatic placeholder will be of the name ':dcValue1', ':dcValue2' etc.

Example: $value = 2; $q->eq( 'id', $q->createNamedParameter( $value ) ); $stmt = $q->executeQuery(); // executed with 'id = 2'

$value : mixed
$type : string|ParameterType|Type|ArrayParameterType = ParameterType::STRING
$placeHolder : string|null = null

The name to bind with. The string must start with a colon ':'.

Return values

the placeholder name used.


Creates a new positional parameter and bind the given value to it.

public createPositionalParameter(mixed $value[, string|ParameterType|Type|ArrayParameterType $type = ParameterType::STRING ]) : string

Attention: If you are using positional parameters with the query builder you have to be very careful to bind all parameters in the order they appear in the SQL statement , otherwise they get bound in the wrong order which can lead to serious bugs in your code.

Example: $qb = $conn->createQueryBuilder(); $qb->select('u.*') ->from('users', 'u') ->where('u.username = ' . $qb->createPositionalParameter('Foo', ParameterType::STRING)) ->orWhere('u.username = ' . $qb->createPositionalParameter('Bar', ParameterType::STRING))

$value : mixed
$type : string|ParameterType|Type|ArrayParameterType = ParameterType::STRING
Return values


Turns the query being built into a bulk delete query that ranges over a certain table.

public delete(string $table) : $this
$table : string

The table whose rows are subject to the deletion. Will be quoted according to database platform automatically.

Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Adds or removes DISTINCT to/from the query.

public distinct([bool $distinct = true ]) : $this
$distinct : bool = true
Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Quotes like wildcards for given string value.

public escapeLikeWildcards(string $value) : string
$value : string

The value to be quoted.

Return values

The quoted value.


Executes an SQL query (SELECT) and returns a Result.

public executeQuery() : Result

doctrine/dbal decided to split execute() into executeQuery() and executeStatement() for doctrine/dbal:^3.0, like it was done on connection level already, thus these methods are added to this decorator class also as preparation for extension authors, that they are able to write code which is compatible across two core versions and avoid deprecation warning. Additional this will ease backport without the need to switch if execute() is not used anymore.

Return values


Executes an SQL statement (INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE) and returns the number of affected rows.

public executeStatement() : int

doctrine/dbal decided to split execute() into executeQuery() and executeStatement() for doctrine/dbal:^3.0, like it was done on connection level already, thus these methods are added to this decorator class also as preparation for extension authors, that they are able to write code which is compatible across two core versions and avoid deprecation warning. Additional this will ease backport without the need to switch if execute() is not used anymore.

Return values

The number of affected rows.


Gets an ExpressionBuilder used for object-oriented construction of query expressions.

public expr() : ExpressionBuilder

This producer method is intended for convenient inline usage. Example:

For more complex expression construction, consider storing the expression builder object in a local variable.

Return values


public forUpdate([ConflictResolutionMode $conflictResolutionMode = ConflictResolutionMode::ORDINARY ]) : QueryBuilder
$conflictResolutionMode : ConflictResolutionMode = ConflictResolutionMode::ORDINARY
Return values


Creates and adds a query root corresponding to the table identified by the given alias, forming a cartesian product with any existing query roots.

public from(string $table[, string|null $alias = null ]) : $this
$table : string

The table. Will be quoted according to database platform automatically.

$alias : string|null = null

The alias of the table. Will be quoted according to database platform automatically.

Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Gets the concrete implementation of the query builder

public getConcreteQueryBuilder() : QueryBuilder
Return values


Gets the position of the first result the query object was set to retrieve (the "offset").

public getFirstResult() : int

Returns NULL if was not applied to this QueryBuilder.

Return values

The position of the first result.


Returns selected group-by definitions from internal query state.

public getGroupBy() : array<string|int, string>

only, used for Extbase internal handling and core tests. Don't use it.

Return values
array<string|int, string>


Returns having expressions from internal query state.

public getHaving() : CompositeExpression|string|null

only, used for Extbase internal handling and core tests. Don't use it.

Return values


Returns the list of joins, indexed by `from-alias` from the internal query state.

public getJoin() : array<string, array<string|int, Join>>

only, used for Extbase internal handling and core tests. Don't use it.

Return values
array<string, array<string|int, Join>>


Gets the maximum number of results the query object was set to retrieve (the "limit").

public getMaxResults() : int|null

Returns 0 if setMaxResults was not applied to this query builder.

Return values

The maximum number of results.


Returns order-by definitions from internal query state.

public getOrderBy() : array<string|int, string>

only, used for Extbase internal handling and core tests. Don't use it.

Return values
array<string|int, string>


Gets a (previously set) query parameter of the query being constructed.

public getParameter(string|int $key) : mixed
$key : string|int

The key (index or name) of the bound parameter.

Return values

The value of the bound parameter.


Gets all defined query parameters for the query being constructed indexed by parameter index or name.

public getParameters() : array<int, mixed>|array<string, mixed>
Return values
array<int, mixed>|array<string, mixed>

The currently defined query parameters indexed by parameter index or name.


Gets a (previously set) query parameter type of the query being constructed.

public getParameterType(string|int $key) : string|ParameterType|Type|ArrayParameterType
$key : string|int

The key (index or name) of the bound parameter type.

Return values

The value of the bound parameter type.


Gets all defined query parameter types for the query being constructed indexed by parameter index or name.

public getParameterTypes() : array<int<0, max>, string|Type|ParameterType|ArrayParameterType>|array<string, string|Type|ParameterType|ArrayParameterType>
Return values
array<int<0, max>, string|Type|ParameterType|ArrayParameterType>|array<string, string|Type|ParameterType|ArrayParameterType>

The currently defined query parameter types indexed by parameter index or name.


Returns selected fields from internal query state.

public getSelect() : array<string|int, string>

only, used for Extbase internal handling and core tests. Don't use it.

Return values
array<string|int, string>


Gets the complete SQL string formed by the current specifications of this QueryBuilder.

public getSQL() : string

If the statement is a SELECT TYPE query restrictions based on TCA settings will automatically be applied based on the current QuerySettings.

Return values

The SQL query string.


Returns where expressions from internal query state.

public getWhere() : CompositeExpression|string|null

only, used for Extbase internal handling and core tests. Don't use it.

Return values


Specifies a grouping over the results of the query.

public groupBy(string ...$groupBy) : $this

Replaces any previously specified groupings, if any.

$groupBy : string

The grouping expression.

Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Specifies a restriction over the groups of the query.

public having(mixed ...$predicates) : $this

Replaces any previous having restrictions, if any.

$predicates : mixed

The restriction over the groups.

Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Creates and adds a join to the query.

public innerJoin(string $fromAlias, string $join, string $alias[, string|null $condition = null ]) : $this
$fromAlias : string

The alias that points to a from clause.

$join : string

The table name to join.

$alias : string

The alias of the join table.

$condition : string|null = null

The condition for the join.

Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Turns the query being built into an insert query that inserts into a certain table

public insert(string $table) : $this
$table : string

The table into which the rows should be inserted.

Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Creates and adds a join to the query.

public join(string $fromAlias, string $join, string $alias[, string|null $condition = null ]) : QueryBuilder
$fromAlias : string

The alias that points to a from clause.

$join : string

The table name to join.

$alias : string

The alias of the join table.

$condition : string|null = null

The condition for the join.

Return values


Creates and adds a left join to the query.

public leftJoin(string $fromAlias, string $join, string $alias[, CompositeExpression|string|null $condition = null ]) : $this
$fromAlias : string

The alias that points to a from clause.

$join : string

The table name to join.

$alias : string

The alias of the join table.

$condition : CompositeExpression|string|null = null

The condition for the join.

Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Limits ALL currently active restrictions of the restriction container to the table aliases given

public limitRestrictionsToTables(array<string|int, mixed> $tableAliases) : void
$tableAliases : array<string|int, mixed>


Specifies an ordering for the query results.

public orderBy(string $fieldName[, string|null $order = null ]) : $this

Replaces any previously specified orderings, if any.

$fieldName : string

The fieldName to order by. Will be quoted according to database platform automatically.

$order : string|null = null

The ordering direction. No automatic quoting/escaping.

Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Adds a restriction over the groups of the query, forming a logical disjunction with any existing having restrictions.

public orHaving(mixed ...$predicates) : $this
$predicates : mixed

The restriction to add.

Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Adds one or more restrictions to the query results, forming a logical disjunction with any previously specified restrictions.

public orWhere(string|CompositeExpression ...$predicates) : $this
$predicates : string|CompositeExpression

The WHERE statement.

Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Create prepared statement out of QueryBuilder instance.

public prepare() : Statement

doctrine/dbal does not provide support for prepared statement in QueryBuilder, but as TYPO3 uses the API throughout the code via QueryBuilder, so the functionality of prepared statements for multiple executions is added.

You should be aware that this method will throw a named 'UnsupportedPreparedStatementParameterTypeException()' exception, if 'PARAM_INT_ARRAY' or 'PARAM_STR_ARRAY' is set, as this is not supported for prepared statements directly.

NamedPlaceholder are not supported, and if one or more are set a 'NamedParameterNotSupportedForPreparedStatementException' will be thrown.

Return values


Quotes a given input parameter.

public quote(string $input) : string
$input : string

The parameter to be quoted.

Return values

Often string, but also int or float or similar depending on $input and platform


Implode array to comma separated list with database int-quoted values to be used as direct value list for database 'in(...)' or 'notIn(...') expressions. Empty array will return 'NULL' as string to avoid database query failure, as 'IN()' is invalid, but 'IN(NULL)' is fine.

public quoteArrayBasedValueListToIntegerList(array<string|int, mixed> $values) : string

This method should be used with care, the preferred way is to use placeholders. It is however useful when dealing with potentially many values, which could reach placeholder limit quickly.

When working with prepared statement from QueryBuilder, use this method to proper quote array with integer values.

The method can not be used in queries that re-bind a prepared statement to change values for subsequent execution due to a PDO limitation.

Return value should only be used as value list for database queries 'in()' and 'notIn()' .

$values : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values


Implode array to comma separated list with database string-quoted values to be used as direct value list for database 'in(...)' or 'notIn(...') expressions. Empty array will return 'NULL' as string to avoid database query failure, as 'IN()' is invalid, but 'IN(NULL)' is fine.

public quoteArrayBasedValueListToStringList(array<string|int, mixed> $values) : string

This method should be used with care, the preferred way is to use placeholders. It is however useful when dealing with potentially many values, which could reach placeholder limit quickly.

When working with prepared statement from QueryBuilder, use this method to proper quote array with integer values.

The method can not be used in queries that re-bind a prepared statement to change values for subsequent execution due to a PDO limitation.

Return value should only be used as value list for database queries 'in()' and 'notIn()' .

$values : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values


Quotes an associative array of column-value so the column names can be safely used, even if the name is a reserved name.

public quoteColumnValuePairs(array<string|int, mixed> $input) : array<string|int, mixed>

Delimiting style depends on the underlying database platform that is being used.

$input : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Quotes a string so it can be safely used as a table or column name, even if it is a reserved name.

public quoteIdentifier(string $identifier) : string

Delimiting style depends on the underlying database platform that is being used.

$identifier : string

The name to be quoted.

Return values

The quoted name.


Quotes an array of column names so it can be safely used, even if the name is a reserved name.

public quoteIdentifiers(array<string|int, mixed> $input) : array<string|int, mixed>

Delimiting style depends on the underlying database platform that is being used.

$input : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Quotes an array of column names so it can be safely used, even if the name is a reserved name.

public quoteIdentifiersForSelect(array<string|int, mixed> $input) : array<string|int, mixed>

Takes into account the special case of the * placeholder that can only be used in SELECT type statements.

Delimiting style depends on the underlying database platform that is being used.

$input : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Resets the grouping for the query.

public resetGroupBy() : $this
Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Resets the HAVING conditions for the query.

public resetHaving() : $this
Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Resets the ordering for the query.

public resetOrderBy() : $this
Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Re-apply default restrictions

public resetRestrictions() : void


Resets the WHERE conditions for the query.

public resetWhere() : $this
Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Creates and adds a right join to the query.

public rightJoin(string $fromAlias, string $join, string $alias[, string|null $condition = null ]) : $this
$fromAlias : string

The alias that points to a from clause.

$join : string

The table name to join.

$alias : string

The alias of the join table.

$condition : string|null = null

The condition for the join.

Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Specifies items that are to be returned in the query result.

public select(string ...$selects) : $this

Replaces any previously specified selections, if any.

$selects : string
Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Specifies items that are to be returned in the query result.

public selectLiteral(string ...$selects) : QueryBuilder

Replaces any previously specified selections, if any. This should only be used for literal SQL expressions as no quoting/escaping of any kind will be performed on the items.

$selects : string

Literal SQL expressions to be selected. Warning: No quoting will be done!

Return values


Sets a new value for a column in a bulk update query.

public set(string $key, mixed $value[, bool $createNamedParameter = true ][, ParameterType|ArrayParameterType $type = Connection::PARAM_STR ]) : QueryBuilder
$key : string

The column to set.

$value : mixed

The value, expression, placeholder, etc.

$createNamedParameter : bool = true

Automatically create a named parameter for the value

$type : ParameterType|ArrayParameterType = Connection::PARAM_STR
Return values


Sets the position of the first result to retrieve (the "offset").

public setFirstResult(int $firstResult) : QueryBuilder
$firstResult : int

The first result to return.

Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Sets the maximum number of results to retrieve (the "limit").

public setMaxResults([int|null $maxResults = null ]) : QueryBuilder
$maxResults : int|null = null

The maximum number of results to retrieve or NULL to retrieve all results.

Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Sets a query parameter for the query being constructed.

public setParameter(int<0, max>|string $key, mixed $value[, string|ParameterType|Type|ArrayParameterType $type = ParameterType::STRING ]) : QueryBuilder
$key : int<0, max>|string

Parameter position or name

$value : mixed
$type : string|ParameterType|Type|ArrayParameterType = ParameterType::STRING
Return values


Sets a collection of query parameters for the query being constructed.

public setParameters(array<int, mixed>|array<string, mixed> $params[, array<int<0, max>, string|Type|ParameterType|ArrayParameterType>|array<string, string|Type|ParameterType|ArrayParameterType$types = [] ]) : QueryBuilder
$params : array<int, mixed>|array<string, mixed>

The query parameters to set.

$types : array<int<0, max>, string|Type|ParameterType|ArrayParameterType>|array<string, string|Type|ParameterType|ArrayParameterType> = []

The query parameters types to set.

Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Sets a value for a column in an insert query.

public setValue(string $column, mixed $value[, bool $createNamedParameter = true ]) : QueryBuilder
$column : string

The column into which the value should be inserted.

$value : mixed

The value that should be inserted into the column.

$createNamedParameter : bool = true

Automatically create a named parameter for the value

Return values


public typo3_addWith(string $name, string|QueryBuilder|ConcreteQueryBuilder|QueryBuilder $expression[, array<string|int, string> $fields = [] ][, array<string|int, string> $dependsOn = [] ]) : self
$name : string
$expression : string|QueryBuilder|ConcreteQueryBuilder|QueryBuilder
$fields : array<string|int, string> = []
$dependsOn : array<string|int, string> = []

not part of public API, experimental and may change at any given time.

Return values


public typo3_addWithRecursive(string $name, bool $uniqueRows, string|QueryBuilder|ConcreteQueryBuilder|QueryBuilder $expression, string|QueryBuilder|ConcreteQueryBuilder|QueryBuilder $initialExpression[, array<string|int, string> $fields = [] ][, array<string|int, string> $dependsOn = [] ]) : self
$name : string
$uniqueRows : bool
$expression : string|QueryBuilder|ConcreteQueryBuilder|QueryBuilder
$initialExpression : string|QueryBuilder|ConcreteQueryBuilder|QueryBuilder
$fields : array<string|int, string> = []
$dependsOn : array<string|int, string> = []

not part of public API, experimental and may change at any given time.

Return values


public typo3_with(string $name, string|QueryBuilder|ConcreteQueryBuilder|QueryBuilder $expression[, array<string|int, string> $fields = [] ][, array<string|int, string> $dependsOn = [] ]) : self
$name : string
$expression : string|QueryBuilder|ConcreteQueryBuilder|QueryBuilder
$fields : array<string|int, string> = []
$dependsOn : array<string|int, string> = []

not part of public API, experimental and may change at any given time.

Return values


public typo3_withRecursive(string $name, bool $uniqueRows, string|QueryBuilder|ConcreteQueryBuilder|QueryBuilder $expression, string|QueryBuilder|ConcreteQueryBuilder|QueryBuilder $initialExpression[, array<string|int, string> $fields = [] ][, array<string|int, string> $dependsOn = [] ]) : self
$name : string
$uniqueRows : bool
$expression : string|QueryBuilder|ConcreteQueryBuilder|QueryBuilder
$initialExpression : string|QueryBuilder|ConcreteQueryBuilder|QueryBuilder
$fields : array<string|int, string> = []
$dependsOn : array<string|int, string> = []

not part of public API, experimental and may change at any given time.

Return values


Specifies union parts to be used to build a UNION query.

public union(string|QueryBuilder|ConcreteQueryBuilder|QueryBuilder $part) : $this

Replaces any previously specified parts.

  $qb = $conn->createQueryBuilder()
    ->union('SELECT 1 AS field1', 'SELECT 2 AS field1');
$part : string|QueryBuilder|ConcreteQueryBuilder|QueryBuilder
Return values


Turns the query being built into a bulk update query that ranges over a certain table

public update(string $table) : $this
$table : string

The table whose rows are subject to the update.

Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Specifies values for an insert query indexed by column names.

public values(array<string|int, mixed> $values[, bool $createNamedParameters = true ]) : QueryBuilder

Replaces any previous values, if any.

$values : array<string|int, mixed>

The values to specify for the insert query indexed by column names.

$createNamedParameters : bool = true

Automatically create named parameters for all values

Return values


Specifies one or more restrictions to the query result.

public where(string|CompositeExpression ...$predicates) : $this

Replaces any previously specified restrictions, if any.

$predicates : string|CompositeExpression
Return values

This QueryBuilder instance.


Add the additional query conditions returned by the QueryRestrictionBuilder to the current query and return the original set of conditions so that they can be restored after the query has been built/executed.

protected addAdditionalWhereConditions() : CompositeExpression|string|null
Return values


protected getCountExpression(string $column) : string
$column : string
Return values


protected getIdentifierQuoteCharacter() : string

This method reflects needed quoted char determination for unquoteSingleIdentifier(). Until doctrine/dbal ^4 the corresponding information has been used from the database platform class which is not available anymore.

Return values


Return all tables/aliases used in FROM or JOIN query parts from the query builder.

protected getQueriedTables() : array<non-empty-string, non-empty-string>

The table names are automatically unquoted. This is a helper for to build the list of queried tables for the AbstractRestrictionContainer.

Return values
array<non-empty-string, non-empty-string>


Determine if a query part used for where or having is empty. Used as array_filter in ConcreteQueryBuilder methods. This is needed to avoid invalid sql syntax by empty parts, which can happen to relaxed custom CompositeExpression handling.

protected static isEmptyPart(CompositeExpression|string|null $value) : bool

For example used to avoid : (uid = 1) and () and (pid = 2).

$value : CompositeExpression|string|null
Return values


Unquote a single identifier (no dot expansion). Used to unquote the table names from the expressionBuilder so that the table can be found in the TCA definition.

protected unquoteSingleIdentifier(string $identifier) : string
$identifier : string

The identifier / table name

Return values

The unquoted table name / identifier

On this page

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