
Load database groups (relations) Used to process the relations created by the TCA element types - "group" - "select" - "inline" - "file" - "category" for database records. Manages MM-relations as well.

Table of Contents


$additionalWhere  : array<string|int, mixed>
$checkIfDeleted  : bool
Deleted-column is added to additionalWhere... if this is set.
$itemArray  : array<int, array<string, mixed>>
Contains items in a numeric array (table/id for each). Tablenames here might be "_NO_TABLE". Keeps the sorting of thee retrieved items.
$nonTableArray  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array for NON-table elements
$registerNonTableValues  : bool
If set, values that are not ids in tables are normally discarded. By this options they will be preserved.
$results  : array<string|int, mixed>
This array will be filled by getFromDB().
$tableArray  : array<string|int, mixed>
Contains the table names as keys. The values are the id-values for each table.
$undeleteRecord  : bool
If a record should be undeleted (so do not use the $useDeleteClause on \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility)
$currentTable  : string
Current table => Only needed for reverse relations
$firstTable  : string
Will contain the first table name in the $tablelist (for positive ids)
$MM_is_foreign  : bool
If TRUE, uid_local and uid_foreign are switched, and the current table is inserted as tablename - this means you display a foreign relation "from the opposite side"
$MM_isMultiTableRelationship  : string
Is empty by default; if MM_is_foreign is set and there is more than one table allowed (on the "local" side), then it contains the first table (as a fallback)
$MM_match_fields  : array<string|int, mixed>
Array of fields value pairs that should match while SELECT.
$MM_oppositeUsage  : array<string|int, mixed>
Usage of an MM field on the opposite relation.
$MM_table_where  : string
Extra MM table where
$multiple  : bool
When "multiple" is true, the MM table has the "uid" column as primary key. With "multiple", items can be selected more than once, combination "uid_local" and "uid_foreign" (plus "tablenames" and "fieldname" for "multi-foreign" setups) are not unique and can not be primary-keyed.
$purged  : bool
$referenceIndexUpdater  : ReferenceIndexUpdater|null
$useLiveParentIds  : bool
$useLiveReferenceIds  : bool
$workspaceId  : int|null


convertItemArray()  : bool
Converts elements in the local item array to use version ids instead of live ids, if possible. The most common use case is, to call that prior to processing with MM relations in a workspace context. For tha special case, ids on both side of the MM relation must use version ids if available.
countItems()  : mixed
Counts the items in $this->itemArray and puts this value in an array by default.
getFromDB()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Reads all records from internal tableArray into the internal ->results array where keys are table names and for each table, records are stored with uids as their keys.
getResolvedItemArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>
This method is typically called after getFromDB().
getValueArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>
After initialization, you can extract an array of the elements from the object. Use this function for that.
initializeForField()  : void
Use this method to find relations for a specific field / table of a record.
isPurged()  : bool
Whether item array has been purged in this instance.
processDeletePlaceholder()  : bool
Removes items having a delete placeholder from $this->itemArray
purgeItemArray()  : bool
setReferenceIndexUpdater()  : void
Setter to carry the 'deferred' reference index updater registry around.
setUseLiveParentIds()  : mixed
setUseLiveReferenceIds()  : mixed
setWorkspaceId()  : void
Sets the current workspace id.
start()  : mixed
Initialization of the class.
writeForeignField()  : void
Write the sorting values to a foreign_table, that has a foreign_field (uid of the parent record)
writeMM()  : mixed
Writes the internal itemArray to MM table:
completeOppositeUsageValues()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Completes MM values to be written by values from the opposite relation.
getConnectionForTableName()  : Connection
getLiveDefaultId()  : int
Gets the record uid of the live default record. If already pointing to the live record, the submitted record uid is returned.
getResolver()  : PlainDataResolver
getWorkspaceId()  : int
Gets the current workspace id.
isOnSymmetricSide()  : bool
Checks, if we're looking from the "other" side, the symmetric side, to a symmetric relation.
purgeDeletePlaceholder()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Purges ids that have a delete placeholder
purgeItemArrayHandler()  : bool
Handles a purge callback on $this->itemArray
purgeLiveVersionedIds()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Clean up the list of incoming MM connection candidates.
purgeVersionedIds()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Purges ids that are versioned.
readForeignField()  : void
Reads items from a foreign_table, that has a foreign_field (uid of the parent record) and stores the parts in the internal array itemArray and tableArray.
readList()  : mixed
Explodes the item list and stores the parts in the internal arrays itemArray and tableArray from MM records.
readMM()  : mixed
Reads the record tablename/id into the internal arrays itemArray and tableArray from MM records.
removeFromItemArray()  : bool
sanitizeIds()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Removes empty values (null, '0', 0, false).
sortList()  : mixed
Does a sorting on $this->itemArray depending on a default sortby field.



public array<string|int, mixed> $additionalWhere = []


Deleted-column is added to additionalWhere... if this is set.

public bool $checkIfDeleted = true



Contains items in a numeric array (table/id for each). Tablenames here might be "_NO_TABLE". Keeps the sorting of thee retrieved items.

public array<int, array<string, mixed>> $itemArray = []


Array for NON-table elements

public array<string|int, mixed> $nonTableArray = []


If set, values that are not ids in tables are normally discarded. By this options they will be preserved.

public bool $registerNonTableValues = false


This array will be filled by getFromDB().

public array<string|int, mixed> $results = []


Contains the table names as keys. The values are the id-values for each table.

public array<string|int, mixed> $tableArray = []

Should ONLY contain proper table names.


If a record should be undeleted (so do not use the $useDeleteClause on \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility)

public bool $undeleteRecord = false


Current table => Only needed for reverse relations

protected string $currentTable = ''


Will contain the first table name in the $tablelist (for positive ids)

protected string $firstTable = ''


If TRUE, uid_local and uid_foreign are switched, and the current table is inserted as tablename - this means you display a foreign relation "from the opposite side"

protected bool $MM_is_foreign = false


Is empty by default; if MM_is_foreign is set and there is more than one table allowed (on the "local" side), then it contains the first table (as a fallback)

protected string $MM_isMultiTableRelationship = ''


Array of fields value pairs that should match while SELECT.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $MM_match_fields = []


Usage of an MM field on the opposite relation.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $MM_oppositeUsage


Extra MM table where

protected string $MM_table_where = ''


When "multiple" is true, the MM table has the "uid" column as primary key. With "multiple", items can be selected more than once, combination "uid_local" and "uid_foreign" (plus "tablenames" and "fieldname" for "multi-foreign" setups) are not unique and can not be primary-keyed.

protected bool $multiple = false

Query results and insert/update operations are influenced by this a bit.


protected bool $useLiveParentIds = true


protected bool $useLiveReferenceIds = true


protected int|null $workspaceId = null



Converts elements in the local item array to use version ids instead of live ids, if possible. The most common use case is, to call that prior to processing with MM relations in a workspace context. For tha special case, ids on both side of the MM relation must use version ids if available.

public convertItemArray() : bool
Return values

Whether items have been converted


Counts the items in $this->itemArray and puts this value in an array by default.

public countItems([bool $returnAsArray = true ]) : mixed
$returnAsArray : bool = true

Whether to put the count value in an array

Return values

The plain count as integer or the same inside an array


Reads all records from internal tableArray into the internal ->results array where keys are table names and for each table, records are stored with uids as their keys.

public getFromDB() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


This method is typically called after getFromDB().

public getResolvedItemArray() : array<string|int, mixed>

$this->results holds a list of resolved and valid relations, $this->itemArray hold a list of "selected" relations from the incoming selection array. The difference is that "itemArray" may hold a single table/uid combination multiple times, for instance in a type=group relation having multiple=true, while "results" hold each resolved relation only once. The method creates a sanitized "itemArray" from resolved "results" list, normalized the return array to always contain both table name and uid, and keep incoming "itemArray" sort order and keeps "multiple" selections.

In addition, the item array contains the full record to be used later-on and save database queries. This method keeps the ordering intact.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


After initialization, you can extract an array of the elements from the object. Use this function for that.

public getValueArray([bool $prependTableName = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$prependTableName : bool = false

If set, then table names will ALWAYS be prepended (unless its a _NO_TABLE value)

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

A numeric array.


Use this method to find relations for a specific field / table of a record.

public initializeForField(string $tableName, array<string|int, mixed>|FieldTypeInterface $fieldConfiguration, array<string|int, mixed>|string|int|null $baseRecordOrUid[, string|int|float|array<string|int, mixed>|null $currentValue = null ]) : void

Once the initializeForField() method was called, the resolved IDs can be used via ->getValueArray() et al.

$tableName : string
$fieldConfiguration : array<string|int, mixed>|FieldTypeInterface
$baseRecordOrUid : array<string|int, mixed>|string|int|null
$currentValue : string|int|float|array<string|int, mixed>|null = null


Whether item array has been purged in this instance.

public isPurged() : bool
Return values


Removes items having a delete placeholder from $this->itemArray

public processDeletePlaceholder() : bool
Return values

Whether items have been purged


public purgeItemArray([int|null $workspaceId = null ]) : bool
$workspaceId : int|null = null

It should be possible to drop all three 'purge' methods by using a clever join within readMM - that sounds doable now with pid -1 and ws-pair records being gone since v11. It would resolve this indirect callback logic and would reduce some queries. The (workspace) mm tests should be complete enough now to verify if a change like that would do.

Return values

Whether items have been purged


Setter to carry the 'deferred' reference index updater registry around.

public setReferenceIndexUpdater(ReferenceIndexUpdater $updater) : void
$updater : ReferenceIndexUpdater

Used internally within DataHandler only


public setUseLiveParentIds(bool $useLiveParentIds) : mixed
$useLiveParentIds : bool


public setUseLiveReferenceIds(bool $useLiveReferenceIds) : mixed
$useLiveReferenceIds : bool


Sets the current workspace id.

public setWorkspaceId(int $workspaceId) : void
$workspaceId : int


Initialization of the class.

public start(string $itemlist, string $tablelist[, string $MMtable = '' ][, int|string $MMuid = 0 ][, string $currentTable = '' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $conf = [] ]) : mixed
$itemlist : string

List of group/select items

$tablelist : string

Comma list of tables, first table takes priority if no table is set for an entry in the list.

$MMtable : string = ''

Name of a MM table.

$MMuid : int|string = 0

Local UID for MM lookup. May be a string for newly created elements.

$currentTable : string = ''

Current table name

$conf : array<string|int, mixed> = []

TCA configuration for current field


Write the sorting values to a foreign_table, that has a foreign_field (uid of the parent record)

public writeForeignField(array<string|int, mixed> $conf, int $parentUid[, int $updateToUid = 0 ]) : void
$conf : array<string|int, mixed>

TCA configuration for current field

$parentUid : int

The uid of the parent record

$updateToUid : int = 0

If this is larger than zero it will be used as foreign UID instead of the given $parentUid (on Copy)


Writes the internal itemArray to MM table:

public writeMM(string $MM_tableName, int $uid[, bool $prependTableName = false ]) : mixed
$MM_tableName : string

MM table name

$uid : int

Local UID

$prependTableName : bool = false

If set, then table names will always be written.


Completes MM values to be written by values from the opposite relation.

protected completeOppositeUsageValues(string $tableName, array<string|int, mixed> $referenceValues) : array<string|int, mixed>

This method used MM insert field or MM match fields if defined.

$tableName : string

Name of the opposite table

$referenceValues : array<string|int, mixed>

Values to be written

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Values to be written, possibly modified


protected getConnectionForTableName(string $tableName) : Connection
$tableName : string
Return values


Gets the record uid of the live default record. If already pointing to the live record, the submitted record uid is returned.

protected getLiveDefaultId(string $tableName, int|string $id) : int
$tableName : string
$id : int|string
Return values


protected getResolver(string $tableName, array<string|int, int> $ids[, array<string|int, mixed>|null $sortingStatement = null ]) : PlainDataResolver
$tableName : string
$ids : array<string|int, int>
$sortingStatement : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
Return values


Gets the current workspace id.

protected getWorkspaceId() : int
Return values


Checks, if we're looking from the "other" side, the symmetric side, to a symmetric relation.

protected isOnSymmetricSide(string $parentUid, array<string|int, mixed> $parentConf, array<string|int, mixed> $childRec) : bool
$parentUid : string

The uid of the parent record

$parentConf : array<string|int, mixed>

The TCA configuration of the parent field embedding the child records

$childRec : array<string|int, mixed>

The record row of the child record

Return values

Returns TRUE if looking from the symmetric ("other") side to the relation.


Purges ids that have a delete placeholder

protected purgeDeletePlaceholder(string $tableName, array<string|int, mixed> $ids) : array<string|int, mixed>
$tableName : string
$ids : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Handles a purge callback on $this->itemArray

protected purgeItemArrayHandler(string $purgeCallback, int $workspaceId) : bool
$purgeCallback : string
$workspaceId : int
Return values

Whether items have been purged


Clean up the list of incoming MM connection candidates.

protected purgeLiveVersionedIds(string $tableName, array<string|int, mixed> $candidateUidList, int $targetWorkspaceUid) : array<string|int, mixed>

readMM() results in a uid list that contains:

  • uids of all live MM connections
  • uids of workspace connections of all workspaces The method filters this candidate list:
  • Remove candidates of different workspaces
  • Remove live candidates that do have a workspace overlay
$tableName : string
$candidateUidList : array<string|int, mixed>
$targetWorkspaceUid : int

It should be possible to merge this method into main query of readMM() directly to avoid the chunked query. Note purgeVersionedIds() does a similar thing when requesting live, to throw away workspace connections.


It would be possible to filter delete placeholder rows here as well, but this needs bigger refactoring of the class, since purgeDeletePlaceholder() is public and only called on demand.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Purges ids that are versioned.

protected purgeVersionedIds(string $tableName, array<string|int, mixed> $ids) : array<string|int, mixed>
$tableName : string
$ids : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Reads items from a foreign_table, that has a foreign_field (uid of the parent record) and stores the parts in the internal array itemArray and tableArray.

protected readForeignField(int $uid, array<string|int, mixed> $conf) : void
$uid : int

The uid of the parent record (this value is also on the foreign_table in the foreign_field)

$conf : array<string|int, mixed>

TCA configuration for current field


Explodes the item list and stores the parts in the internal arrays itemArray and tableArray from MM records.

protected readList(string $itemlist, array<string|int, mixed> $configuration) : mixed
$itemlist : string

Item list

$configuration : array<string|int, mixed>

Parent field configuration


Reads the record tablename/id into the internal arrays itemArray and tableArray from MM records.

protected readMM(string $tableName, int|string $uid, string $mmOppositeTable) : mixed
$tableName : string

MM Tablename

$uid : int|string

Local UID

$mmOppositeTable : string

Opposite table name


The source record is not checked for correct workspace. Say there is a category 5 in workspace 1. setWorkspace(0) is called, after that readMM('sys_category_record_mm', 5 ...). readMM will still return the list of records connected to this workspace 1 item, even though workspace 0 has been set.


protected removeFromItemArray(string $tableName, mixed $id) : bool
$tableName : string
$id : mixed
Return values


Removes empty values (null, '0', 0, false).

protected sanitizeIds(array<string|int, int> $ids) : array<string|int, mixed>
$ids : array<string|int, int>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Does a sorting on $this->itemArray depending on a default sortby field.

protected sortList(string $sortby) : mixed

This is only used for automatic sorting of comma separated lists. This function is only relevant for data that is stored in comma separated lists!

$sortby : string

The default_sortby field/command (e.g. 'price DESC')

On this page

Search results