FlexFormService implements SingletonInterface

Utilities to process flexForms

Table of Contents


"empty" interface for singletons (marker interface pattern)


convertFlexFormContentToArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Parses the flexForm content and converts it to an array The resulting array will be multi-dimensional, as a value "bla.blubb" results in two levels, and a value "bla.blubb.bla" results in three levels.
walkFlexFormNode()  : mixed
Parses a flexForm node recursively and takes care of sections etc



Parses the flexForm content and converts it to an array The resulting array will be multi-dimensional, as a value "bla.blubb" results in two levels, and a value "bla.blubb.bla" results in three levels.

public convertFlexFormContentToArray(string $flexFormContent[, string $languagePointer = 'lDEF' ][, string $valuePointer = 'vDEF' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

Note: multi-language flexForms are not supported yet

$flexFormContent : string

flexForm xml string

$languagePointer : string = 'lDEF'

language pointer used in the flexForm

$valuePointer : string = 'vDEF'

value pointer used in the flexForm

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Parses a flexForm node recursively and takes care of sections etc

public walkFlexFormNode(mixed $nodeArray[, string $valuePointer = 'vDEF' ]) : mixed
$nodeArray : mixed

The flexForm node to parse

$valuePointer : string = 'vDEF'

The valuePointer to use for value retrieval

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