LatestChangedPagesWidget implements WidgetInterface, RequestAwareWidgetInterface

This widget will show a list of pages where latest changes in pages and tt_content where made. The sys_history is used to get the latest changes.

The list contains:

  • datetime of change
  • user (avatar, icon, name and realName)
  • page title and rootline
  • controls (show history, view webpage, edit page content, edit page properties)

The following options are available during registration:

  • limit int number of pages to show in list
  • historyLimit int number of sys_history records to be fetched in order to find limit number of pages. Increase this value if number of pages in list is not achieved.

Table of Contents


The WidgetInterface is the base interface for all kind of widgets.
Interface for widgets that need the ServerRequestInterface Request.


__construct()  : mixed
getOptions()  : array<string|int, mixed>
This method returns the options of the widget as set in the registration.
renderWidgetContent()  : string
This method returns the content of a widget. The returned markup will be delivered by an AJAX call and will not be escaped.
setRequest()  : void



This method returns the options of the widget as set in the registration.

public getOptions() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


This method returns the content of a widget. The returned markup will be delivered by an AJAX call and will not be escaped.

public renderWidgetContent() : string

Be aware of XSS and ensure that the content is well encoded.

Return values


public setRequest(ServerRequestInterface $request) : void
$request : ServerRequestInterface

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