Typo3QuerySettings implements QuerySettingsInterface

Query settings, reflects the settings unique to TYPO3 CMS.

$public: true
$shared: false

Table of Contents


A query settings interface. This interface is NOT part of the TYPO3.Flow API.


$configurationManager  : ConfigurationManagerInterface
$context  : Context
$enableFieldsToBeIgnored  : array<string|int, mixed>
An array of column names in the enable columns array (array keys in $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns']), to be ignored while building the query statement
$ignoreEnableFields  : bool
A flag indicating whether all or some enable fields should be ignored. If TRUE, all enable fields are ignored.
$includeDeleted  : bool
Flag whether deleted records should be included in the result set.
$languageAspect  : LanguageAspect
$respectStoragePage  : bool
Flag if the storage page should be respected for the query.
$respectSysLanguage  : bool
Flag if the sys_language_uid should be respected (default is TRUE).
$storagePageIds  : array<string|int, mixed>
the pid(s) of the storage page(s) that should be respected for the query.


__construct()  : mixed
getEnableFieldsToBeIgnored()  : array<string|int, string>
An array of column names in the enable columns array (array keys in $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns']), to be ignored while building the query statement.
getIgnoreEnableFields()  : bool
The returned value indicates whether all or some enable fields should be ignored.
getIncludeDeleted()  : bool
Returns if the query should return objects that are deleted.
getLanguageAspect()  : LanguageAspect
getRespectStoragePage()  : bool
Returns the state, if the storage page should be respected for the query.
getRespectSysLanguage()  : bool
Returns the state, if record language should be checked when querying
getStoragePageIds()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns the pid(s) of the storage page(s) that should be respected for the query.
setEnableFieldsToBeIgnored()  : $this
An array of column names in the enable columns array (array keys in $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns']), to be ignored while building the query statement. Adding a column name here effectively switches off filtering by this column. This setting is only taken into account if $this->ignoreEnableFields = TRUE.
setIgnoreEnableFields()  : $this
Sets a flag indicating whether all or some enable fields should be ignored. If TRUE, all enable fields are ignored.
setIncludeDeleted()  : $this
Sets the flag if the query should return objects that are deleted.
setLanguageAspect()  : $this
Overrides the main language aspect, defined in the main Context API
setRespectStoragePage()  : $this
Sets the flag if the storage page should be respected for the query.
setRespectSysLanguage()  : $this
Sets the flag if record language should be respected when querying.
setStoragePageIds()  : $this
Sets the pid(s) of the storage page(s) that should be respected for the query.



An array of column names in the enable columns array (array keys in $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns']), to be ignored while building the query statement

protected array<string|int, mixed> $enableFieldsToBeIgnored = []


A flag indicating whether all or some enable fields should be ignored. If TRUE, all enable fields are ignored.

protected bool $ignoreEnableFields = false

If--in addition to this--enableFieldsToBeIgnored is set, only fields specified there are ignored. If FALSE, all enable fields are taken into account, regardless of the enableFieldsToBeIgnored setting.


Flag whether deleted records should be included in the result set.

protected bool $includeDeleted = false


Flag if the storage page should be respected for the query.

protected bool $respectStoragePage = true


Flag if the sys_language_uid should be respected (default is TRUE).

protected bool $respectSysLanguage = true


the pid(s) of the storage page(s) that should be respected for the query.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $storagePageIds = []



An array of column names in the enable columns array (array keys in $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns']), to be ignored while building the query statement.

public getEnableFieldsToBeIgnored() : array<string|int, string>
Return values
array<string|int, string>


The returned value indicates whether all or some enable fields should be ignored.

public getIgnoreEnableFields() : bool

If TRUE, all enable fields are ignored. If--in addition to this--enableFieldsToBeIgnored is set, only fields specified there are ignored. If FALSE, all enable fields are taken into account, regardless of the enableFieldsToBeIgnored setting.

Return values


Returns if the query should return objects that are deleted.

public getIncludeDeleted() : bool
Return values


Returns the state, if the storage page should be respected for the query.

public getRespectStoragePage() : bool
Return values

TRUE, if the storage page should be respected; otherwise FALSE.


Returns the state, if record language should be checked when querying

public getRespectSysLanguage() : bool
Return values

TRUE if TYPO3 language settings are to be applied


Returns the pid(s) of the storage page(s) that should be respected for the query.

public getStoragePageIds() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

list of integers that each represent a storage page id


An array of column names in the enable columns array (array keys in $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns']), to be ignored while building the query statement. Adding a column name here effectively switches off filtering by this column. This setting is only taken into account if $this->ignoreEnableFields = TRUE.

public setEnableFieldsToBeIgnored(array<string|int, mixed> $enableFieldsToBeIgnored) : $this
$enableFieldsToBeIgnored : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values

fluent interface


Sets a flag indicating whether all or some enable fields should be ignored. If TRUE, all enable fields are ignored.

public setIgnoreEnableFields(bool $ignoreEnableFields) : $this

If--in addition to this--enableFieldsToBeIgnored is set, only fields specified there are ignored. If FALSE, all enable fields are taken into account, regardless of the enableFieldsToBeIgnored setting.

$ignoreEnableFields : bool
Return values

fluent interface


Sets the flag if the query should return objects that are deleted.

public setIncludeDeleted(bool $includeDeleted) : $this
$includeDeleted : bool
Return values

fluent interface


Overrides the main language aspect, defined in the main Context API

public setLanguageAspect(LanguageAspect $languageAspect) : $this
$languageAspect : LanguageAspect
Return values

fluent interface


Sets the flag if the storage page should be respected for the query.

public setRespectStoragePage(bool $respectStoragePage) : $this
$respectStoragePage : bool

If TRUE the storage page ID will be determined and the statement will be extended accordingly.

Return values

fluent interface


Sets the flag if record language should be respected when querying.

public setRespectSysLanguage(bool $respectSysLanguage) : $this
$respectSysLanguage : bool

TRUE if TYPO3 language settings are to be applied

Return values

fluent interface


Sets the pid(s) of the storage page(s) that should be respected for the query.

public setStoragePageIds(array<string|int, mixed> $storagePageIds) : $this
$storagePageIds : array<string|int, mixed>

If given the storage page IDs will be determined and the statement will be extended accordingly.

Return values

fluent interface

On this page

Search results