CacheService implements SingletonInterface

Cache clearing helper functions


only to be used within Extbase, not part of TYPO3 Core API.

Table of Contents


"empty" interface for singletons (marker interface pattern)


$clearCacheForTables  : array<string|int, mixed>
$pageIdStack  : SplStack


__construct()  : mixed
clearCacheForRecord()  : void
Stores a record into the stack to resolve the page IDs later-on to clear the caches on these pages then.
clearCachesOfRegisteredPageIds()  : void
First, this method checks, if any records are registered (usually via Database Backend) to be analyzed for a page record, if so, adds additional page IDs to the pageIdStack.
clearPageCache()  : void
Clears the page cache
getPageIdStack()  : SplStack
clearPageCacheForGivenRecord()  : void
Finds the right PID(s) of a given record and loads the TYPO3 page cache for the given record.



protected array<string|int, mixed> $clearCacheForTables = []


protected SplStack $pageIdStack



Stores a record into the stack to resolve the page IDs later-on to clear the caches on these pages then.

public clearCacheForRecord(string $table, int $uid) : void

Make sure to call clearCachesOfRegisteredPageIds() afterwards.

$table : string
$uid : int


First, this method checks, if any records are registered (usually via Database Backend) to be analyzed for a page record, if so, adds additional page IDs to the pageIdStack.

public clearCachesOfRegisteredPageIds() : void

Walks through the pageIdStack, collects all pageIds as array and passes them on to clearPageCache.


Clears the page cache

public clearPageCache([int|array<string|int, int> $pageIdsToClear = null ]) : void
$pageIdsToClear : int|array<string|int, int> = null

single or multiple pageIds to clear the cache for


public getPageIdStack() : SplStack
Return values


Finds the right PID(s) of a given record and loads the TYPO3 page cache for the given record.

protected clearPageCacheForGivenRecord(string $tableName, int $uid) : void

If the record lies on a page, then we clear the cache of this page. If the record has no PID column, we clear the cache of the current page as best-effort.

Much of this functionality is taken from DataHandler::clear_cache() which unfortunately only works with logged-in BE user.

$tableName : string

Table name of the record

$uid : int

UID of the record

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