BulkExtensionRepositoryWriter implements SplObserver

Importer object for extension list, which handles the XML parser and writes directly into the database.


This class is a specific domain repository implementation and is not part of the Public TYPO3 API.

$public: true

Table of Contents




$arrRows  : array<string|int, mixed>
Keeps record values to be inserted into database.
$connectionPool  : ConnectionPool
$extensionModel  : Extension
$extensionRepository  : ExtensionRepository
$fieldNames  : array<string|int, mixed>
Keeps fieldnames of tx_extensionmanager_domain_model_extension table.
$maxRowsPerChunk  : int
Maximum of rows that can be used in a bulk insert for the current database platform.
$minimumDateToImport  : int
Only import extensions newer than this date (timestamp), see constructor
$parser  : ExtensionXmlParser
$remoteIdentifier  : string
Keeps the information from which remote the extension list was fetched.
$sumRecords  : int
Keeps number of processed version records.


__construct()  : mixed
Method retrieves and initializes extension XML parser instance.
import()  : void
Method initializes parsing of extension.xml.gz file.
update()  : void
Method receives an update from a subject.
fetchMaximalVersionsForAllExtensions()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Fetches the UIDs of all maximal versions for all extensions.
loadIntoDatabase()  : void
Method collects and stores extension version details into the database.
markExtensionWithMaximumVersionAsCurrent()  : void
Sets current_version = 1 for all extensions where the extension version is maximal.



Keeps record values to be inserted into database.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $arrRows = []


Keeps fieldnames of tx_extensionmanager_domain_model_extension table.

protected static array<string|int, mixed> $fieldNames = ['extension_key', 'version', 'integer_version', 'current_version', 'alldownloadcounter', 'downloadcounter', 'title', 'ownerusername', 'author_name', 'author_email', 'authorcompany', 'last_updated', 'md5hash', 'remote', 'state', 'review_state', 'category', 'description', 'serialized_dependencies', 'update_comment', 'documentation_link', 'distribution_image', 'distribution_welcome_image']


Maximum of rows that can be used in a bulk insert for the current database platform.

protected int $maxRowsPerChunk = 50


Only import extensions newer than this date (timestamp), see constructor

protected int $minimumDateToImport


Keeps the information from which remote the extension list was fetched.

protected string $remoteIdentifier


Keeps number of processed version records.

protected int $sumRecords = 0



Method initializes parsing of extension.xml.gz file.

public import(string $localExtensionListFile, string $remoteIdentifier) : void
$localExtensionListFile : string

absolute path to extension list xml.gz

$remoteIdentifier : string

identifier of the remote when inserting records into DB


Method receives an update from a subject.

public update(SplSubject $subject) : void
$subject : SplSubject

a subject notifying this observer


Fetches the UIDs of all maximal versions for all extensions.

protected fetchMaximalVersionsForAllExtensions(string $remoteIdentifier) : array<string|int, mixed>

This is done by doing a LEFT JOIN to itself ("a" and "b") and comparing both integer_version fields.

$remoteIdentifier : string
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Method collects and stores extension version details into the database.

protected loadIntoDatabase(ExtensionXmlParser $subject) : void
$subject : ExtensionXmlParser

a subject notifying this observer


Sets current_version = 1 for all extensions where the extension version is maximal.

protected markExtensionWithMaximumVersionAsCurrent(string $remoteIdentifier) : void

For performance reasons, the "native" database connection is used here directly.

$remoteIdentifier : string

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