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Factory class registered in ServiceProvider to create a RenderingContext.

This is a low level factory always registered, even in failsafe mode: fluid is needed in install tool which does not rely on the normal (cached) symfony DI mechanism - Services.yaml is ignored in failsafe mode.

A casual failsafe instantiation / injection using ServiceProvider.php wouldn't need this factory. But the failsafe mechanism is strict and relies on two things: The service is public: true, this is the case with RenderingContext. And the service is shared: true - a stateless singleton. This is not true for RenderingContext, it by definition relies on context and must be created a-new per fluid parsing instance.

To allow creating RenderingContext objects in failsafe mode, this factory is registered as service provider to dynamically prepare instances.


May change / vanish any time

Table of Contents


__construct()  : mixed
create()  : RenderingContext



public create([array<string|int, mixed> $templatePathsArray = [] ][, ServerRequestInterface|null $request = null ]) : RenderingContext
$templatePathsArray : array<string|int, mixed> = []
$request : ServerRequestInterface|null = null
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