
A service provider provides entries to a container. Inspired by:


Table of Contents


getExtensions()  : array<string|int, callable>
Returns a list of all container entries extended by this service provider.
getFactories()  : array<string|int, callable>
Returns a list of all container entries registered by this service provider.



Returns a list of all container entries extended by this service provider.

public getExtensions() : array<string|int, callable>
  • the key is the entry name
  • the value is a callable that will return the modified entry

Callables have the following signature: function(Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $container, $previous) or function(Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $container, $previous = null)

About factories parameters:

  • the container (instance of Psr\Container\ContainerInterface)
  • the entry to be extended. If the entry to be extended does not exist and the parameter is nullable, null will be passed.
Return values
array<string|int, callable>


Returns a list of all container entries registered by this service provider.

public getFactories() : array<string|int, callable>
  • the key is the entry name
  • the value is a callable that will return the entry, aka the factory

Factories have the following signature: function(\Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $container)

Return values
array<string|int, callable>

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