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Custom driver middleware can implement this interface to decide per connection and connection configuration if it should be used or not. For example, registering a global driver middleware which only takes affect on connections using a specific driver like `pdo_sqlite`.


The `php-ext PDO` based pdo_* driver can return column data in query result sets as type `resource`, where the `mysqli` based driver returns type `string` instead. Dealing with data of type `resources`, for special driver, is not a well known technical detail in the broader php and TYPO3 developer community. Therefore, the TYPO3 core provided custom pdo_* driver implementation to provide a specific `DriverResult` class, which resolves this issue by converting type `resource` column data directly to string in `\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Driver\DriverResult` within the method `mapResourceToString()` and uses it in the related methods.
Wraps the driver to ensure extended *Platform classes are used for connections.

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