Table of Contents
- Access
- Event
- Persistence
- Record
- Repository
- EqualityInterface
- Interface that indicated an object can be compared for equality with other instances.
- RecordInterface
- An interface for database / TCA records.
- ConsumableString
- String wrapper that keeps track of how often the value was consumed.
- Page
- RawRecord
- Holds all properties of a raw database row with unfiltered and unprocessed values.
- Record
- Represents a record with all properties valid for this record type.
- RecordFactory
- Creates record objects out of TCA-based database rows by evaluating the TCA columns and splitting
everything which is not a declared column for a TCA type. This is usually the case when a TCA table
has a 'typeField' defined, such as "pages", "be_users" and "tt_content".
- RecordPropertyClosure
- Used to initialize a record once a property is accessed
- PropertyTrait