Table of Contents
- LineInterface
- The TypoScript tokenizers deliver streams of lines. This is the main line interface.
- AbstractLine
- Implement main LineInterface methods.
- BlockCloseLine
- A block close line, essentially "}".
- CommentLine
- A commented TypoScript line: Lines that start with "#", "//" and multiline comments "/* ... *\/"
- ConditionElseLine
- "[ELSE]" / "[else]": An else block after a starting ConditionLine.
- ConditionLine
- A condition line: "[foo == bar]".
- ConditionStopLine
- A line stopping current ConditionLine context:
"[END]" / "[end]" / "[GLOBAL]" / "[global]".
- EmptyLine
- A completely empty line, or a line consisting of tabs or whitespaces only.
- IdentifierAssignmentLine
- Simple "=" assignments and multiline "(" assignments: " = barValue".
- IdentifierBlockOpenLine
- A block open line: " {".
- IdentifierCopyLine
- A line using the copy operator: " < lib.myLib".
- IdentifierFunctionLine
- A line with a function assignment using the ":=" operator: " := addToList(42)".
- IdentifierReferenceLine
- A line using the reference ("=<") operator: " =< lib.myLib".
- IdentifierUnsetLine
- A line using the unset (">") operator: " >".
- ImportLine
- A line using the "@import" keyword: "@import 'EXT:my_extension/Configuration/TypoScript/randomfile.typoscript'"
- InvalidLine
- A line that is syntactically invalid.
- LineStream
- Each TypoScript snippet is turned by the tokenizers into a
stream of lines. Tokenizers return instances of this class.