‪TYPO3CMS  10.4
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
3 declare(strict_types=1);
5 /*
6  * This file is part of the TYPO3 CMS project.
7  *
8  * It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
9  * the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 2
10  * of the License, or any later version.
11  *
12  * For the full copyright and license information, please read the
13  * LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.
14  *
15  * The TYPO3 project - inspiring people to share!
16  */
54 class ‪Check implements ‪CheckInterface
55 {
59  protected ‪$messageQueue;
64  protected ‪$requiredPhpExtensions = [
65  'filter',
66  'gd',
67  'hash',
68  'json',
69  'libxml',
70  'PDO',
71  'session',
72  'SPL',
73  'standard',
74  'xml',
75  'zip',
76  'zlib',
77  ];
82  protected ‪$suggestedPhpExtensions = [
83  'fileinfo' => 'This extension is used for proper file type detection in the File Abstraction Layer.',
84  'intl' => 'This extension is used for correct language and locale handling.',
85  'openssl' => 'This extension is used for sending SMTP mails over an encrypted channel endpoint, and for extensions such as "rsaauth".'
86  ];
88  public function ‪__construct()
89  {
90  $this->messageQueue = new ‪FlashMessageQueue('install');
91  }
93  public function ‪getMessageQueue(): ‪FlashMessageQueue
94  {
96  }
103  public function ‪getStatus(): FlashMessageQueue
104  {
106  $this->‪checkFileUploadEnabled();
108  $this->‪checkMemorySettings();
109  $this->‪checkPhpVersion();
110  $this->‪checkMaxExecutionTime();
111  $this->‪checkDisableFunctions();
112  $this->‪checkDocRoot();
113  $this->‪checkOpenBaseDir();
116  $this->‪checkMaxInputVars();
120  foreach ($this->requiredPhpExtensions as $extension) {
121  $this->‪checkPhpExtension($extension);
122  }
124  foreach ($this->suggestedPhpExtensions as $extension => $purpose) {
125  $this->‪checkPhpExtension($extension, false, $purpose);
126  }
128  $this->‪checkPcreVersion();
130  $this->‪checkGdLibGifSupport();
131  $this->‪checkGdLibJpgSupport();
132  $this->‪checkGdLibPngSupport();
135  return ‪$this->messageQueue;
136  }
141  protected function ‪checkCurrentDirectoryIsInIncludePath()
142  {
143  $includePath = (string)ini_get('include_path');
144  $delimiter = $this->‪isWindowsOs() ? ';' : ':';
145  $pathArray = $this->‪trimExplode($delimiter, $includePath);
146  if (!in_array('.', $pathArray)) {
147  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
148  'include_path = ' . implode(' ', $pathArray) . LF
149  . 'Normally the current path \'.\' is included in the'
150  . ' include_path of PHP. Although TYPO3 does not rely on this,'
151  . ' it is an unusual setting that may introduce problems for'
152  . ' some extensions.',
153  'Current directory (./) is not within PHP include path',
155  ));
156  } else {
157  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
158  '',
159  'Current directory (./) is within PHP include path.'
160  ));
161  }
162  }
167  protected function ‪checkFileUploadEnabled()
168  {
169  if (!ini_get('file_uploads')) {
170  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
171  'file_uploads=' . ini_get('file_uploads') . LF
172  . 'TYPO3 uses the ability to upload files from the browser in various cases.'
173  . ' If this flag is disabled in PHP, you won\'t be able to upload files.'
174  . ' But it doesn\'t end here, because not only are files not accepted by'
175  . ' the server - ALL content in the forms are discarded and therefore'
176  . ' nothing at all will be editable if you don\'t set this flag!',
177  'File uploads not allowed in PHP',
179  ));
180  } else {
181  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
182  '',
183  'File uploads allowed in PHP'
184  ));
185  }
186  }
192  {
193  $maximumUploadFilesize = $this->‪getBytesFromSizeMeasurement((string)ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
194  $maximumPostSize = $this->‪getBytesFromSizeMeasurement((string)ini_get('post_max_size'));
195  if ($maximumPostSize > 0 && $maximumPostSize < $maximumUploadFilesize) {
196  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
197  'upload_max_filesize=' . ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . LF
198  . 'post_max_size=' . ini_get('post_max_size') . LF
199  . 'You have defined a maximum size for file uploads in PHP which'
200  . ' exceeds the allowed size for POST requests. Therefore the'
201  . ' file uploads can also not be larger than ' . ini_get('post_max_size') . '.',
202  'Maximum size for POST requests is smaller than maximum upload filesize in PHP',
204  ));
205  } elseif ($maximumPostSize === $maximumUploadFilesize) {
206  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
207  'The maximum size for file uploads is set to ' . ini_get('upload_max_filesize'),
208  'Maximum post upload size correlates with maximum upload file size in PHP'
209  ));
210  } else {
211  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
212  'The maximum size for file uploads is set to ' . ini_get('upload_max_filesize'),
213  'Maximum post upload size is higher than maximum upload file size in PHP, which is fine.'
214  ));
215  }
216  }
221  protected function ‪checkMemorySettings()
222  {
223  $minimumMemoryLimit = 64;
224  $recommendedMemoryLimit = 128;
225  $memoryLimit = $this->‪getBytesFromSizeMeasurement((string)ini_get('memory_limit'));
226  if ($memoryLimit <= 0) {
227  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
228  'PHP is configured not to limit memory usage at all. This is a risk'
229  . ' and should be avoided in production setup. In general it\'s best practice to limit this.'
230  . ' To be safe, set a limit in PHP, but with a minimum of ' . $recommendedMemoryLimit . 'MB:' . LF
231  . 'memory_limit=' . $recommendedMemoryLimit . 'M',
232  'Unlimited memory limit for PHP',
234  ));
235  } elseif ($memoryLimit < 1024 * 1024 * $minimumMemoryLimit) {
236  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
237  'memory_limit=' . ini_get('memory_limit') . LF
238  . 'Your system is configured to enforce a memory limit for PHP scripts lower than '
239  . $minimumMemoryLimit . 'MB. It is required to raise the limit.'
240  . ' We recommend a minimum PHP memory limit of ' . $recommendedMemoryLimit . 'MB:' . LF
241  . 'memory_limit=' . $recommendedMemoryLimit . 'M',
242  'PHP Memory limit below ' . $minimumMemoryLimit . 'MB',
244  ));
245  } elseif ($memoryLimit < 1024 * 1024 * $recommendedMemoryLimit) {
246  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
247  'memory_limit=' . ini_get('memory_limit') . LF
248  . 'Your system is configured to enforce a memory limit for PHP scripts lower than '
249  . $recommendedMemoryLimit . 'MB.'
250  . ' A slim TYPO3 instance without many extensions will probably work, but you should monitor your'
251  . ' system for "allowed memory size of X bytes exhausted" messages, especially if using the backend.'
252  . ' To be on the safe side, we recommend a minimum PHP memory limit of '
253  . $recommendedMemoryLimit . 'MB:' . LF
254  . 'memory_limit=' . $recommendedMemoryLimit . 'M',
255  'PHP Memory limit below ' . $recommendedMemoryLimit . 'MB',
257  ));
258  } else {
259  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
260  '',
261  'PHP Memory limit is equal to or more than ' . $recommendedMemoryLimit . 'MB'
262  ));
263  }
264  }
269  protected function ‪checkPhpVersion()
270  {
271  $minimumPhpVersion = '7.2.0';
272  $currentPhpVersion = PHP_VERSION;
273  if (version_compare($currentPhpVersion, $minimumPhpVersion) < 0) {
274  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
275  'Your PHP version ' . $currentPhpVersion . ' is too old. TYPO3 CMS does not run'
276  . ' with this version. Update to at least PHP ' . $minimumPhpVersion,
277  'PHP version too low',
279  ));
280  } else {
281  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
282  '',
283  'PHP version is fine'
284  ));
285  }
286  }
291  protected function ‪checkPcreVersion()
292  {
293  $minimumPcreVersion = '8.38';
294  if (!extension_loaded('pcre')) {
295  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
296  'TYPO3 CMS uses PHP extension pcre but it is not loaded'
297  . ' in your environment. Change your environment to provide this extension'
298  . ' in with minimum version ' . $minimumPcreVersion . '.',
299  'PHP extension pcre not loaded',
301  ));
302  } else {
303  $installedPcreVersionString = trim(PCRE_VERSION); // '8.39 2016-06-14'
304  $mainPcreVersionString = explode(' ', $installedPcreVersionString);
305  $mainPcreVersionString = $mainPcreVersionString[0]; // '8.39'
306  if (version_compare($mainPcreVersionString, $minimumPcreVersion) < 0) {
307  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
308  'Your PCRE version ' . PCRE_VERSION . ' is too old. TYPO3 CMS may trigger PHP segmentantion'
309  . ' faults with this version. Update to at least PCRE ' . $minimumPcreVersion,
310  'PCRE version too low',
312  ));
313  } else {
314  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
315  '',
316  'PHP extension PCRE is loaded and version is fine'
317  ));
318  }
319  }
320  }
325  protected function ‪checkMaxExecutionTime()
326  {
327  $minimumMaximumExecutionTime = 30;
328  $recommendedMaximumExecutionTime = 240;
329  $currentMaximumExecutionTime = ini_get('max_execution_time');
330  if ($currentMaximumExecutionTime == 0) {
331  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
332  'max_execution_time=0' . LF
333  . 'While TYPO3 is fine with this, you risk a denial-of-service for your system if for whatever'
334  . ' reason some script hangs in an infinite loop. You are usually on the safe side '
335  . ' if it is reduced to ' . $recommendedMaximumExecutionTime . ' seconds:' . LF
336  . 'max_execution_time=' . $recommendedMaximumExecutionTime,
337  'Infinite PHP script execution time',
339  ));
340  } elseif ($currentMaximumExecutionTime < $minimumMaximumExecutionTime) {
341  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
342  'max_execution_time=' . $currentMaximumExecutionTime . LF
343  . 'Your max_execution_time is too low. Some expensive operations in TYPO3 can take longer than that.'
344  . ' It is recommended to raise the limit to ' . $recommendedMaximumExecutionTime . ' seconds:' . LF
345  . 'max_execution_time=' . $recommendedMaximumExecutionTime,
346  'Low PHP script execution time',
348  ));
349  } elseif ($currentMaximumExecutionTime < $recommendedMaximumExecutionTime) {
350  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
351  'max_execution_time=' . $currentMaximumExecutionTime . LF
352  . 'Your max_execution_time is low. While TYPO3 often runs without problems'
353  . ' with ' . $minimumMaximumExecutionTime . ' seconds,'
354  . ' it may still happen that script execution is stopped before finishing'
355  . ' calculations. You should monitor the system for messages in this area'
356  . ' and maybe raise the limit to ' . $recommendedMaximumExecutionTime . ' seconds:' . LF
357  . 'max_execution_time=' . $recommendedMaximumExecutionTime,
358  'Low PHP script execution time',
360  ));
361  } else {
362  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
363  '',
364  'Maximum PHP script execution time is equal to or more than ' . $recommendedMaximumExecutionTime
365  ));
366  }
367  }
372  protected function ‪checkDisableFunctions()
373  {
374  $disabledFunctions = trim((string)ini_get('disable_functions'));
376  // Filter "disable_functions"
377  $disabledFunctionsArray = $this->‪trimExplode(',', $disabledFunctions);
379  // Array with strings to find
380  $findStrings = [
381  // Disabled by default on Ubuntu OS but this is okay since the Core does not use them
382  'pcntl_',
383  ];
384  foreach ($disabledFunctionsArray as $key => $disabledFunction) {
385  foreach ($findStrings as $findString) {
386  if (strpos($disabledFunction, $findString) !== false) {
387  unset($disabledFunctionsArray[$key]);
388  }
389  }
390  }
392  if ($disabledFunctions !== '') {
393  if (!empty($disabledFunctionsArray)) {
394  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
395  'disable_functions=' . implode(' ', explode(',', $disabledFunctions)) . LF
396  . 'These function(s) are disabled. TYPO3 uses some of those, so there might be trouble.'
397  . ' TYPO3 is designed to use the default set of PHP functions plus some common extensions.'
398  . ' Possibly these functions are disabled'
399  . ' due to security considerations and most likely the list would include a function like'
400  . ' exec() which is used by TYPO3 at various places. Depending on which exact functions'
401  . ' are disabled, some parts of the system may just break without further notice.',
402  'Some PHP functions disabled',
404  ));
405  } else {
406  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
407  'disable_functions=' . implode(' ', explode(',', $disabledFunctions)) . LF
408  . 'These function(s) are disabled. TYPO3 uses currently none of those, so you are good to go.',
409  'Some PHP functions currently disabled but OK'
410  ));
411  }
412  } else {
413  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
414  '',
415  'No disabled PHP functions'
416  ));
417  }
418  }
423  protected function ‪checkDocRoot()
424  {
425  $docRootSetting = trim((string)ini_get('doc_root'));
426  if ($docRootSetting !== '') {
427  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
428  'doc_root=' . $docRootSetting . LF
429  . 'PHP cannot execute scripts'
430  . ' outside this directory. This setting is seldom used and must correlate'
431  . ' with your actual document root. You might be in trouble if your'
432  . ' TYPO3 CMS core code is linked to some different location.'
433  . ' If that is a problem, the setting must be changed.',
434  'doc_root is set',
436  ));
437  } else {
438  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
439  '',
440  'PHP doc_root is not set'
441  ));
442  }
443  }
448  protected function ‪checkOpenBaseDir()
449  {
450  $openBaseDirSetting = trim((string)ini_get('open_basedir'));
451  if ($openBaseDirSetting !== '') {
452  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
453  'open_basedir = ' . ini_get('open_basedir') . LF
454  . 'This restricts TYPO3 to open and include files only in this'
455  . ' path. Please make sure that this does not prevent TYPO3 from running,'
456  . ' if for example your TYPO3 CMS core is linked to a different directory'
457  . ' not included in this path.',
458  'PHP open_basedir is set',
460  ));
461  } else {
462  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
463  '',
464  'PHP open_basedir is off'
465  ));
466  }
467  }
472  protected function ‪checkXdebugMaxNestingLevel()
473  {
474  if (extension_loaded('xdebug')) {
475  $recommendedMaxNestingLevel = 400;
476  $errorThreshold = 250;
477  $currentMaxNestingLevel = ini_get('xdebug.max_nesting_level');
478  if ($currentMaxNestingLevel < $errorThreshold) {
479  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
480  'xdebug.max_nesting_level=' . $currentMaxNestingLevel . LF
481  . 'This setting controls the maximum number of nested function calls to protect against'
482  . ' infinite recursion. The current value is too low for TYPO3 CMS and must'
483  . ' be either raised or xdebug has to be unloaded. A value of ' . $recommendedMaxNestingLevel
484  . ' is recommended. Warning: Expect fatal PHP errors in central parts of the CMS'
485  . ' if the value is not raised significantly to:' . LF
486  . 'xdebug.max_nesting_level=' . $recommendedMaxNestingLevel,
487  'PHP xdebug.max_nesting_level is critically low',
489  ));
490  } elseif ($currentMaxNestingLevel < $recommendedMaxNestingLevel) {
491  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
492  'xdebug.max_nesting_level=' . $currentMaxNestingLevel . LF
493  . 'This setting controls the maximum number of nested function calls to protect against'
494  . ' infinite recursion. The current value is high enough for the TYPO3 CMS core to work'
495  . ' fine, but still some extensions could raise fatal PHP errors if the setting is not'
496  . ' raised further. A value of ' . $recommendedMaxNestingLevel . ' is recommended.' . LF
497  . 'xdebug.max_nesting_level=' . $recommendedMaxNestingLevel,
498  'PHP xdebug.max_nesting_level is low',
500  ));
501  } else {
502  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
503  '',
504  'PHP xdebug.max_nesting_level ok'
505  ));
506  }
507  } else {
508  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
509  '',
510  'PHP xdebug extension not loaded'
511  ));
512  }
513  }
518  protected function ‪checkMaxInputVars()
519  {
520  $recommendedMaxInputVars = 1500;
521  $minimumMaxInputVars = 1000;
522  $currentMaxInputVars = ini_get('max_input_vars');
524  if ($currentMaxInputVars < $minimumMaxInputVars) {
525  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
526  'max_input_vars=' . $currentMaxInputVars . LF
527  . 'This setting can lead to lost information if submitting forms with lots of data in TYPO3 CMS'
528  . ' (as the install tool does). It is highly recommended to raise this'
529  . ' to at least ' . $recommendedMaxInputVars . ':' . LF
530  . 'max_input_vars=' . $recommendedMaxInputVars,
531  'PHP max_input_vars too low',
533  ));
534  } elseif ($currentMaxInputVars < $recommendedMaxInputVars) {
535  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
536  'max_input_vars=' . $currentMaxInputVars . LF
537  . 'This setting can lead to lost information if submitting forms with lots of data in TYPO3 CMS'
538  . ' (as the install tool does). It is highly recommended to raise this'
539  . ' to at least ' . $recommendedMaxInputVars . ':' . LF
540  . 'max_input_vars=' . $recommendedMaxInputVars,
541  'PHP max_input_vars very low',
543  ));
544  } else {
545  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
546  '',
547  'PHP max_input_vars ok'
548  ));
549  }
550  }
555  protected function ‪checkReflectionDocComment()
556  {
557  $testReflection = new \ReflectionMethod(static::class, __FUNCTION__);
558  if ($testReflection->getDocComment() === false) {
559  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
560  'TYPO3 CMS core extensions like extbase and fluid heavily rely on method'
561  . ' comment parsing to fetch annotations and add magic belonging to them.'
562  . ' This does not work in the current environment and so we cannot install'
563  . ' TYPO3 CMS.' . LF
564  . ' Here are some possibilities: ' . LF
565  . '* In Zend OPcache you can disable saving/loading comments. If you are using'
566  . ' Zend OPcache (included since PHP 5.5) then check your php.ini settings for'
567  . ' opcache.save_comments and opcache.load_comments and enable them.' . LF
568  . '* In Zend Optimizer+ you can disable saving comments. If you are using'
569  . ' Zend Optimizer+ then check your php.ini settings for'
570  . ' zend_optimizerplus.save_comments and enable it.' . LF
571  . '* The PHP extension eaccelerator is known to break this if'
572  . ' it is compiled without --with-eaccelerator-doc-comment-inclusion flag.'
573  . ' This compile flag must be specified, otherwise TYPO3 CMS will not work.' . LF
574  . 'For more information take a look in our documentation ' . ‪Typo3Information::URL_OPCACHE . '.',
575  'PHP Doc comment reflection broken',
577  ));
578  } else {
579  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
580  '',
581  'PHP Doc comment reflection works'
582  ));
583  }
584  }
589  protected function ‪checkWindowsApacheThreadStackSize()
590  {
591  if ($this->‪isWindowsOs()
592  && strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Apache') === 0
593  ) {
594  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
595  'This current value cannot be checked by the system, so please ignore this warning if it'
596  . ' is already taken care of: Fluid uses complex regular expressions which require a lot'
597  . ' of stack space during the first processing.'
598  . ' On Windows the default stack size for Apache is a lot smaller than on UNIX.'
599  . ' You can increase the size to 8MB (default on UNIX) by adding the following configuration'
600  . ' to httpd.conf and restarting Apache afterwards:' . LF
601  . '<IfModule mpm_winnt_module>ThreadStackSize 8388608</IfModule>',
602  'Windows apache thread stack size',
604  ));
605  } else {
606  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
607  '',
608  'Apache ThreadStackSize is not an issue on UNIX systems'
609  ));
610  }
611  }
620  public function ‪checkPhpExtension(string $extension, bool $required = true, string $purpose = '')
621  {
622  if (!extension_loaded($extension)) {
623  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
624  'TYPO3 uses the PHP extension "' . $extension . '" but it is not loaded'
625  . ' in your environment. Change your environment to provide this extension. '
626  . $purpose,
627  'PHP extension "' . $extension . '" not loaded',
629  ));
630  } else {
631  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
632  '',
633  'PHP extension "' . $extension . '" loaded'
634  ));
635  }
636  }
641  protected function ‪checkGdLibTrueColorSupport()
642  {
643  if (function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) {
644  $imageResource = @imagecreatetruecolor(50, 100);
645  if (is_resource($imageResource)) {
646  imagedestroy($imageResource);
647  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
648  '',
649  'PHP GD library true color works'
650  ));
651  } else {
652  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
653  'GD is loaded, but calling imagecreatetruecolor() fails.'
654  . ' This must be fixed, TYPO3 CMS won\'t work well otherwise.',
655  'PHP GD library true color support broken',
657  ));
658  }
659  } else {
660  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
661  'Gdlib is essential for TYPO3 CMS to work properly.',
662  'PHP GD library true color support missing',
664  ));
665  }
666  }
671  protected function ‪checkGdLibGifSupport()
672  {
673  if (function_exists('imagecreatefromgif')
674  && function_exists('imagegif')
675  && (imagetypes() & IMG_GIF)
676  ) {
677  // Do not use data:// wrapper to be independent of allow_url_fopen
678  $imageResource = @imagecreatefromgif(__DIR__ . '/../../Resources/Public/Images/TestInput/Test.gif');
679  if (is_resource($imageResource)) {
680  imagedestroy($imageResource);
681  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
682  '',
683  'PHP GD library has gif support'
684  ));
685  } else {
686  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
687  'GD is loaded, but calling imagecreatefromgif() fails. This must be fixed, TYPO3 CMS won\'t work well otherwise.',
688  'PHP GD library gif support broken',
690  ));
691  }
692  } else {
693  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
694  'GD must be compiled with gif support. This is essential for TYPO3 CMS to work properly.',
695  'PHP GD library gif support missing',
697  ));
698  }
699  }
704  protected function ‪checkGdLibJpgSupport()
705  {
706  if (function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg')
707  && function_exists('imagejpeg')
708  && (imagetypes() & IMG_JPG)
709  ) {
710  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
711  '',
712  'PHP GD library has jpg support'
713  ));
714  } else {
715  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
716  'GD must be compiled with jpg support. This is essential for TYPO3 CMS to work properly.',
717  'PHP GD library jpg support missing',
719  ));
720  }
721  }
726  protected function ‪checkGdLibPngSupport()
727  {
728  if (function_exists('imagecreatefrompng')
729  && function_exists('imagepng')
730  && (imagetypes() & IMG_PNG)
731  ) {
732  // Do not use data:// wrapper to be independent of allow_url_fopen
733  $imageResource = @imagecreatefrompng(__DIR__ . '/../../Resources/Public/Images/TestInput/Test.png');
734  if (is_resource($imageResource)) {
735  imagedestroy($imageResource);
736  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
737  '',
738  'PHP GD library has png support'
739  ));
740  } else {
741  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
742  'GD is compiled with png support, but calling imagecreatefrompng() fails.'
743  . ' Check your environment and fix it, png in GD lib is important'
744  . ' for TYPO3 CMS to work properly.',
745  'PHP GD library png support broken',
747  ));
748  }
749  } else {
750  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
751  'GD must be compiled with png support. This is essential for TYPO3 CMS to work properly',
752  'PHP GD library png support missing',
754  ));
755  }
756  }
761  protected function ‪checkGdLibFreeTypeSupport()
762  {
763  if (function_exists('imagettftext')) {
764  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
765  'There is a difference between the font size setting which the GD'
766  . ' library should be supplied with. If installation is completed'
767  . ' a test in the install tool helps to find out the value you need.',
768  'PHP GD library has freetype font support'
769  ));
770  } else {
771  $this->messageQueue->enqueue(new FlashMessage(
772  'Some core functionality and extension rely on the GD'
773  . ' to render fonts on images. This support is missing'
774  . ' in your environment. Install it.',
775  'PHP GD library freetype support missing',
777  ));
778  }
779  }
791  protected function ‪isValidIp($ip)
792  {
793  return filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) !== false;
794  }
801  protected function ‪isWindowsOs()
802  {
803  $windowsOs = false;
804  if (stripos(PHP_OS, 'darwin') === false && stripos(PHP_OS, 'win') !== false) {
805  $windowsOs = true;
806  }
807  return $windowsOs;
808  }
818  protected function ‪trimExplode($delimiter, $string)
819  {
820  $explodedValues = explode($delimiter, $string);
821  $explodedValues = is_array($explodedValues) ? $explodedValues : [];
822  $resultWithPossibleEmptyValues = array_map('trim', $explodedValues);
823  $result = [];
824  foreach ($resultWithPossibleEmptyValues as $value) {
825  if ($value !== '') {
826  $result[] = $value;
827  }
828  }
829  return $result;
830  }
838  protected function ‪getBytesFromSizeMeasurement($measurement)
839  {
840  $bytes = (float)$measurement;
841  if (stripos($measurement, 'G')) {
842  $bytes *= 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
843  } elseif (stripos($measurement, 'M')) {
844  $bytes *= 1024 * 1024;
845  } elseif (stripos($measurement, 'K')) {
846  $bytes *= 1024;
847  }
848  return (int)$bytes;
849  }
850 }
Definition: Check.php:469
‪string[] $suggestedPhpExtensions
Definition: Check.php:79
Definition: Check.php:322
Definition: Typo3Information.php:26
‪array $requiredPhpExtensions
Definition: Check.php:62
Definition: Check.php:369
Definition: CheckInterface.php:31
Definition: Check.php:638
Definition: Check.php:515
Definition: Check.php:552
Definition: Check.php:138
Definition: Check.php:164
‪FlashMessageQueue getStatus()
Definition: Check.php:100
Definition: Check.php:188
Definition: Check.php:668
‪int getBytesFromSizeMeasurement($measurement)
Definition: Check.php:835
‪bool isWindowsOs()
Definition: Check.php:798
‪const WARNING
Definition: AbstractMessage.php:30
Definition: Check.php:85
Definition: Check.php:586
Definition: Check.php:18
Definition: Check.php:758
Definition: Check.php:723
‪FlashMessageQueue $messageQueue
Definition: Check.php:58
Definition: Check.php:266
Definition: Check.php:701
Definition: FlashMessage.php:24
Definition: Check.php:55
Definition: Check.php:288
‪bool isValidIp($ip)
Definition: Check.php:788
Definition: Check.php:445
‪const NOTICE
Definition: AbstractMessage.php:27
Definition: Typo3Information.php:31
Definition: Check.php:218
Definition: Check.php:90
‪checkPhpExtension(string $extension, bool $required=true, string $purpose='')
Definition: Check.php:617
Definition: FlashMessageQueue.php:29
‪array trimExplode($delimiter, $string)
Definition: Check.php:815
‪const ERROR
Definition: AbstractMessage.php:31
Definition: Check.php:420