‪TYPO3CMS  10.4
TYPO3\CMS\Core\Tests\Unit\Utility\Fixtures\GeneralUtilityFixture Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for TYPO3\CMS\Core\Tests\Unit\Utility\Fixtures\GeneralUtilityFixture:

Static Public Member Functions

static bool isAllowedHostHeaderValue ($hostHeaderValue)
static setAllowHostHeaderValue ($allowHostHeaderValue)
static resetFinalClassNameCache ()
- ‪Static Public Member Functions inherited from ‪TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility
static array< int, splitCalc( $string, $operators){ $res=[];$sign='+';while( $string) { $valueLen=strcspn( $string, $operators);$value=substr( $string, 0, $valueLen);$res[]=[ $sign, trim( $value)];$sign=substr( $string, $valueLen, 1);$string=substr( $string, $valueLen+1);} reset( $res);return $res;} public static bool function validEmail( $email) { if(!is_string( $email)) { return false;} if(trim( $email) !==$email) { return false;} if(strpos( $email, '@')===false) { return false;} $validator=new EmailValidator();return $validator-> isValid ($email, new RFCValidation())
static string idnaEncode ($value)
static string underscoredToUpperCamelCase ($string)
static string underscoredToLowerCamelCase ($string)
static string camelCaseToLowerCaseUnderscored ($string)
static bool isValidUrl ($url)
static int[] intExplode ($delimiter, $string, $removeEmptyValues=false, $limit=0)
static string[] revExplode ($delimiter, $string, $count=0)
static string[] trimExplode ($delim, $string, $removeEmptyValues=false, $limit=0)
static string implodeArrayForUrl ($name, array $theArray, $str='', $skipBlank=false, $rawurlencodeParamName=false)
static mixed xml2array ($string, $NSprefix='', $reportDocTag=false)
static mixed xml2arrayProcess ($string, $NSprefix='', $reportDocTag=false)
static string xmlRecompileFromStructValArray (array $vals)
static string minifyJavaScript ($script, &$error='')
static mixed getUrl ($url, $includeHeader=0, $requestHeaders=null, &$report=null)
static bool writeFile ($file, $content, $changePermissions=false)
static mixed fixPermissions ($path, $recursive=false)
static string writeFileToTypo3tempDir ($filepath, $content)
static bool mkdir ($newFolder)
static mkdir_deep ($directory)
static bool rmdir ($path, $removeNonEmpty=false)
static bool flushDirectory ($directory, $keepOriginalDirectory=false, $flushOpcodeCache=false)
static string[] string null get_dirs ($path)

Static Public Attributes

static int $isAllowedHostHeaderValueCallCount = 0
- ‪Static Public Attributes inherited from ‪TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility
static array< string, function explodeUrl2Array( $string) { $output=[];$p=explode('&', $string);foreach( $p as $v) { if( $v !=='') {[ $pK, $pV]=explode('=', $v, 2);$output[rawurldecode( $pK)]=rawurldecode( $pV);} } return $output;} public static array function compileSelectedGetVarsFromArray( $varList, array $getArray, $GPvarAlt=true) { $keys=self::trimExplode(',', $varList, true);$outArr=[];foreach( $keys as $v) { if(isset( $getArray[ $v])) { $outArr[ $v]=$getArray[ $v];} elseif( $GPvarAlt) { $outArr[ $v]=self::_GP( $v);} } return $outArr;} public static array function removeDotsFromTS(array $ts) { $out=[];foreach( $ts as $key=> $value) { if(is_array( $value)) { $key=rtrim( $key, '.');$out[ $key]=self::removeDotsFromTS( $value);} else { $out[ $key]=$value;} } return $out;} public static array< string, function get_tag_attributes( $tag, bool $decodeEntities=false) { $components=self::split_tag_attributes( $tag);$name='';$valuemode=false;$attributes=[];foreach( $components as $key=> $val) { if( $val !=='=') { if( $valuemode) { if( $name) { $attributes[ $name]=$decodeEntities ? htmlspecialchars_decode( $val) :$val;$name='';} } else { if( $key=strtolower(preg_replace('/[^[:alnum:]_\\:\\-]/', '', $val) ?? '')) { $attributes[ $key]='';$name=$key;} } $valuemode=false;} else { $valuemode=true;} } return $attributes;} public static string[] function split_tag_attributes( $tag) { $tag_tmp=trim(preg_replace('/^<[^[:space:]] */', '', trim( $tag)) ?? '');$tag_tmp=trim(rtrim( $tag_tmp, '>'));$value=[];while( $tag_tmp !=='') { $firstChar=$tag_tmp[0];if( $firstChar==='"' || $firstChar === '\'') { $reg = explode($firstChar, $tag_tmp, 3); $value[] = $reg[1]; $tag_tmp = trim($reg[2]); } elseif ($firstChar === '=') { $value[] = '='; $tag_tmp = trim(substr($tag_tmp, 1)); } else { $reg = preg_split('/[[:space:]=]/', $tag_tmp, 2); $value[] = trim($reg[0]); $tag_tmp = trim(substr($tag_tmp, strlen($reg[0]), 1) . ($reg[1] ?? '')); } } reset($value); return $value; } public static string function implodeAttributes(array $arr, $xhtmlSafe = false, $dontOmitBlankAttribs = false) { if ($xhtmlSafe) { $newArr = []; foreach ($arr as $p => $v) { if (!isset($newArr[strtolower($p)])) { $newArr[strtolower($p)] = htmlspecialchars($v); } } $arr = $newArr; } $list = []; foreach ($arr as $p => $v) { if ((string)$v !== '' || $dontOmitBlankAttribs) { $list[] = $p . '="' . $v . '"'; } } return implode(' ', $list); } public static string function wrapJS($string) { if (trim($string)) { $string = ltrim($string, LF); $match = []; if (preg_match('/^(\\t+)/', $string, $match)) { $string = str_replace($match[1], "\t", $string); } return '<script>' . $string . '</script>'; } return ''; } public static mixed function xml2tree($string, $depth = 999, $parserOptions = []) { $previousValueOfEntityLoader = null; if (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION < 8) { $previousValueOfEntityLoader = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true); } $parser = xml_parser_create(); $vals = []; $index = []; xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 0); foreach ($parserOptions as $option => $value) { xml_parser_set_option($parser, $option, $value); } xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $string, $vals, $index); if (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION < 8) { libxml_disable_entity_loader($previousValueOfEntityLoader); } if (xml_get_error_code($parser)) { return 'Line ' . xml_get_current_line_number($parser) . ': ' . xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($parser)); } xml_parser_free($parser); $stack = [[]]; $stacktop = 0; $startPoint = 0; $tagi = []; foreach ($vals as $key => $val) { $type = $val['type']; if ($type === 'open' || $type === 'complete') { $stack[$stacktop++] = $tagi; if ($depth == $stacktop) { $startPoint = $key; } $tagi = ['tag' => $val['tag']]; if (isset($val['attributes'])) { $tagi['attrs'] = $val['attributes']; } if (isset($val['value'])) { $tagi['values'][] = $val['value']; } } if ($type === 'complete' || $type === 'close') { $oldtagi = $tagi; $tagi = $stack[--$stacktop]; $oldtag = $oldtagi['tag']; unset($oldtagi['tag']); if ($depth == $stacktop + 1) { if ($key - $startPoint > 0) { $partArray = array_slice($vals, $startPoint + 1, $key - $startPoint - 1); $oldtagi['XMLvalue'] = self::xmlRecompileFromStructValArray($partArray); } else { $oldtagi['XMLvalue'] = $oldtagi['values'][0]; } } $tagi['ch'][$oldtag][] = $oldtagi; unset($oldtagi); } if ($type === 'cdata') { $tagi['values'][] = $val['value']; } } return $tagi['ch']; } public static string function array2xml(array $array, $NSprefix = '', $level = 0, $docTag = 'phparray', $spaceInd = 0, array $options = [], array $stackData = []) { $binaryChars = "\0" . chr(1) . chr(2) . chr(3) . chr(4) . chr(5) . chr(6) . chr(7) . chr(8) . chr(11) . chr(12) . chr(14) . chr(15) . chr(16) . chr(17) . chr(18) . chr(19) . chr(20) . chr(21) . chr(22) . chr(23) . chr(24) . chr(25) . chr(26) . chr(27) . chr(28) . chr(29) . chr(30) . chr(31); $indentChar = $spaceInd ? ' ' : "\t"; $indentN = $spaceInd > $spaceInd: 1

Static Protected Member Functions

static bool isInternalRequestType ()
- ‪Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ‪TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility
static string createDirectoryPath ($fullDirectoryPath)

Additional Inherited Members

- ‪Public Attributes inherited from ‪TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility
static if(empty($labels)) if(isset($defaultFormats[$labels])) else
if($base !==1000 && $base !==1024) $labelArr = explode('|', str_replace('"', '', $labels))
 $localeInfo = localeconv()
 $sizeInBytes = max($sizeInBytes, 0)
 $multiplier = floor(($sizeInBytes ? log($sizeInBytes) : 0) / log($base))
 $sizeInUnits = $sizeInBytes / $base ** $multiplier
if($sizeInUnits >($base *.9)) $multiplier = min($multiplier, count($labelArr) - 1)
 $nl = $spaceInd >= 0 ? LF : ''
 $output = ''
foreach($array as $k=> $v) if(! $level) return $output
- ‪Static Protected Attributes inherited from ‪TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility
static bool $allowHostHeaderValue = false
static ContainerInterface null $container

Detailed Description

Class GeneralUtilityFixture

Definition at line 23 of file GeneralUtilityFixture.php.

Member Function Documentation

◆ isAllowedHostHeaderValue()

◆ isInternalRequestType()

static bool TYPO3\CMS\Core\Tests\Unit\Utility\Fixtures\GeneralUtilityFixture::isInternalRequestType ( )

For testing we must not generally allow HTTP Host headers


Definition at line 54 of file GeneralUtilityFixture.php.

◆ resetFinalClassNameCache()

static TYPO3\CMS\Core\Tests\Unit\Utility\Fixtures\GeneralUtilityFixture::resetFinalClassNameCache ( )

◆ setAllowHostHeaderValue()

static TYPO3\CMS\Core\Tests\Unit\Utility\Fixtures\GeneralUtilityFixture::setAllowHostHeaderValue (   $allowHostHeaderValue)

Member Data Documentation

◆ $isAllowedHostHeaderValueCallCount

int TYPO3\CMS\Core\Tests\Unit\Utility\Fixtures\GeneralUtilityFixture::$isAllowedHostHeaderValueCallCount = 0