‪TYPO3CMS  11.5
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
3 declare(strict_types=1);
5 /*
6  * This file is part of the TYPO3 CMS project.
7  *
8  * It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
9  * the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 2
10  * of the License, or any later version.
11  *
12  * For the full copyright and license information, please read the
13  * LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.
14  *
15  * The TYPO3 project - inspiring people to share!
16  */
23 {
24  public function ‪installToolLogin(‪ApplicationTester $I): void
25  {
26  $I->amGoingTo('assert the install tool is locked in the first place');
27  $I->waitForText('The Install Tool is locked', 10, '.callout-warning');
28  $I->assertFileDoesNotExist($this->‪getEnableInstallToolFilePath());
30  $I->amGoingTo('lock the tool without logging in');
31  $I->writeToFile($this->‪getEnableInstallToolFilePath(), '');
32  $I->seeFileFound($this->‪getEnableInstallToolFilePath());
33  $I->reloadPage();
34  $I->waitForElementVisible('#t3-install-form-password');
35  $I->see('Login to TYPO3 Install Tool');
36  $I->click('Lock Install Tool again');
37  $I->see('The Install Tool is locked');
38  $I->dontSeeFileFound($this->‪getEnableInstallToolFilePath());
40  $I->amGoingTo('log into Install Tool');
41  $this->‪logIntoInstallTool($I);
43  $I->amGoingTo('assert page Maintenance contains the 8 expected cards');
44  $I->click('Maintenance');
45  $I->see('Maintenance', 'h1');
46  $I->see('Flush TYPO3 and PHP Cache', 'h1.card-title');
47  $I->see('Analyze Database Structure', 'h1.card-title');
48  $I->see('Remove Temporary Assets', 'h1.card-title');
49  $I->see('Rebuild PHP Autoload Information', 'h1.card-title');
50  $I->see('Clear Persistent Database Tables', 'h1.card-title');
51  $I->see('Create Administrative User', 'h1.card-title');
52  $I->see('Reset Backend User Preferences', 'h1.card-title');
53  $I->see('Manage Language Packs', 'h1.card-title');
54  $I->seeNumberOfElements('.card', 8);
56  $I->amGoingTo('assert page Settings contains the 6 expected cards');
57  $I->click('Settings');
58  $I->see('Settings', 'h1');
59  $I->see('Extension Configuration', 'h1.card-title');
60  $I->see('Change Install Tool Password', 'h1.card-title');
61  $I->see('Manage System Maintainers', 'h1.card-title');
62  $I->see('Configuration Presets', 'h1.card-title');
63  $I->see('Feature Toggles', 'h1.card-title');
64  $I->see('Configure Installation-Wide Options', 'h1.card-title');
65  $I->seeNumberOfElements('.card', 6);
67  $I->amGoingTo('assert page Upgrade contains the 7 expected cards');
68  $I->click('Upgrade');
69  $I->see('Upgrade', 'h1');
70  $I->see('Update TYPO3 Core', 'h1.card-title');
71  $I->see('Upgrade Wizard', 'h1.card-title');
72  $I->see('View Upgrade Documentation', 'h1.card-title');
73  $I->see('Check TCA in ext_tables.php', 'h1.card-title');
74  $I->see('Check for Broken Extensions', 'h1.card-title');
75  $I->see('Check TCA Migrations', 'h1.card-title');
76  $I->see('Scan Extension Files', 'h1.card-title');
77  $I->seeNumberOfElements('.card', 7);
79  $I->amGoingTo('assert page Environment contains the 6 expected cards');
80  $I->click('Environment');
81  $I->see('Environment', 'h1');
82  $I->see('Environment Overview', 'h1.card-title');
83  $I->see('Environment Status', 'h1.card-title');
84  $I->see('Directory Status', 'h1.card-title');
85  $I->see('PHP Info', 'h1.card-title');
86  $I->see('Test Mail Setup', 'h1.card-title');
87  $I->see('Image Processing', 'h1.card-title');
88  $I->seeNumberOfElements('.card', 6);
89  }
90 }
Definition: ApplicationTester.php:27
‪logIntoInstallTool(ApplicationTester $I)
Definition: AbstractCest.php:58
‪installToolLogin(ApplicationTester $I)
Definition: LoginCest.php:24
Definition: AbstractCest.php:18
Definition: AbstractCest.php:53
Definition: AbstractCest.php:26
Definition: LoginCest.php:23