‪TYPO3CMS  11.5
TYPO3\CMS\Backend\RecordList\ElementBrowserRecordList Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for TYPO3\CMS\Backend\RecordList\ElementBrowserRecordList:

Public Member Functions

string linkWrapItems ($table, $uid, $code, $row)
 setRelatingTableAndField ($tableName, $fieldName)
- ‪Public Member Functions inherited from ‪TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList\DatabaseRecordList
 __construct (IconFactory $iconFactory, UriBuilder $uriBuilder, TranslationConfigurationProvider $translateTools, EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher)
array getColumnsToRender (string $table, bool $includeMetaColumns)
string[] getFieldsToSelect (string $table, array $columnsToRender)
string getTable ($table, $id)
string renderListRow ($table, array $row, int $indent, array $translations, bool $translationEnabled)
string renderListHeader ($table, $currentIdList)
string makeControl ($table, $row)
 makeClip (string $table, array $row, array &$cells)
string makeCheckbox (string $table, array $row)
string makeLocalizationPanel ($table, $row, array $translations)
string addSortLink ($code, $field, $table)
mixed[] recPath ($pid)
bool showNewRecLink ($table)
 addActionToCellGroup (&$cells, $action, $actionKey)
 setIsEditable (bool $isEditable)
bool isEditable (string $table)
 setModuleData (array $moduleData=[])
 start ($id, $table, $pointer, $search='', $levels=0, $showLimit=0)
string generateList ()
 setDispFields ()
TYPO3 CMS Core Database Query QueryBuilder getQueryBuilder (string $table, int $pageId, array $additionalConstraints, array $fields, bool $addSorting, int $firstResult, int $maxResult)
string makeSearchString ($table, int $currentPid, QueryBuilder $queryBuilder)
string linkWrapTable (string $table, string $label)
string linkUrlMail ($code, $testString)
string listURL ($altId='', $table='-1', $exclList='')
 setOverrideUrlParameters (array $urlParameters)
 setTableDisplayOrder (array $orderInformation)
array getOverridePageIdList ()
 setOverridePageIdList (array $overridePageIdList)
 showOnlyTranslatedRecords (bool $showOnlyTranslatedRecords)
DatabaseRecordList setLanguagesAllowedForUser (array $languagesAllowedForUser)

Protected Member Functions

bool isRowListingConditionFulfilled ($table, $row)
- ‪Protected Member Functions inherited from ‪TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList\DatabaseRecordList
string createNewRecordButton (string $table)
 createDownloadButtonForTable (string $table, int $totalItems)
PreviewUriBuilder getPreviewUriBuilder (string $table, array $row)
int getReferenceCount ($tableName, $uid)
string renderListNavigation (string $table, int $totalItems, int $itemsPerPage)
string columnSelector (string $table)
 getPagePermissionsForRecord (string $table, array $row)
 getBackendUserInformation (int $backendUserId)
bool isRecordCurrentBackendUser ($table, $row)
 isRecordDeletePlaceholder (array $row)
bool overlayEditLockPermissions ($table, $row=[], $editPermission=true)
array getTablesToRender ()
int[] getSearchableWebmounts ($id, $depth, $perms_clause)
QueryBuilder addPageIdConstraint (string $tableName, QueryBuilder $queryBuilder, int $searchLevels)
BackendUserAuthentication getBackendUserAuthentication ()
string addElement ($data, $rowParams='', $colType='td')
int[] getPossibleTranslations (int $pageUid)
string languageFlag (string $table, array $row)
 generateReferenceToolTip (string $table, int $uid)
string renderCheckboxActions ()
string renderMultiRecordSelectionActions (string $table, array $currentIdList)
string createShowItemTagAttributes (string $arguments)
LanguageService getLanguageService ()
StandaloneView getFluidTemplateObject (string $filename)
bool isLocalized (string $table, array $row)
array getNoViewWithDokTypes (array $tsConfig)
bool isClipboardFunctionalityEnabled (string $table, array $row=[])
 addDividerToCellGroup (array &$cells)

Protected Attributes

string $relatingTable
string $relatingField
- ‪Protected Attributes inherited from ‪TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList\DatabaseRecordList
string $spaceIcon
array $recPath_cache = []
array $moduleData = []
array $duplicateStack = []
TranslationConfigurationProvider $translateTools
array $addElement_tdCssClass = []
int $searchLevels = 0
int $page = 0
string $duplicateField
array $referenceCount = []
bool $editable = true
IconFactory $iconFactory
UriBuilder $uriBuilder
array $tableDisplayOrder = []
array $overridePageIdList = []
array $overrideUrlParameters = []
array $currentLink = []
bool $showOnlyTranslatedRecords = false
array $possibleTranslations = []
array $languagesAllowedForUser = []
array $pagePermsCache = []
array $backendUserCache = []
array $showLocalizeColumn = []
EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher

Additional Inherited Members

- ‪Public Attributes inherited from ‪TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList\DatabaseRecordList
string[] $allowedNewTables = array( )
string[] $deniedNewTables = array( )
bool $showClipboardActions = false
bool $noControlPanels = false
bool $clickMenuEnabled = true
bool $disableSingleTableView = false
string[] $pageRow = array( )
string $hideTranslations = ''
string $sortField
int $id
bool $listOnlyInSingleTableMode = false
array[] $modTSconfig
int[][] $currentTable = array( )
int $showLimit = 0
array $fieldArray = array( )
string $hideTables = ''
string $perms_clause = ''
string $returnUrl = ''
string $table = ''
Permission $calcPerms
string $clickTitleMode = ''
mixed[][] $tableTSconfigOverTCA = array( )
string[][] $setFields = array( )
string $searchString = ''
bool $sortRev
string $tableList = ''
Clipboard $clipObj
string[] $CBnames = array( )
bool $displayColumnSelector = true
bool $displayRecordDownload = true

Detailed Description

Displays the page tree for browsing database records.

Definition at line 26 of file ElementBrowserRecordList.php.

Member Function Documentation

◆ isRowListingConditionFulfilled()

bool TYPO3\CMS\Backend\RecordList\ElementBrowserRecordList::isRowListingConditionFulfilled (   $table,

Check if all row listing conditions are fulfilled.

string$table‪String Table name
array$row‪Array Record
‪bool True, if all conditions are fulfilled.

Reimplemented from TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList\DatabaseRecordList.

Definition at line 75 of file ElementBrowserRecordList.php.

References $GLOBALS, TYPO3\CMS\Backend\RecordList\ElementBrowserRecordList\$relatingField, TYPO3\CMS\Backend\RecordList\ElementBrowserRecordList\$relatingTable, and TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList\DatabaseRecordList\$table.

◆ linkWrapItems()

string TYPO3\CMS\Backend\RecordList\ElementBrowserRecordList::linkWrapItems (   $table,

Returns the title (based on $code) of a record (from table $table) with the proper link around (that is for "pages"-records a link to the level of that record...)

string$table‪Table name
int$uid‪UID (not used here)
string$code‪Title string
array$row‪Records array (from table name)

Reimplemented from TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList\DatabaseRecordList.

Definition at line 49 of file ElementBrowserRecordList.php.

References TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList\DatabaseRecordList\$table, TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList\DatabaseRecordList\getLanguageService(), and TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\Icon\SIZE_SMALL.

◆ setRelatingTableAndField()

TYPO3\CMS\Backend\RecordList\ElementBrowserRecordList::setRelatingTableAndField (   $tableName,

Set which pointing field (in the TCEForm) we are currently rendering the element browser for

string$tableName‪Table name
string$fieldName‪Field name

Definition at line 104 of file ElementBrowserRecordList.php.

References $GLOBALS.

Member Data Documentation

◆ $relatingField

string TYPO3\CMS\Backend\RecordList\ElementBrowserRecordList::$relatingField

Field name of the field pointing to this element browser

Definition at line 38 of file ElementBrowserRecordList.php.

Referenced by TYPO3\CMS\Backend\RecordList\ElementBrowserRecordList\isRowListingConditionFulfilled().

◆ $relatingTable

string TYPO3\CMS\Backend\RecordList\ElementBrowserRecordList::$relatingTable

Table name of the field pointing to this element browser

Definition at line 32 of file ElementBrowserRecordList.php.

Referenced by TYPO3\CMS\Backend\RecordList\ElementBrowserRecordList\isRowListingConditionFulfilled().