‪TYPO3CMS  9.5
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1 <?php
4 /*
5  * This file is part of the TYPO3 CMS project.
6  *
7  * It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8  * the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 2
9  * of the License, or any later version.
10  *
11  * For the full copyright and license information, please read the
12  * LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.
13  *
14  * The TYPO3 project - inspiring people to share!
15  */
17 use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;
34 {
38  protected ‪$fullInitialized = false;
43  protected ‪$tcaInitialized = false;
48  protected ‪$flagsInitialized = false;
53  protected ‪$moduleIconsInitialized = false;
58  protected ‪$backendIconsInitialized = false;
65  protected ‪$icons = [];
72  protected ‪$backendIconPaths = [
73  'EXT:backend/Resources/Public/Icons/',
74  'EXT:core/Resources/Public/Icons/T3Icons/',
75  'EXT:impexp/Resources/Public/Icons/',
76  'EXT:install/Resources/Public/Icons/'
77  ];
85  'png' => BitmapIconProvider::class,
86  'svg' => SvgIconProvider::class
87  ];
95  protected ‪$staticIcons = [
104  // Apps
105  'apps-pagetree-category-toggle-hide-checked' => [
106  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
107  'options' => [
108  'name' => 'check-square'
109  ]
110  ],
112  // Module
113  'module-web' => [
114  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
115  'options' => [
116  'name' => 'file-o'
117  ]
118  ],
119  'module-site' => [
120  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
121  'options' => [
122  'name' => 'globe'
123  ]
124  ],
125  'module-file' => [
126  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
127  'options' => [
128  'name' => 'image'
129  ]
130  ],
131  'module-tools' => [
132  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
133  'options' => [
134  'name' => 'rocket'
135  ]
136  ],
137  'module-system' => [
138  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
139  'options' => [
140  'name' => 'plug'
141  ]
142  ],
143  'module-help' => [
144  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
145  'options' => [
146  'name' => 'question-circle'
147  ]
148  ],
150  // Status
151  'status-dialog-information' => [
152  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
153  'options' => [
154  'name' => 'exclamation-circle'
155  ]
156  ],
157  'status-dialog-ok' => [
158  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
159  'options' => [
160  'name' => 'check-circle',
161  ]
162  ],
163  'status-dialog-notification' => [
164  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
165  'options' => [
166  'name' => 'exclamation-circle'
167  ]
168  ],
169  'status-dialog-warning' => [
170  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
171  'options' => [
172  'name' => 'exclamation-triangle'
173  ]
174  ],
175  'status-dialog-error' => [
176  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
177  'options' => [
178  'name' => 'exclamation-circle'
179  ]
180  ],
181  'status-status-checked' => [
182  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
183  'options' => [
184  'name' => 'check',
185  ]
186  ],
187  'status-status-current' => [
188  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
189  'options' => [
190  'name' => 'caret-right',
191  ]
192  ],
193  'status-status-sorting-asc' => [
194  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
195  'options' => [
196  'name' => 'caret-up',
197  ]
198  ],
199  'status-status-sorting-desc' => [
200  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
201  'options' => [
202  'name' => 'caret-down',
203  ]
204  ],
205  'status-status-sorting-light-asc' => [
206  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
207  'options' => [
208  'name' => 'caret-up',
209  ]
210  ],
211  'status-status-sorting-light-desc' => [
212  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
213  'options' => [
214  'name' => 'caret-down',
215  ]
216  ],
217  'status-status-permission-granted' => [
218  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
219  'options' => [
220  'name' => 'check',
221  ]
222  ],
223  'status-status-permission-denied' => [
224  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
225  'options' => [
226  'name' => 'times',
227  ]
228  ],
230  // Empty
231  'empty-empty' => [
232  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
233  'options' => [
234  'name' => 'empty-empty',
235  ]
236  ],
238  // System Information
239  'information-php-version' => [
240  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
241  'options' => [
242  'name' => 'code'
243  ]
244  ],
245  'information-database' => [
246  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
247  'options' => [
248  'name' => 'database'
249  ]
250  ],
251  'information-application-context' => [
252  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
253  'options' => [
254  'name' => 'tasks'
255  ]
256  ],
257  'information-composer-mode' => [
258  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
259  'options' => [
260  'name' => 'music'
261  ]
262  ],
263  'information-git' => [
264  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
265  'options' => [
266  'name' => 'git'
267  ]
268  ],
269  'information-webserver' => [
270  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
271  'options' => [
272  'name' => 'server'
273  ]
274  ],
275  'information-os-linux' => [
276  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
277  'options' => [
278  'name' => 'linux'
279  ]
280  ],
281  'information-os-apple' => [
282  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
283  'options' => [
284  'name' => 'apple'
285  ]
286  ],
287  'information-os-windows' => [
288  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
289  'options' => [
290  'name' => 'windows'
291  ]
292  ],
294  // Sysnote
295  'sysnote-type-0' => [
296  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
297  'options' => [
298  'name' => 'sticky-note-o'
299  ]
300  ],
301  'sysnote-type-1' => [
302  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
303  'options' => [
304  'name' => 'cog'
305  ]
306  ],
307  'sysnote-type-2' => [
308  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
309  'options' => [
310  'name' => 'code'
311  ]
312  ],
313  'sysnote-type-3' => [
314  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
315  'options' => [
316  'name' => 'thumb-tack'
317  ]
318  ],
319  'sysnote-type-4' => [
320  'provider' => FontawesomeIconProvider::class,
321  'options' => [
322  'name' => 'check-square'
323  ]
324  ]
325  ];
332  protected ‪$fileExtensionMapping = [
333  'htm' => 'mimetypes-text-html',
334  'html' => 'mimetypes-text-html',
335  'css' => 'mimetypes-text-css',
336  'js' => 'mimetypes-text-js',
337  'csv' => 'mimetypes-text-csv',
338  'php' => 'mimetypes-text-php',
339  'php6' => 'mimetypes-text-php',
340  'php5' => 'mimetypes-text-php',
341  'php4' => 'mimetypes-text-php',
342  'php3' => 'mimetypes-text-php',
343  'inc' => 'mimetypes-text-php',
344  'ts' => 'mimetypes-text-ts',
345  'typoscript' => 'mimetypes-text-typoscript',
346  'txt' => 'mimetypes-text-text',
347  'class' => 'mimetypes-text-text',
348  'tmpl' => 'mimetypes-text-text',
349  'jpg' => 'mimetypes-media-image',
350  'jpeg' => 'mimetypes-media-image',
351  'gif' => 'mimetypes-media-image',
352  'png' => 'mimetypes-media-image',
353  'bmp' => 'mimetypes-media-image',
354  'tif' => 'mimetypes-media-image',
355  'tiff' => 'mimetypes-media-image',
356  'tga' => 'mimetypes-media-image',
357  'psd' => 'mimetypes-media-image',
358  'eps' => 'mimetypes-media-image',
359  'ai' => 'mimetypes-media-image',
360  'svg' => 'mimetypes-media-image',
361  'pcx' => 'mimetypes-media-image',
362  'avi' => 'mimetypes-media-video',
363  'mpg' => 'mimetypes-media-video',
364  'mpeg' => 'mimetypes-media-video',
365  'mov' => 'mimetypes-media-video',
366  'vimeo' => 'mimetypes-media-video-vimeo',
367  'youtube' => 'mimetypes-media-video-youtube',
368  'wav' => 'mimetypes-media-audio',
369  'mp3' => 'mimetypes-media-audio',
370  'ogg' => 'mimetypes-media-audio',
371  'flac' => 'mimetypes-media-audio',
372  'opus' => 'mimetypes-media-audio',
373  'mid' => 'mimetypes-media-audio',
374  'swf' => 'mimetypes-media-flash',
375  'swa' => 'mimetypes-media-flash',
376  'exe' => 'mimetypes-application',
377  'com' => 'mimetypes-application',
378  't3x' => 'mimetypes-compressed',
379  't3d' => 'mimetypes-compressed',
380  'zip' => 'mimetypes-compressed',
381  'tgz' => 'mimetypes-compressed',
382  'gz' => 'mimetypes-compressed',
383  'pdf' => 'mimetypes-pdf',
384  'doc' => 'mimetypes-word',
385  'dot' => 'mimetypes-word',
386  'docm' => 'mimetypes-word',
387  'docx' => 'mimetypes-word',
388  'dotm' => 'mimetypes-word',
389  'dotx' => 'mimetypes-word',
390  'sxw' => 'mimetypes-word',
391  'rtf' => 'mimetypes-word',
392  'xls' => 'mimetypes-excel',
393  'xlsm' => 'mimetypes-excel',
394  'xlsx' => 'mimetypes-excel',
395  'xltm' => 'mimetypes-excel',
396  'xltx' => 'mimetypes-excel',
397  'sxc' => 'mimetypes-excel',
398  'pps' => 'mimetypes-powerpoint',
399  'ppsx' => 'mimetypes-powerpoint',
400  'ppt' => 'mimetypes-powerpoint',
401  'pptm' => 'mimetypes-powerpoint',
402  'pptx' => 'mimetypes-powerpoint',
403  'potm' => 'mimetypes-powerpoint',
404  'potx' => 'mimetypes-powerpoint',
405  'mount' => 'apps-filetree-mount',
406  'folder' => 'apps-filetree-folder-default',
407  'default' => 'mimetypes-other-other',
408  ];
415  protected ‪$mimeTypeMapping = [
416  'video/*' => 'mimetypes-media-video',
417  'audio/*' => 'mimetypes-media-audio',
418  'image/*' => 'mimetypes-media-image',
419  'text/*' => 'mimetypes-text-text',
420  ];
435  protected ‪$deprecatedIcons = [
436  'module-workspaces-action-preview-link' => 'actions-version-workspaces-preview-link',
437  'generate-ws-preview-link' => 'actions-version-workspaces-preview-link',
438  'extensions-workspaces-generatepreviewlink' => 'actions-version-workspaces-preview-link',
439  'extensions-extensionmanager-update-script' => 'actions-refresh',
440  'extensions-scheduler-run-task' => 'actions-play',
441  'extensions-scheduler-run-task-cron' => 'actions-clock',
442  'status-warning-lock' => 'warning-lock',
443  'status-warning-in-use' => 'warning-in-use',
444  'status-status-reference-hard' => 'status-reference-hard',
445  'status-status-reference-soft' => 'status-reference-soft',
446  'status-status-edit-read-only' => 'status-edit-read-only',
447  't3-form-icon-advanced-password' => 'form-advanced-password',
448  't3-form-icon-checkbox' => 'form-checkbox',
449  't3-form-icon-content-element' => 'form-content-element',
450  't3-form-icon-date-picker' => 'form-date-picker',
451  't3-form-icon-duplicate' => 'actions-duplicate',
452  't3-form-icon-email' => 'form-email',
453  't3-form-icon-fieldset' => 'form-fieldset',
454  't3-form-icon-file-upload' => 'form-file-upload',
455  't3-form-icon-finisher' => 'form-finisher',
456  't3-form-icon-form-element-selector' => 'actions-variable-select',
457  't3-form-icon-gridcontainer' => 'form-gridcontainer',
458  't3-form-icon-gridrow' => 'form-gridrow',
459  't3-form-icon-hidden' => 'form-hidden',
460  't3-form-icon-image-upload' => 'form-image-upload',
461  't3-form-icon-insert-after' => 'actions-form-insert-after',
462  't3-form-icon-insert-in' => 'actions-form-insert-in',
463  't3-form-icon-multi-checkbox' => 'form-multi-checkbox',
464  't3-form-icon-multi-select' => 'form-multi-select',
465  't3-form-icon-number' => 'form-number',
466  't3-form-icon-page' => 'form-page',
467  't3-form-icon-password' => 'form-password',
468  't3-form-icon-radio-button' => 'form-radio-button',
469  't3-form-icon-single-select' => 'form-single-select',
470  't3-form-icon-static-text' => 'form-static-text',
471  't3-form-icon-summary-page' => 'form-summary-page',
472  't3-form-icon-telephone' => 'form-telephone',
473  't3-form-icon-text' => 'form-text',
474  't3-form-icon-textarea' => 'form-textarea',
475  't3-form-icon-url' => 'form-url',
476  't3-form-icon-validator' => 'form-validator',
477  ];
482  protected ‪$defaultIconIdentifier = 'default-not-found';
487  protected static ‪$cache = null;
492  public function ‪__construct()
493  {
494  $this->‪initialize();
495  }
501  public static function ‪setCache(‪FrontendInterface ‪$cache)
502  {
503  static::$cache = ‪$cache;
504  }
511  protected function ‪initialize()
512  {
513  if (!$this->backendIconsInitialized) {
514  $this->‪getCachedBackendIcons();
515  }
516  if (!$this->tcaInitialized && !empty(‪$GLOBALS['TCA'])) {
517  $this->‪registerTCAIcons();
518  }
519  if (!$this->moduleIconsInitialized && !empty(‪$GLOBALS['TBE_MODULES'])) {
520  $this->‪registerModuleIcons();
521  }
522  if (!$this->flagsInitialized) {
523  $this->‪registerFlags();
524  }
525  if ($this->backendIconsInitialized
526  && $this->tcaInitialized
527  && $this->moduleIconsInitialized
528  && $this->flagsInitialized) {
529  $this->fullInitialized = true;
530  }
531  }
536  protected function ‪getCachedBackendIcons()
537  {
538  $cacheIdentifier = 'BackendIcons_' . sha1(TYPO3_version . ‪Environment::getProjectPath() . 'BackendIcons');
540  $assetsCache = static::$cache ?? GeneralUtility::makeInstance(CacheManager::class)->getCache('assets');
541  $cacheEntry = $assetsCache->get($cacheIdentifier);
543  if ($cacheEntry !== false) {
544  $this->icons = $cacheEntry;
545  } else {
547  // all found icons should now be present, for historic reasons now merge w/ the statically declared icons
548  $this->icons = array_merge($this->icons, $this->staticIcons);
549  $assetsCache->set($cacheIdentifier, $this->icons);
550  }
551  // if there's now at least one icon registered, consider it successful
552  if (is_array($this->icons) && (count($this->icons) >= count($this->staticIcons))) {
553  $this->backendIconsInitialized = true;
554  }
555  }
560  protected function ‪registerBackendIcons()
561  {
562  foreach ($this->backendIconPaths as $iconPath) {
563  $absoluteIconFolderPath = GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName($iconPath);
564  if ($absoluteIconFolderPath === '' || !is_readable($absoluteIconFolderPath)) {
565  // maybe EXT:path could not be resolved, then ignore
566  continue;
567  }
569  ‪$finder = new Finder();
570  ‪$finder
571  ->files()
572  ->in($absoluteIconFolderPath)
573  ->name('/\.(' . implode('|', array_keys($this->backendIconAllowedExtensionsWithProvider)) . ')$/');
575  foreach (‪$finder as $iconFile) {
576  // ignore icons that are used as extension icon in extension manager
577  // @see ExtensionManagementUtility::getExtensionIcon()
578  if (strpos($iconFile->getRelativePathname(), 'Extension.') === 0) {
579  continue;
580  }
581  $iconOptions = [
582  'source' => $iconPath . GeneralUtility::fixWindowsFilePath($iconFile->getRelativePathname())
583  ];
584  // kind of hotfix for now, needs a nicer concept later
585  if (strpos($iconFile->getFilename(), 'spinner') === 0) {
586  $iconOptions['spinning'] = true;
587  }
589  $this->‪registerIcon(
590  $iconFile->getBasename('.' . $iconFile->getExtension()),
591  $this->backendIconAllowedExtensionsWithProvider[$iconFile->getExtension()],
592  $iconOptions
593  );
594  }
595  }
596  }
602  public function ‪isRegistered($identifier)
603  {
604  if (!$this->fullInitialized) {
605  $this->‪initialize();
606  }
607  return isset($this->icons[$identifier]);
608  }
614  public function ‪isDeprecated($identifier)
615  {
616  return isset($this->deprecatedIcons[$identifier]);
617  }
622  public function ‪getDefaultIconIdentifier()
623  {
625  }
636  public function ‪registerIcon($identifier, $iconProviderClassName, array $options = [])
637  {
638  if (!in_array(IconProviderInterface::class, class_implements($iconProviderClassName), true)) {
639  throw new \InvalidArgumentException('An IconProvider must implement '
640  . IconProviderInterface::class, 1437425803);
641  }
642  $this->icons[$identifier] = [
643  'provider' => $iconProviderClassName,
644  'options' => $options
645  ];
646  }
654  public function ‪registerFileExtension($fileExtension, $iconIdentifier)
655  {
656  $this->fileExtensionMapping[$fileExtension] = $iconIdentifier;
657  }
665  public function ‪registerMimeTypeIcon($mimeType, $iconIdentifier)
666  {
667  $this->mimeTypeMapping[$mimeType] = $iconIdentifier;
668  }
677  public function ‪getIconConfigurationByIdentifier($identifier)
678  {
679  if (!$this->fullInitialized) {
680  $this->‪initialize();
681  }
682  if ($this->‪isDeprecated($identifier)) {
683  $replacement = $this->deprecatedIcons[$identifier] ?? null;
684  if (!empty($replacement)) {
685  $message = 'The icon "%s" is deprecated since TYPO3 v9 and will be removed in TYPO3 v10.0. Please use "%s" instead.';
686  $arguments = [$identifier, $replacement];
687  $identifier = $replacement;
688  } else {
689  $message = 'The icon "%s" is deprecated since TYPO3 v9 and will be removed in TYPO3 v10.0.';
690  $arguments = [$identifier];
691  }
692  trigger_error(vsprintf($message, $arguments), E_USER_DEPRECATED);
693  }
694  if (!$this->‪isRegistered($identifier)) {
695  throw new ‪Exception('Icon with identifier "' . $identifier . '" is not registered"', 1437425804);
696  }
697  return $this->icons[$identifier];
698  }
703  public function ‪getAllRegisteredIconIdentifiers()
704  {
705  if (!$this->fullInitialized) {
706  $this->‪initialize();
707  }
708  return array_keys($this->icons);
709  }
714  public function ‪getDeprecatedIcons(): array
715  {
717  }
723  public function ‪getIconIdentifierForFileExtension($fileExtension)
724  {
725  // If the file extension is not valid use the default one
726  if (!isset($this->fileExtensionMapping[$fileExtension])) {
727  $fileExtension = 'default';
728  }
729  return $this->fileExtensionMapping[$fileExtension];
730  }
738  public function ‪getIconIdentifierForMimeType($mimeType)
739  {
740  if (!isset($this->mimeTypeMapping[$mimeType])) {
741  return null;
742  }
743  return $this->mimeTypeMapping[$mimeType];
744  }
752  public function ‪getCacheIdentifier(): string
753  {
754  if (!$this->fullInitialized) {
755  $this->‪initialize();
756  }
758  return sha1(json_encode($this->icons));
759  }
764  protected function ‪registerTCAIcons()
765  {
766  $resultArray = [];
768  $tcaTables = array_keys(‪$GLOBALS['TCA'] ?? []);
769  // check every table in the TCA, if an icon is needed
770  foreach ($tcaTables as $tableName) {
771  // This method is only needed for TCA tables where typeicon_classes are not configured
772  $iconIdentifier = 'tcarecords-' . $tableName . '-default';
773  if (
774  isset($this->icons[$iconIdentifier])
775  || !isset(‪$GLOBALS['TCA'][$tableName]['ctrl']['iconfile'])
776  ) {
777  continue;
778  }
779  $resultArray[$iconIdentifier] = ‪$GLOBALS['TCA'][$tableName]['ctrl']['iconfile'];
780  }
782  foreach ($resultArray as $iconIdentifier => $iconFilePath) {
783  $iconProviderClass = $this->‪detectIconProvider($iconFilePath);
784  $this->icons[$iconIdentifier] = [
785  'provider' => $iconProviderClass,
786  'options' => [
787  'source' => $iconFilePath
788  ]
789  ];
790  }
791  $this->tcaInitialized = true;
792  }
797  protected function ‪registerModuleIcons()
798  {
799  $moduleConfiguration = ‪$GLOBALS['TBE_MODULES']['_configuration'] ?? [];
800  foreach ($moduleConfiguration as $moduleKey => $singleModuleConfiguration) {
801  $iconIdentifier = !empty($singleModuleConfiguration['iconIdentifier'])
802  ? $singleModuleConfiguration['iconIdentifier']
803  : null;
805  if ($iconIdentifier !== null) {
806  // iconIdentifier found, icon is registered, continue
807  continue;
808  }
810  $iconPath = !empty($singleModuleConfiguration['icon'])
811  ? $singleModuleConfiguration['icon']
812  : null;
813  $iconProviderClass = $this->‪detectIconProvider($iconPath);
814  $iconIdentifier = 'module-icon-' . $moduleKey;
816  $this->icons[$iconIdentifier] = [
817  'provider' => $iconProviderClass,
818  'options' => [
819  'source' => $iconPath
820  ]
821  ];
822  }
823  $this->moduleIconsInitialized = true;
824  }
829  protected function ‪registerFlags()
830  {
831  $iconFolder = 'EXT:core/Resources/Public/Icons/Flags/';
832  $files = [
833  'AD', 'AE', 'AF', 'AG', 'AI', 'AL', 'AM', 'AN', 'AO', 'AQ', 'AR', 'AS', 'AT', 'AU', 'AW', 'AX', 'AZ',
834  'BA', 'BB', 'BD', 'BE', 'BF', 'BG', 'BH', 'BI', 'BJ', 'BL', 'BM', 'BN', 'BO', 'BQ', 'BR', 'BS', 'BT', 'BV', 'BW', 'BY', 'BZ',
835  'CA', 'CC', 'CD', 'CF', 'CG', 'CH', 'CI', 'CK', 'CL', 'CM', 'CN', 'CO', 'CR', 'CS', 'CU', 'CV', 'CW', 'CX', 'CY', 'CZ',
836  'DE', 'DJ', 'DK', 'DM', 'DO', 'DZ',
837  'EC', 'EE', 'EG', 'EH', 'ER', 'ES', 'ET', 'EU',
838  'FI', 'FJ', 'FK', 'FM', 'FO', 'FR',
839  'GA', 'GB-ENG', 'GB-NIR', 'GB-SCT', 'GB-WLS', 'GB', 'GD', 'GE', 'GF', 'GG', 'GH', 'GI', 'GL', 'GM', 'GN', 'GP', 'GQ', 'GR', 'GS', 'GT', 'GU', 'GW', 'GY',
840  'HK', 'HM', 'HN', 'HR', 'HT', 'HU',
841  'ID', 'IE', 'IL', 'IM', 'IN', 'IO', 'IQ', 'IR', 'IS', 'IT',
842  'JE', 'JM', 'JO', 'JP',
843  'KE', 'KG', 'KH', 'KI', 'KM', 'KN', 'KP', 'KR', 'KW', 'KY', 'KZ',
844  'LA', 'LB', 'LC', 'LI', 'LK', 'LR', 'LS', 'LT', 'LU', 'LV', 'LY',
845  'MA', 'MC', 'MD', 'ME', 'MF', 'MG', 'MH', 'MI', 'MK', 'ML', 'MM', 'MN', 'MO', 'MP', 'MQ', 'MR', 'MS', 'MT', 'MU', 'MV', 'MW', 'MX', 'MY', 'MZ',
846  'NA', 'NC', 'NE', 'NF', 'NG', 'NI', 'NL', 'NO', 'NP', 'NR', 'NU', 'NZ',
847  'OM',
848  'PA', 'PE', 'PF', 'PG', 'PH', 'PK', 'PL', 'PM', 'PN', 'PR', 'PS', 'PT', 'PW', 'PY',
849  'QA', 'QC',
850  'RE', 'RO', 'RS', 'RU', 'RW',
851  'SA', 'SB', 'SC', 'SD', 'SE', 'SG', 'SH', 'SI', 'SJ', 'SK', 'SL', 'SM', 'SN', 'SO', 'SR', 'SS', 'ST', 'SV', 'SX', 'SY', 'SZ',
852  'TC', 'TD', 'TF', 'TG', 'TH', 'TJ', 'TK', 'TL', 'TM', 'TN', 'TO', 'TR', 'TT', 'TV', 'TW', 'TZ',
853  'UA', 'UG', 'UM', 'US', 'UY', 'UZ',
854  'VA', 'VC', 'VE', 'VG', 'VI', 'VN', 'VU',
855  'WF', 'WS',
856  'YE', 'YT',
857  'ZA', 'ZM', 'ZW',
858  // Special Flags
859  'catalonia',
860  'multiple',
861  'en-us-gb'
862  ];
863  foreach ($files as $file) {
864  $identifier = strtolower($file);
865  $this->icons['flags-' . $identifier] = [
866  'provider' => BitmapIconProvider::class,
867  'options' => [
868  'source' => $iconFolder . $file . '.png'
869  ]
870  ];
871  }
872  $this->flagsInitialized = true;
873  }
881  public function ‪detectIconProvider($iconReference)
882  {
883  if (‪StringUtility::endsWith(strtolower($iconReference), 'svg')) {
884  return SvgIconProvider::class;
885  }
886  return BitmapIconProvider::class;
887  }
888 }
‪array $staticIcons
Definition: IconRegistry.php:86
‪string getCacheIdentifier()
Definition: IconRegistry.php:738
‪static FrontendInterface $cache
Definition: IconRegistry.php:473
Definition: Dimension.php:2
‪registerMimeTypeIcon($mimeType, $iconIdentifier)
Definition: IconRegistry.php:651
‪string null getIconIdentifierForMimeType($mimeType)
Definition: IconRegistry.php:724
‪string getIconIdentifierForFileExtension($fileExtension)
Definition: IconRegistry.php:709
‪array $icons
Definition: IconRegistry.php:59
‪static bool endsWith($haystack, $needle)
Definition: StringUtility.php:60
Definition: IconRegistry.php:522
Definition: IconRegistry.php:815
Definition: Exception.php:21
‪bool $backendIconsInitialized
Definition: IconRegistry.php:53
‪bool $tcaInitialized
Definition: IconRegistry.php:41
Definition: annotationChecker.php:102
‪array getDeprecatedIcons()
Definition: IconRegistry.php:700
‪string[] $fileExtensionMapping
Definition: IconRegistry.php:322
Definition: BitmapIconProvider.php:26
‪string getDefaultIconIdentifier()
Definition: IconRegistry.php:608
Definition: FontawesomeIconProvider.php:24
‪static string getProjectPath()
Definition: Environment.php:142
‪bool $flagsInitialized
Definition: IconRegistry.php:45
‪bool isRegistered($identifier)
Definition: IconRegistry.php:588
‪string[] $mimeTypeMapping
Definition: IconRegistry.php:404
‪bool isDeprecated($identifier)
Definition: IconRegistry.php:600
Definition: IconRegistry.php:478
‪mixed getIconConfigurationByIdentifier($identifier)
Definition: IconRegistry.php:663
‪array getAllRegisteredIconIdentifiers()
Definition: IconRegistry.php:689
‪registerIcon($identifier, $iconProviderClassName, array $options=[])
Definition: IconRegistry.php:622
Definition: IconRegistry.php:783
Definition: IconRegistry.php:34
Definition: CacheManager.php:34
‪registerFileExtension($fileExtension, $iconIdentifier)
Definition: IconRegistry.php:640
‪bool $fullInitialized
Definition: IconRegistry.php:37
‪array $deprecatedIcons
Definition: IconRegistry.php:423
‪bool $moduleIconsInitialized
Definition: IconRegistry.php:49
Definition: FrontendInterface.php:21
Definition: SingletonInterface.php:22
Definition: ext_localconf.php:5
Definition: Environment.php:39
‪string[] $backendIconAllowedExtensionsWithProvider
Definition: IconRegistry.php:76
Definition: SvgIconProvider.php:26
‪string[] $backendIconPaths
Definition: IconRegistry.php:65
Definition: GeneralUtility.php:45
Definition: IconRegistry.php:497
‪string detectIconProvider($iconReference)
Definition: IconRegistry.php:867
Definition: IconRegistry.php:750
Definition: StringUtility.php:21
Definition: IconRegistry.php:546
‪static setCache(FrontendInterface $cache)
Definition: IconRegistry.php:487
‪string $defaultIconIdentifier
Definition: IconRegistry.php:469