‪TYPO3CMS  9.5
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1 <?php
4 /*
5  * This file is part of the TYPO3 CMS project.
6  *
7  * It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8  * the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 2
9  * of the License, or any later version.
10  *
11  * For the full copyright and license information, please read the
12  * LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.
13  *
14  * The TYPO3 project - inspiring people to share!
15  */
39 {
47  'pObj' => 'Using InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController::$pObj is deprecated and will not be possible anymore in TYPO3 v10.0.',
48  'function_key' => 'Using InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController::$function_key is deprecated, property will be removed in TYPO3 v10.0.',
49  'extClassConf' => 'Using InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController::$extClassConf is deprecated, property will be removed in TYPO3 v10.0.',
50  'localLangFile' => 'Using InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController::$localLangFile is deprecated, property will be removed in TYPO3 v10.0.',
51  'extObj' => 'Using InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController::$extObj is deprecated, property will be removed in TYPO3 v10.0.',
52  ];
57  private ‪$deprecatedPublicMethods = [
58  'modMenu' => 'Using InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController::modMenu() is deprecated and will not be possible anymore in TYPO3 v10.0.',
59  'extObjContent' => 'Using InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController::extObjContent() is deprecated, method will be removed in TYPO3 v10.0.',
60  ];
65  protected ‪$iconFactory;
70  protected ‪$view;
75  protected ‪$pObj;
80  protected ‪$id;
85  protected ‪$extObj;
90  protected ‪$localLangFile = '';
95  protected ‪$extClassConf;
100  protected ‪$function_key = '';
107  public function ‪init(‪$pObj)
108  {
109  $this->iconFactory = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(IconFactory::class);
110  $languageService = $this->‪getLanguageService();
111  $languageService->includeLLFile('EXT:info/Resources/Private/Language/InfoPageTsConfig.xlf');
112  $this->view = $this->‪getFluidTemplateObject();
113  $this->pObj = ‪$pObj;
114  // Local lang:
115  if (!empty($this->localLangFile)) {
116  // @deprecated since TYPO3 v9, will be removed in TYPO3 v10.0.
117  $languageService->includeLLFile($this->localLangFile);
118  }
119  $this->id = (int)GeneralUtility::_GP('id');
120  // Setting MOD_MENU items as we need them for logging:
121  $this->pObj->MOD_MENU = array_merge($this->pObj->MOD_MENU, $this->modMenu());
122  }
129  public function ‪main()
130  {
131  $pageId = (int)GeneralUtility::_GP('id');
132  $uriBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(UriBuilder::class);
134  if ($pageId === 0) {
135  $this->view->assign('pageZero', 1);
136  $pagesUsingTSConfig = $this->‪getOverviewOfPagesUsingTSConfig();
137  if (count($pagesUsingTSConfig) > 0) {
138  $this->view->assign('overviewOfPagesUsingTSConfig', $pagesUsingTSConfig);
139  }
140  } else {
141  if ($this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tsconf_parts'] == 99) {
142  $TSparts = ‪BackendUtility::getRawPagesTSconfig($this->id);
143  $lines = [];
144  $pUids = [];
146  foreach ($TSparts as $k => $v) {
147  if ($k !== 'uid_0') {
148  $line = [];
149  if ($k === 'defaultPageTSconfig') {
150  $line['defaultPageTSconfig'] = 1;
151  } else {
152  $editIdList = substr($k, 4);
153  $pUids[] = $editIdList;
154  $row = ‪BackendUtility::getRecordWSOL('pages', $editIdList);
156  $icon = $this->iconFactory->getIconForRecord('pages', $row, ‪Icon::SIZE_SMALL);
157  $urlParameters = [
158  'edit' => [
159  'pages' => [
160  $editIdList => 'edit',
161  ]
162  ],
163  'columnsOnly' => 'TSconfig',
164  'returnUrl' => GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI')
165  ];
166  $line['editIcon'] = (string)$uriBuilder->buildUriFromRoute('record_edit', $urlParameters);
167  $line['editTitle'] = 'editTSconfig';
168  $line['title'] = ‪BackendUtility::wrapClickMenuOnIcon($icon, 'pages', $row['uid'])
169  . ' ' . htmlspecialchars(‪BackendUtility::getRecordTitle('pages', $row));
170  }
171  $tsparser = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(TypoScriptParser::class);
172  $tsparser->lineNumberOffset = 0;
173  $line['content'] = $tsparser->doSyntaxHighlight(trim($v) . LF);
174  $lines[] = $line;
175  }
176  }
178  if (!empty($pUids)) {
179  $urlParameters = [
180  'edit' => [
181  'pages' => [
182  implode(',', $pUids) => 'edit',
183  ]
184  ],
185  'columnsOnly' => 'TSconfig',
186  'returnUrl' => GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI')
187  ];
188  $url = (string)$uriBuilder->buildUriFromRoute('record_edit', $urlParameters);
189  $editIcon = htmlspecialchars($url);
190  $editTitle = 'editTSconfig_all';
191  } else {
192  $editIcon = '';
193  $editTitle = '';
194  }
196  $this->view->assign('tsconfParts99', 1);
197  $this->view->assign('csh', ‪BackendUtility::cshItem('_MOD_web_info', 'tsconfig_edit', null, '|'));
198  $this->view->assign('lines', $lines);
199  $this->view->assign('editIcon', $editIcon);
200  $this->view->assign('editTitle', $editTitle);
201  } else {
202  $this->view->assign('tsconfParts99', 0);
203  // Defined global here!
204  $tmpl = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ExtendedTemplateService::class);
205  $tmpl->ext_expandAllNotes = 1;
206  $tmpl->ext_noPMicons = 1;
208  $pageTsConfig = ‪BackendUtility::getPagesTSconfig($this->id);
209  switch ($this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tsconf_parts']) {
210  case '1':
211  $pageTsConfig = $pageTsConfig['mod.'] ?? [];
212  break;
213  case '1a':
214  $pageTsConfig = $pageTsConfig['mod.']['web_layout.'] ?? [];
215  break;
216  case '1b':
217  $pageTsConfig = $pageTsConfig['mod.']['web_view.'] ?? [];
218  break;
219  case '1c':
220  $pageTsConfig = $pageTsConfig['mod.']['web_modules.'] ?? [];
221  break;
222  case '1d':
223  $pageTsConfig = $pageTsConfig['mod.']['web_list.'] ?? [];
224  break;
225  case '1e':
226  $pageTsConfig = $pageTsConfig['mod.']['web_info.'] ?? [];
227  break;
228  case '1f':
229  $pageTsConfig = $pageTsConfig['mod.']['web_func.'] ?? [];
230  break;
231  case '1g':
232  $pageTsConfig = $pageTsConfig['mod.']['web_ts.'] ?? [];
233  break;
234  case '2':
235  $pageTsConfig = $pageTsConfig['RTE.'] ?? [];
236  break;
237  case '5':
238  $pageTsConfig = $pageTsConfig['TCEFORM.'] ?? [];
239  break;
240  case '6':
241  $pageTsConfig = $pageTsConfig['TCEMAIN.'] ?? [];
242  break;
243  case '3':
244  $pageTsConfig = $pageTsConfig['TSFE.'] ?? [];
245  break;
246  case '7':
247  $pageTsConfig = $pageTsConfig['TCAdefaults.'] ?? [];
248  break;
249  case '4':
250  $pageTsConfig = $pageTsConfig['user.'] ?? [];
251  break;
252  default:
253  // Entire array
254  }
256  $this->view->assign('csh', ‪BackendUtility::cshItem('_MOD_web_info', 'tsconfig_hierarchy', null, '|'));
257  $this->view->assign('tree', $tmpl->ext_getObjTree($pageTsConfig, '', '', '', '', $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tsconf_alphaSort']));
258  }
259  $this->view->assign('alphaSort', ‪BackendUtility::getFuncCheck($this->id, 'SET[tsconf_alphaSort]', $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tsconf_alphaSort'], '', '', 'id="checkTsconf_alphaSort"'));
260  $this->view->assign('dropdownMenu', ‪BackendUtility::getDropdownMenu($this->id, 'SET[tsconf_parts]', $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tsconf_parts'], $this->pObj->MOD_MENU['tsconf_parts']));
261  }
262  return $this->view->render();
263  }
270  protected function ‪modMenu()
271  {
272  $lang = $this->‪getLanguageService();
273  $modMenuAdd = [
274  'tsconf_parts' => [
275  0 => $lang->getLL('tsconf_parts_0'),
276  1 => $lang->getLL('tsconf_parts_1'),
277  '1a' => $lang->getLL('tsconf_parts_1a'),
278  '1b' => $lang->getLL('tsconf_parts_1b'),
279  '1c' => $lang->getLL('tsconf_parts_1c'),
280  '1d' => $lang->getLL('tsconf_parts_1d'),
281  '1e' => $lang->getLL('tsconf_parts_1e'),
282  '1f' => $lang->getLL('tsconf_parts_1f'),
283  '1g' => $lang->getLL('tsconf_parts_1g'),
284  2 => 'RTE.',
285  7 => 'TCAdefaults.',
286  5 => 'TCEFORM.',
287  6 => 'TCEMAIN.',
288  3 => 'TSFE.',
289  4 => 'user.',
290  99 => $lang->getLL('tsconf_configFields')
291  ],
292  'tsconf_alphaSort' => '1'
293  ];
294  if (!$this->‪getBackendUser()->isAdmin()) {
295  unset($modMenuAdd['tsconf_parts'][99]);
296  }
297  return $modMenuAdd;
298  }
305  protected function ‪getOverviewOfPagesUsingTSConfig()
306  {
307  $queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)->getQueryBuilderForTable('pages');
308  $queryBuilder->getRestrictions()
309  ->removeAll()
310  ->add(GeneralUtility::makeInstance(DeletedRestriction::class))
311  ->add(GeneralUtility::makeInstance(BackendWorkspaceRestriction::class));
313  $res = $queryBuilder
314  ->select('uid', 'TSconfig')
315  ->from('pages')
316  ->where(
317  $queryBuilder->expr()->neq(
318  'TSconfig',
319  $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('', \PDO::PARAM_STR)
320  )
321  )
322  ->execute();
324  $pageArray = [];
326  while ($row = $res->fetch()) {
327  $this->‪setInPageArray($pageArray, ‪BackendUtility::BEgetRootLine($row['uid'], 'AND 1=1'), $row);
328  }
329  return $this->‪getList($pageArray);
330  }
341  protected function ‪setInPageArray(&$hierarchicArray, $rootlineArray, $row)
342  {
343  ksort($rootlineArray);
344  reset($rootlineArray);
345  if (!$rootlineArray[0]['uid']) {
346  array_shift($rootlineArray);
347  }
348  $currentElement = current($rootlineArray);
349  $hierarchicArray[$currentElement['uid']] = htmlspecialchars($currentElement['title']);
350  array_shift($rootlineArray);
351  if (!empty($rootlineArray)) {
352  if (!isset($hierarchicArray[$currentElement['uid'] . '.'])) {
353  $hierarchicArray[$currentElement['uid'] . '.'] = [];
354  }
355  $this->‪setInPageArray($hierarchicArray[$currentElement['uid'] . '.'], $rootlineArray, $row);
356  } else {
357  $hierarchicArray[$currentElement['uid'] . '_'] = $this->‪extractLinesFromTSConfig($row);
358  }
359  }
367  protected function ‪extractLinesFromTSConfig(array $row)
368  {
369  $out = [];
370  $includeLines = 0;
371  $out['uid'] = $row['uid'];
372  $lines = GeneralUtility::trimExplode("\r\n", $row['TSconfig']);
373  foreach ($lines as $line) {
374  if (strpos($line, '<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT:') !== false) {
375  $includeLines++;
376  }
377  }
378  $out['includeLines'] = $includeLines;
379  $out['writtenLines'] = (count($lines) - $includeLines);
380  return $out;
381  }
392  protected function ‪getList($pageArray, $lines = [], $pageDepth = 0)
393  {
394  if (!is_array($pageArray)) {
395  return $lines;
396  }
398  foreach ($pageArray as $identifier => $_) {
399  if (!‪MathUtility::canBeInterpretedAsInteger($identifier)) {
400  continue;
401  }
402  $line = [];
403  $line['padding'] = ($pageDepth * 20) + 10;
404  if (isset($pageArray[$identifier . '_'])) {
405  $line['link'] = GeneralUtility::linkThisScript(['id' => $identifier]);
406  $line['icon'] = $this->iconFactory->getIconForRecord('pages', ‪BackendUtility::getRecordWSOL('pages', $identifier), ‪Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render();
407  $line['title'] = 'ID: ' . $identifier;
408  $line['pageTitle'] = GeneralUtility::fixed_lgd_cs($pageArray[$identifier], 30);
409  $line['includedFiles'] = ($pageArray[$identifier . '_']['includeLines'] === 0 ? '' : $pageArray[$identifier . '_']['includeLines']);
410  $line['lines'] = ($pageArray[$identifier . '_']['writtenLines'] === 0 ? '' : $pageArray[$identifier . '_']['writtenLines']);
411  } else {
412  $line['link'] = '';
413  $line['icon'] = $this->iconFactory->getIconForRecord('pages', ‪BackendUtility::getRecordWSOL('pages', $identifier), ‪Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render();
414  $line['title'] = '';
415  $line['pageTitle'] = GeneralUtility::fixed_lgd_cs($pageArray[$identifier], 30);
416  $line['includedFiles'] = '';
417  $line['lines'] = '';
418  }
419  $lines[] = $line;
420  $lines = $this->‪getList($pageArray[$identifier . '.'], $lines, $pageDepth + 1);
421  }
422  return $lines;
423  }
430  protected function ‪getFluidTemplateObject()
431  {
432  ‪$view = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(StandaloneView::class);
433  ‪$view->‪setLayoutRootPaths([GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName('EXT:info/Resources/Private/Layouts')]);
434  ‪$view->‪setPartialRootPaths([GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName('EXT:info/Resources/Private/Partials')]);
435  ‪$view->‪setTemplateRootPaths([GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName('EXT:info/Resources/Private/Templates')]);
437  ‪$view->‪setTemplatePathAndFilename(GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName('EXT:info/Resources/Private/Templates/PageTsConfig.html'));
439  ‪$view->‪getRequest()->setControllerExtensionName('info');
440  return ‪$view;
441  }
448  public function ‪checkExtObj()
449  {
450  if (is_array($this->extClassConf) && $this->extClassConf['name']) {
451  $this->extObj = GeneralUtility::makeInstance($this->extClassConf['name']);
452  $this->extObj->init($this->pObj, $this->extClassConf);
453  // Re-write:
454  $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS = ‪BackendUtility::getModuleData($this->pObj->MOD_MENU, GeneralUtility::_GP('SET'), 'web_info');
455  }
456  }
463  protected function ‪extObjContent()
464  {
465  if (is_object($this->extObj)) {
466  return $this->extObj->main();
467  }
468  }
473  protected function ‪getBackendUser(): BackendUserAuthentication
474  {
475  return ‪$GLOBALS['BE_USER'];
476  }
481  protected function ‪getLanguageService(): ‪LanguageService
482  {
483  return ‪$GLOBALS['LANG'];
484  }
485 }
‪InfoModuleController $pObj
Definition: InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController.php:68
Definition: Icon.php:29
Definition: InfoModuleController.php:42
‪static bool canBeInterpretedAsInteger($var)
Definition: MathUtility.php:73
‪setInPageArray(&$hierarchicArray, $rootlineArray, $row)
Definition: InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController.php:334
Definition: TypoScriptParser.php:37
Definition: Icon.php:25
‪array extractLinesFromTSConfig(array $row)
Definition: InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController.php:360
‪array getOverviewOfPagesUsingTSConfig()
Definition: InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController.php:298
‪array $deprecatedPublicMethods
Definition: InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController.php:53
Definition: BackendWorkspaceRestriction.php:28
‪static string cshItem($table, $field, $_='', $wrap='')
Definition: BackendUtility.php:2565
Definition: IconFactory.php:31
‪StandaloneView getFluidTemplateObject()
Definition: InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController.php:423
‪string main()
Definition: InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController.php:122
Definition: ExtendedTemplateService.php:39
‪static array BEgetRootLine($uid, $clause='', $workspaceOL=false, array $additionalFields=[])
Definition: BackendUtility.php:374
‪array modMenu()
Definition: InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController.php:263
Definition: InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController.php:73
‪BackendUserAuthentication getBackendUser()
Definition: InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController.php:466
‪static string wrapClickMenuOnIcon( $content, $table, $uid=0, $context='', $_addParams='', $_enDisItems='', $returnTagParameters=false)
Definition: BackendUtility.php:2759
Definition: InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController.php:83
Definition: InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController.php:100
Definition: InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController.php:78
‪array getList($pageArray, $lines=[], $pageDepth=0)
Definition: InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController.php:385
Definition: InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController.php:441
Definition: UriBuilder.php:35
‪static string getDropdownMenu( $mainParams, $elementName, $currentValue, $menuItems, $script='', $addParams='')
Definition: BackendUtility.php:3005
‪static string getRecordTitle($table, $row, $prep=false, $forceResult=true)
Definition: BackendUtility.php:1811
‪static array getModuleData( $MOD_MENU, $CHANGED_SETTINGS, $modName, $type='', $dontValidateList='', $setDefaultList='')
Definition: BackendUtility.php:3259
‪static string getFuncCheck( $mainParams, $elementName, $currentValue, $script='', $addParams='', $tagParams='')
Definition: BackendUtility.php:3054
Definition: AbstractTemplateView.php:100
‪IconFactory $iconFactory
Definition: InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController.php:60
Definition: BackendUserAuthentication.php:45
Definition: PublicMethodDeprecationTrait.php:68
Definition: BackendUtility.php:72
‪static array getRecordWSOL( $table, $uid, $fields=' *', $where='', $useDeleteClause=true, $unsetMovePointers=false)
Definition: BackendUtility.php:174
Definition: StandaloneView.php:32
‪static array getPagesTSconfig($id, $rootLine=null, $returnPartArray=false)
Definition: BackendUtility.php:864
Definition: ext_localconf.php:5
Definition: DeletedRestriction.php:26
‪static array getRawPagesTSconfig($id, array $rootLine=null)
Definition: BackendUtility.php:946
Definition: MathUtility.php:21
‪setLayoutRootPaths(array $layoutRootPaths)
Definition: AbstractTemplateView.php:164
‪LanguageService getLanguageService()
Definition: InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController.php:474
Definition: LanguageService.php:29
Definition: PublicPropertyDeprecationTrait.php:66
‪WebRequest getRequest()
Definition: StandaloneView.php:109
Definition: ConnectionPool.php:44
‪setPartialRootPaths(array $partialRootPaths)
Definition: AbstractTemplateView.php:131
‪StandaloneView $view
Definition: InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController.php:64
Definition: InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController.php:93
Definition: GeneralUtility.php:45
Definition: InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController.php:456
Definition: InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController.php:88
Definition: InfoModuleController.php:2
‪array $deprecatedPublicProperties
Definition: InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController.php:43
Definition: InfoPageTyposcriptConfigController.php:39
‪setTemplateRootPaths(array $templateRootPaths)
Definition: AbstractTemplateView.php:111