Go to the documentation of this file.
2 declare(strict_types = 1);
67 'home page in EN' => [
68 'url' =>
70 'page/title' =>
'EN: Welcome',
73 'home page in DE' => [
74 'url' =>
76 'page/title' =>
'DE: Willkommen',
79 'about page in EN' => [
80 'url' =>
82 'page/title' =>
'EN: About us',
85 'about page in DE-CH' => [
86 'url' =>
88 'page/title' =>
'DE-CH: Über uns',
112 'home page in DE-CH where page translation does not exist and is trapped by l18n_cfg' => [
113 'url' =>
114 'exception' => PageNotFoundException::class,
116 'about page in DE where page translation does not exist and is trapped by l18n_cfg' => [
117 'url' =>
118 'exception' => PageNotFoundException::class,
142 'url' =>
144 [
'title' =>
'EN: Welcome',
'link' =>
145 [
'title' =>
'EN: About us',
'link' =>
149 'url' =>
151 [
'title' =>
'DE: Willkommen',
'link' =>
155 'url' =>
157 [
'title' =>
'EN: Welcome',
'link' =>
158 [
'title' =>
'EN: About us',
'link' =>
162 'url' =>
164 [
'title' =>
'DE-CH: Über uns',
'link' =>
resolvedPagesMatchScopes(string $url, array $scopes)
assertScopes(string $url, array $scopes)
assertException(string $url, string $exception)
requestsThrowException(string $url, string $exception)
array buildLanguageConfiguration(string $identifier, string $base, array $fallbackIdentifiers=[], string $fallbackType=null)
writeSiteConfiguration(string $identifier, array $site=[], array $languages=[], array $errorHandling=[])
array buildDefaultLanguageConfiguration(string $identifier, string $base)
array pageNotFoundDataProvider()
array resolvablePagesDataProvider()
assertMenu(string $url, array $expectation)
array menuDataProvider()
setUpDatabaseWithYamlPayload(string $pathToYamlFile)
array buildSiteConfiguration(int $rootPageId, string $base='')
pageMenuIsRendered(string $url, array $expectedMenu)