2 declare(strict_types = 1);
18 use Codeception\Util\Locator;
32 $I->useExistingSession(
41 $I->wantToTest(
'whether sysnote entries can be edited via the Internal Notes section in List View');
43 $I->amGoingTo(
'create a record');
45 $I->waitForElementNotVisible(
46 $pageTree->openPath([
'styleguide TCA demo']);
48 $I->switchToContentFrame();
50 $I->click(
'.module-docheader .btn[title="Create new record"]');
52 $I->canSee(
'New record');
54 $I->scrollTo(Locator::find(
'span', [
'data-table' =>
55 $I->click(
'Internal note');
57 $I->fillField(
'//input[contains(@data-formengine-input-name, "data[sys_note]") and contains(@data-formengine-input-name, "[subject]")]',
'new sys_note');
58 $I->click(
60 $I->waitForElementNotVisible(
61 $I->click(
63 $I->canSee(
'styleguide TCA demo',
64 $I->click(
65 $I->canSee(
'Internal notes',
66 $I->canSee(
'new sys_note');
67 $I->click(
'div.typo3-dblist-sysnotes > div > div.panel-heading.clearfix > div > a:nth-child(1)');
69 $I->canSee(
'Edit Internal note "new sys_note"');