‪TYPO3CMS  9.5
TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Tests\UnitDeprecated\Utility\Fixtures\BackendUtilityFixture Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Tests\UnitDeprecated\Utility\Fixtures\BackendUtilityFixture:

Static Public Member Functions

static array getPagesTSconfig ($id, $rootLine=null, $returnPartArray=false)
- ‪Static Public Member Functions inherited from ‪TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility
static string deleteClause ($table, $tableAlias='')
static array null getRecord ($table, $uid, $fields=' *', $where='', $useDeleteClause=true)
static array getRecordWSOL ( $table, $uid, $fields=' *', $where='', $useDeleteClause=true, $unsetMovePointers=false)
static array purgeComputedPropertiesFromRecord (array $record)
static array purgeComputedPropertyNames (array $propertyNames)
static array splitTable_Uid ($str)
static string BEenableFields ($table, $inv=false)
static mixed getRecordLocalization ($table, $uid, $language, $andWhereClause='')
static array BEgetRootLine ($uid, $clause='', $workspaceOL=false, array $additionalFields=[])
static openPageTree ($pid, $clearExpansion)
static mixed getRecordPath ($uid, $clause, $titleLimit, $fullTitleLimit=0)
static string getOriginalTranslationTable ($table)
static bool isTableLocalizable ($table)
static array bool readPageAccess ($id, $perms_clause)
static array null getTCAtypes ($table, $rec, $useFieldNameAsKey=false)
static string getTCAtypeValue ($table, $row)
static storeHash ($hash, $data, $ident)
static mixed getHash ($hash)
static array getRawPagesTSconfig ($id, array $rootLine=null)
static array getUserNames ($fields='username, usergroup, usergroup_cached_list, uid', $where='')
static array getGroupNames ($fields='title, uid', $where='')
static array getListGroupNames ($fields='title, uid')
static array blindUserNames ($usernames, $groupArray, $excludeBlindedFlag=false)
static array blindGroupNames ($groups, $groupArray, $excludeBlindedFlag=false)
static int daysUntil ($tstamp)
static string date ($tstamp)
static string datetime ($value)
static string time ($value, $withSeconds=true)
static string calcAge ($seconds, $labels='min|hrs|days|yrs|min|hour|day|year')
static string dateTimeAge ($tstamp, $prefix=1, $date='')
static TYPO3 CMS Core Resource FileReference[] null resolveFileReferences ($tableName, $fieldName, $element, $workspaceId=null)
static string thumbCode ( $row, $table, $field, $backPath='', $thumbScript='', $uploaddir=null, $abs=0, $tparams='', $size='', $linkInfoPopup=true)
static string titleAttribForPages ($row, $perms_clause='', $includeAttrib=true)
static string getRecordToolTip (array $row, $table='pages')
static string getRecordIconAltText ($row, $table='pages')
static string getLabelFromItemlist ($table, $col, $key)
static string getLabelFromItemListMerged ($pageId, $table, $column, $key)
static string getLabelsFromItemsList ($table, $column, $keyList, array $columnTsConfig=[])
static string getItemLabel ($table, $col)
static string getRecordTitle ($table, $row, $prep=false, $forceResult=true)
static string getRecordTitlePrep ($title, $titleLength=0)
static string getNoRecordTitle ($prep=false)
static string null getProcessedValue ( $table, $col, $value, $fixed_lgd_chars=0, $defaultPassthrough=false, $noRecordLookup=false, $uid=0, $forceResult=true, $pid=0)
static string getProcessedValueExtra ( $table, $fN, $fV, $fixed_lgd_chars=0, $uid=0, $forceResult=true, $pid=0)
static string getCommonSelectFields ($table, $prefix='', $fields=[])
static array helpTextArray ($table, $field)
static string helpText ($table, $field)
static string wrapInHelp ($table, $field, $text='', array $overloadHelpText=[])
static string cshItem ($table, $field, $_='', $wrap='')
static string editOnClick ($params, $_='', $requestUri='')
static string viewOnClick ( $pageUid, $backPath='', $rootLine=null, $anchorSection='', $alternativeUrl='', $additionalGetVars='', $switchFocus=true)
static string getPreviewUrl ( $pageUid, $backPath='', $rootLine=null, $anchorSection='', $alternativeUrl='', $additionalGetVars='', &$switchFocus=true)
static string wrapClickMenuOnIcon ( $content, $table, $uid=0, $context='', $_addParams='', $_enDisItems='', $returnTagParameters=false)
static string getLinkToDataHandlerAction ($parameters, $redirectUrl='')
static string getViewDomain ($pageId, $rootLine=null)
static array getModTSconfig ($id, $TSref)
static string getFuncMenu ( $mainParams, $elementName, $currentValue, $menuItems, $script='', $addParams='')
static string getDropdownMenu ( $mainParams, $elementName, $currentValue, $menuItems, $script='', $addParams='')
static string getFuncCheck ( $mainParams, $elementName, $currentValue, $script='', $addParams='', $tagParams='')
static string getFuncInput ( $mainParams, $elementName, $currentValue, $size=10, $script='', $addParams='')
static array unsetMenuItems ($modTSconfig, $itemArray, $TSref)
static setUpdateSignal ($set='', $params='')
static string getUpdateSignalCode ()
static array getModuleData ( $MOD_MENU, $CHANGED_SETTINGS, $modName, $type='', $dontValidateList='', $setDefaultList='')
static string getModuleUrl ($moduleName, $urlParameters=[])
static lockRecords ($table='', $uid=0, $pid=0)
static array bool isRecordLocked ($table, $uid)
static array getTCEFORM_TSconfig ($table, $row)
static int getTSconfig_pidValue ($table, $uid, $pid)
static int getPidForModTSconfig ($table, $uid, $pid)
static array getTSCpidCached ($table, $uid, $pid)
static array getTSCpid ($table, $uid, $pid)
static string null firstDomainRecord ($rootLine)
static array bool getDomainStartPage ($domain, $path='')
static mixed & softRefParserObj ($spKey)
static array bool explodeSoftRefParserList ($parserList)
static bool isModuleSetInTBE_MODULES ($modName)
static string referenceCount ($table, $ref, $msg='', $count=null)
static string translationCount ($table, $ref, $msg='')
static array null selectVersionsOfRecord ( $table, $uid, $fields=' *', $workspace=0, $includeDeletedRecords=false, $row=null)
static fixVersioningPid ($table, &$rr, $ignoreWorkspaceMatch=false)
static workspaceOL ($table, &$row, $wsid=-99, $unsetMovePointers=false)
static bool movePlhOL ($table, &$row)
static array bool getWorkspaceVersionOfRecord ($workspace, $table, $uid, $fields=' *')
static array null getLiveVersionOfRecord ($table, $uid, $fields=' *')
static int getLiveVersionIdOfRecord ($table, $uid)
static string versioningPlaceholderClause ($table)
static string getWorkspaceWhereClause ($table, $workspaceId=null)
static int wsMapId ($table, $uid)
static array bool getMovePlaceholder ($table, $uid, $fields=' *', $workspace=null)
static string TYPO3_copyRightNotice ()
static string ADMCMD_previewCmds ($pageInfo, Context $context)
static string getBackendScript ($interface='')
static bool isTableWorkspaceEnabled ($table)
static array getTcaFieldConfiguration ($table, $field)
static bool isWebMountRestrictionIgnored ($table)
static bool isRootLevelRestrictionIgnored ($table)
static bool shortcutExists ($url)

Additional Inherited Members

- ‪Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ‪TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility
static array getPageForRootline ($uid, $clause, $workspaceOL, array $additionalFields=[])
static array getRecordsSortedByTitle (array $fields, $table, $titleField, $where='')
static string createPreviewUrl ($pageUid, $rootLine, $anchorSection, $additionalGetVars, $viewScript)
static string buildScriptUrl ($mainParams, $addParams, $script='')
static FrontendInterface getRuntimeCache ()
static TYPO3 CMS Extbase SignalSlot Dispatcher getSignalSlotDispatcher ()
static array emitGetPagesTSconfigPreIncludeSignal (array $TSdataArray, $id, array $rootLine)
static Connection getConnectionForTable ($table)
static QueryBuilder getQueryBuilderForTable ($table)
static LoggerInterface getLogger ()
static LanguageService getLanguageService ()
static BackendUserAuthentication getBackendUserAuthentication ()
- ‪Static Protected Attributes inherited from ‪TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility
static array $tcaTableTypeConfigurationCache = array( )

Detailed Description

BackendUtility fixture

Definition at line 22 of file BackendUtilityFixture.php.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getPagesTSconfig()

static array TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Tests\UnitDeprecated\Utility\Fixtures\BackendUtilityFixture::getPagesTSconfig (   $id,
  $rootLine = null,
  $returnPartArray = false 

Reimplemented from TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility.

Definition at line 30 of file BackendUtilityFixture.php.