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Mso\IdnaConvert Namespace Reference


class  EncodingHelper
class  IdnaConvert
class  NamePrepData
class  NamePrepData2003
interface  NamePrepDataInterface
class  Punycode
interface  PunycodeInterface
class  UnicodeTranscoder
interface  UnicodeTranscoderInterface

Detailed Description

Encoding Helper - convert various encodings to / from UTF-8

‪Matthias Sommerfeld, mso@p.nosp@m.hlyl.nosp@m.abs.d.nosp@m.e
1.0.0 2016-01-08

Encode/decode Internationalized Domain Names.

The class allows to convert internationalized domain names (see RFC 3490 for details) as they can be used with various registries worldwide to be translated between their original (localized) form and their encoded form as it will be used in the DNS (Domain Name System).

The class provides two public methods, encode() and decode(), which do exactly what you would expect them to do. You are allowed to use complete domain names, simple strings and complete email addresses as well. That means, that you might use any of the following notations:

  • ‪www.nörgler.com
  • ‪xn–nrgler-wxa
  • ‪xn–brse-5qa.xn–knrz-1ra.info

Unicode input might be given as either UTF-8 string, UCS-4 string or UCS-4 array. Unicode output is available in the same formats. You can select your preferred format via set_paramter().

ACE input and output is always expected to be ASCII.

‪Matthias Sommerfeld mso@p.nosp@m.hlyl.nosp@m.abs.d.nosp@m.e
‪1.0.1-dev 2016-01-12

UCTC - The Unicode Transcoder

Converts between various flavours of Unicode representations like UCS-4 or UTF-8 Supported schemes:

  • ‪UCS-4 Little Endian / Big Endian / Array (partially)
  • ‪UTF-16 Little Endian / Big Endian (not yet)
  • ‪UTF-8
  • ‪UTF-7
  • ‪UTF-7 IMAP (modified UTF-7)
‪Matthias Sommerfeld mso@p.nosp@m.hlyL.nosp@m.abs.d.nosp@m.e
0.1.1 2016-01-24

UCTC - The Unicode Transcoder

Converts between various flavours of Unicode representations like UCS-4 or UTF-8 Supported schemes:

  • ‪UCS-4 Little Endian / Big Endian / Array (partially)
  • ‪UTF-16 Little Endian / Big Endian (not yet)
  • ‪UTF-8
  • ‪UTF-7
  • ‪UTF-7 IMAP (modified UTF-7)
‪Matthias Sommerfeld mso@p.nosp@m.hlyL.nosp@m.abs.d.nosp@m.e
0.1.0 2016-01-08