Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
2 namespace TYPO3\CMS\Core\Tests;
24 abstract class BaseTestCase extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
31  protected $backupGlobals = TRUE;
38  protected $backupStaticAttributes = FALSE;
56  protected function getAccessibleMock(
57  $originalClassName, array $methods = array(), array $arguments = array(), $mockClassName = '',
58  $callOriginalConstructor = TRUE, $callOriginalClone = TRUE, $callAutoload = TRUE
59  ) {
60  if ($originalClassName === '') {
61  throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$originalClassName must not be empty.', 1334701880);
62  }
64  return $this->getMock(
65  $this->buildAccessibleProxy($originalClassName),
66  $methods,
67  $arguments,
68  $mockClassName,
69  $callOriginalConstructor,
70  $callOriginalClone,
71  $callAutoload
72  );
73  }
92  $originalClassName, array $arguments = array(), $mockClassName = '',
93  $callOriginalConstructor = TRUE, $callOriginalClone = TRUE, $callAutoload = TRUE
94  ) {
95  if ($originalClassName === '') {
96  throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$originalClassName must not be empty.', 1384268260);
97  }
99  return $this->getMockForAbstractClass(
100  $this->buildAccessibleProxy($originalClassName),
101  $arguments,
102  $mockClassName,
103  $callOriginalConstructor,
104  $callOriginalClone,
105  $callAutoload
106  );
107  }
116  protected function buildAccessibleProxy($className) {
117  $accessibleClassName = str_replace('.', '', $this->getUniqueId('Tx_Phpunit_AccessibleProxy'));
118  $class = new \ReflectionClass($className);
119  $abstractModifier = $class->isAbstract() ? 'abstract ' : '';
121  eval(
122  $abstractModifier . 'class ' . $accessibleClassName .
123  ' extends ' . $className . ' implements \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Tests\AccessibleObjectInterface {' .
124  'public function _call($methodName) {' .
125  'if ($methodName === \'\') {' .
126  'throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\'$methodName must not be empty.\', 1334663993);' .
127  '}' .
128  '$args = func_get_args();' .
129  'return call_user_func_array(array($this, $methodName), array_slice($args, 1));' .
130  '}' .
131  'public function _callRef(' .
132  '$methodName, &$arg1 = NULL, &$arg2 = NULL, &$arg3 = NULL, &$arg4 = NULL, &$arg5= NULL, &$arg6 = NULL, ' .
133  '&$arg7 = NULL, &$arg8 = NULL, &$arg9 = NULL' .
134  ') {' .
135  'if ($methodName === \'\') {' .
136  'throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\'$methodName must not be empty.\', 1334664210);' .
137  '}' .
138  'switch (func_num_args()) {' .
139  'case 0:' .
140  'throw new RuntimeException(\'The case of 0 arguments is not supposed to happen.\', 1334703124);' .
141  'break;' .
142  'case 1:' .
143  '$returnValue = $this->$methodName();' .
144  'break;' .
145  'case 2:' .
146  '$returnValue = $this->$methodName($arg1);' .
147  'break;' .
148  'case 3:' .
149  '$returnValue = $this->$methodName($arg1, $arg2);' .
150  'break;' .
151  'case 4:' .
152  '$returnValue = $this->$methodName($arg1, $arg2, $arg3);' .
153  'break;' .
154  'case 5:' .
155  '$returnValue = $this->$methodName($arg1, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4);' .
156  'break;' .
157  'case 6:' .
158  '$returnValue = $this->$methodName($arg1, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4, $arg5);' .
159  'break;' .
160  'case 7:' .
161  '$returnValue = $this->$methodName($arg1, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4, $arg5, $arg6);' .
162  'break;' .
163  'case 8:' .
164  '$returnValue = $this->$methodName($arg1, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4, $arg5, $arg6, $arg7);' .
165  'break;' .
166  'case 9:' .
167  '$returnValue = $this->$methodName($arg1, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4, $arg5, $arg6, $arg7, $arg8);' .
168  'break;' .
169  'case 10:' .
170  '$returnValue = $this->$methodName(' .
171  '$arg1, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4, $arg5, $arg6, $arg7, $arg8, $arg9' .
172  ');' .
173  'break;' .
174  'default:' .
175  'throw new \InvalidArgumentException(' .
176  '\'_callRef currently only allows calls to methods with no more than 9 parameters.\'' .
177  ');' .
178  '}' .
179  'return $returnValue;' .
180  '}' .
181  'public function _set($propertyName, $value) {' .
182  'if ($propertyName === \'\') {' .
183  'throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\'$propertyName must not be empty.\', 1334664355);' .
184  '}' .
185  '$this->$propertyName = $value;' .
186  '}' .
187  'public function _setRef($propertyName, &$value) {' .
188  'if ($propertyName === \'\') {' .
189  'throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\'$propertyName must not be empty.\', 1334664545);' .
190  '}' .
191  '$this->$propertyName = $value;' .
192  '}' .
193  'public function _setStatic($propertyName, $value) {' .
194  'if ($propertyName === \'\') {' .
195  'throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\'$propertyName must not be empty.\', 1344242602);' .
196  '}' .
197  'self::$$propertyName = $value;' .
198  '}' .
199  'public function _get($propertyName) {' .
200  'if ($propertyName === \'\') {' .
201  'throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\'$propertyName must not be empty.\', 1334664967);' .
202  '}' .
203  'return $this->$propertyName;' .
204  '}' .
205  'public function _getStatic($propertyName) {' .
206  'if ($propertyName === \'\') {' .
207  'throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\'$propertyName must not be empty.\', 1344242603);' .
208  '}' .
209  'return self::$$propertyName;' .
210  '}' .
211  '}'
212  );
214  return $accessibleClassName;
215  }
224  protected function callInaccessibleMethod($object, $name) {
225  // Remove first two arguments ($object and $name)
226  $arguments = func_get_args();
227  array_splice($arguments, 0, 2);
229  $reflectionObject = new \ReflectionObject($object);
230  $reflectionMethod = $reflectionObject->getMethod($name);
231  $reflectionMethod->setAccessible(TRUE);
232  return $reflectionMethod->invokeArgs($object, $arguments);
233  }
248  protected function inject($target, $name, $dependency) {
249  if (!is_object($target)) {
250  throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Wrong type for argument $target, must be object.');
251  }
253  $objectReflection = new \ReflectionObject($target);
254  $methodNamePart = strtoupper($name[0]) . substr($name, 1);
255  if ($objectReflection->hasMethod('set' . $methodNamePart)) {
256  $methodName = 'set' . $methodNamePart;
257  $target->$methodName($dependency);
258  } elseif ($objectReflection->hasMethod('inject' . $methodNamePart)) {
259  $methodName = 'inject' . $methodNamePart;
260  $target->$methodName($dependency);
261  } elseif ($objectReflection->hasProperty($name)) {
262  $property = $objectReflection->getProperty($name);
263  $property->setAccessible(TRUE);
264  $property->setValue($target, $dependency);
265  } else {
266  throw new \RuntimeException('Could not inject ' . $name . ' into object of type ' . get_class($target));
267  }
268  }
279  protected function getUniqueId($prefix = '') {
280  return $prefix . str_replace('.', '', uniqid(mt_rand(), TRUE));
281  }
283 }
inject($target, $name, $dependency)
getAccessibleMockForAbstractClass( $originalClassName, array $arguments=array(), $mockClassName='', $callOriginalConstructor=TRUE, $callOriginalClone=TRUE, $callAutoload=TRUE)
getAccessibleMock( $originalClassName, array $methods=array(), array $arguments=array(), $mockClassName='', $callOriginalConstructor=TRUE, $callOriginalClone=TRUE, $callAutoload=TRUE)