Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
2 namespace TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility;
29  static public function getBrowserInfo($userAgent) {
30  // Hook: $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/div/class.t3lib_utility_client.php']['getBrowserInfo']:
31  $getBrowserInfoHooks = &$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/div/class.t3lib_utility_client.php']['getBrowserInfo'];
32  if (is_array($getBrowserInfoHooks)) {
33  foreach ($getBrowserInfoHooks as $hookFunction) {
34  $returnResult = TRUE;
35  $hookParameters = array(
36  'userAgent' => &$userAgent,
37  'returnResult' => &$returnResult
38  );
39  // need reference for third parameter in \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::callUserFunction,
40  // so create a reference to NULL
41  $null = NULL;
42  $hookResult = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::callUserFunction($hookFunction, $hookParameters, $null);
43  if ($returnResult && is_array($hookResult) && count($hookResult)) {
44  return $hookResult;
45  }
46  }
47  }
48  $userAgent = trim($userAgent);
49  $browserInfo = array(
50  'useragent' => $userAgent
51  );
52  // Analyze the userAgent string
53  // Declare known browsers to look for
54  $known = array(
55  'msie',
56  'firefox',
57  'webkit',
58  'opera',
59  'netscape',
60  'konqueror',
61  'gecko',
62  'chrome',
63  'safari',
64  'seamonkey',
65  'navigator',
66  'mosaic',
67  'lynx',
68  'amaya',
69  'omniweb',
70  'avant',
71  'camino',
72  'flock',
73  'aol'
74  );
75  $matches = array();
76  $pattern = '#(?P<browser>' . join('|', $known) . ')[/ ]+(?P<version>[0-9]+(?:\\.[0-9]+)?)#';
77  // Find all phrases (or return empty array if none found)
78  if (!preg_match_all($pattern, strtolower($userAgent), $matches)) {
79  // Microsoft Internet-Explorer 11 does not have a sign of "MSIE" or so in the useragent.
80  // All checks from the pattern above fail here. Look for a special combination of
81  // "Mozilla/5.0" in front, "Trident/7.0" in the middle and "like Gecko" at the end.
82  // The version (revision) is given as "; rv:11.0" in the useragent then.
83  unset($matches);
84  $pattern = '#mozilla/5\\.0 \\(.*trident/7\\.0.*; rv:(?P<version>[0-9]+(?:\\.[0-9]+)?)\\) like gecko#i';
85  if (preg_match_all($pattern, $userAgent, $matches)) {
86  $browserInfo['browser'] = 'msie';
87  $browserInfo['version'] = $matches['version'][0];
88  $browserInfo['all'] = array('msie' => $matches['version'][0]);
89  } else {
90  $browserInfo['browser'] = 'unknown';
91  $browserInfo['version'] = '';
92  $browserInfo['all'] = array();
93  }
94  } else {
95  // Since some UAs have more than one phrase (e.g Firefox has a Gecko phrase,
96  // Opera 7,8 have a MSIE phrase), use the last one found (the right-most one
97  // in the UA). That's usually the most correct.
98  // For IE use the first match as IE sends multiple MSIE with version, from higher to lower.
99  $lastIndex = count($matches['browser']) - 1;
100  $browserInfo['browser'] = $matches['browser'][$lastIndex];
101  $browserInfo['version'] = $browserInfo['browser'] === 'msie' ? $matches['version'][0] : $matches['version'][$lastIndex];
102  // But return all parsed browsers / version in an extra array
103  $browserInfo['all'] = array();
104  for ($i = 0; $i <= $lastIndex; $i++) {
105  if (!isset($browserInfo['all'][$matches['browser'][$i]])) {
106  $browserInfo['all'][$matches['browser'][$i]] = $matches['version'][$i];
107  }
108  }
109  // Replace gecko build date with version given by rv
110  if (isset($browserInfo['all']['gecko'])) {
111  preg_match_all('/rv:([0-9\\.]*)/', strtolower($userAgent), $version);
112  if ($version[1][0]) {
113  $browserInfo['all']['gecko'] = $version[1][0];
114  }
115  }
116  }
117  $browserInfo['all_systems'] = array();
118  if (strstr($userAgent, 'Win')) {
119  // Windows
120  if (strstr($userAgent, 'Windows NT 6.2') || strstr($userAgent, 'Windows NT 6.3')) {
121  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'win8';
122  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'winNT';
123  } elseif (strstr($userAgent, 'Windows NT 6.1')) {
124  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'win7';
125  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'winNT';
126  } elseif (strstr($userAgent, 'Windows NT 6.0')) {
127  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'winVista';
128  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'winNT';
129  } elseif (strstr($userAgent, 'Windows NT 5.1')) {
130  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'winXP';
131  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'winNT';
132  } elseif (strstr($userAgent, 'Windows NT 5.0')) {
133  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'win2k';
134  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'winNT';
135  } elseif (strstr($userAgent, 'Win98') || strstr($userAgent, 'Windows 98')) {
136  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'win98';
137  } elseif (strstr($userAgent, 'Win95') || strstr($userAgent, 'Windows 95')) {
138  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'win95';
139  } elseif (strstr($userAgent, 'WinNT') || strstr($userAgent, 'Windows NT')) {
140  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'winNT';
141  } elseif (strstr($userAgent, 'Win16') || strstr($userAgent, 'Windows 311')) {
142  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'win311';
143  }
144  } elseif (strstr($userAgent, 'Mac')) {
145  if (strstr($userAgent, 'iPad') || strstr($userAgent, 'iPhone') || strstr($userAgent, 'iPod')) {
146  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'iOS';
147  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'mac';
148  } else {
149  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'mac';
150  }
151  } elseif (strstr($userAgent, 'Android')) {
152  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'android';
153  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'linux';
154  } elseif (strstr($userAgent, 'Linux')) {
155  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'linux';
156  } elseif (strstr($userAgent, 'BSD')) {
157  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'unix_bsd';
158  } elseif (strstr($userAgent, 'SGI') && strstr($userAgent, ' IRIX ')) {
159  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'unix_sgi';
160  } elseif (strstr($userAgent, ' SunOS ')) {
161  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'unix_sun';
162  } elseif (strstr($userAgent, ' HP-UX ')) {
163  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'unix_hp';
164  } elseif (strstr($userAgent, 'CrOS')) {
165  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'chrome';
166  $browserInfo['all_systems'][] = 'linux';
167  }
168  return $browserInfo;
169  }
178  static public function getVersion($version) {
179  return doubleval(preg_replace('/^[^0-9]*/', '', $version));
180  }
188  static public function getDeviceType($userAgent) {
189  // Hook: $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/div/class.t3lib_utility_client.php']['getDeviceType']:
190  $getDeviceTypeHooks = &$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/div/class.t3lib_utility_client.php']['getDeviceType'];
191  if (is_array($getDeviceTypeHooks)) {
192  foreach ($getDeviceTypeHooks as $hookFunction) {
193  $returnResult = TRUE;
194  $hookParameters = array(
195  'userAgent' => &$userAgent,
196  'returnResult' => &$returnResult
197  );
198  // need reference for third parameter in \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::callUserFunction,
199  // so create a reference to NULL
200  $null = NULL;
201  $hookResult = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::callUserFunction($hookFunction, $hookParameters, $null);
202  if ($returnResult && is_string($hookResult) && !empty($hookResult)) {
203  return $hookResult;
204  }
205  }
206  }
207  $userAgent = strtolower(trim($userAgent));
208  $deviceType = '';
209  // pda
210  if (strstr($userAgent, 'avantgo')) {
211  $deviceType = 'pda';
212  }
213  // wap
214  $browser = substr($userAgent, 0, 4);
215  $wapviwer = substr(stristr($userAgent, 'wap'), 0, 3);
216  if ($wapviwer == 'wap' || $browser == 'noki' || $browser == 'eric' || $browser == 'r380' || $browser == 'up.b' || $browser == 'winw' || $browser == 'wapa') {
217  $deviceType = 'wap';
218  }
219  // grabber
220  if (strstr($userAgent, 'g.r.a.b.') || strstr($userAgent, 'utilmind httpget') || strstr($userAgent, 'webcapture') || strstr($userAgent, 'teleport') || strstr($userAgent, 'webcopier')) {
221  $deviceType = 'grabber';
222  }
223  // robots
224  if (strstr($userAgent, 'crawler') || strstr($userAgent, 'spider') || strstr($userAgent, 'googlebot') || strstr($userAgent, 'searchbot') || strstr($userAgent, 'infoseek') || strstr($userAgent, 'altavista') || strstr($userAgent, 'diibot')) {
225  $deviceType = 'robot';
226  }
227  return $deviceType;
228  }
230 }
static callUserFunction($funcName, &$params, &$ref, $checkPrefix='', $errorMode=0)
if(!defined('TYPO3_MODE')) $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_userauth.php']['logoff_pre_processing'][]