Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
34  protected $header;
39  protected $preText;
44  protected $problems = array();
49  protected $extConf = array();
58  private function setErrorLevel($level) {
59  switch ($level) {
60  case 'error':
61  $this->errorType = FlashMessage::ERROR;
62  $this->header = 'Errors found in your configuration';
63  $this->preText = 'SaltedPasswords will not work until these problems have been resolved:<br />';
64  break;
65  case 'warning':
66  if ($this->errorType < FlashMessage::ERROR) {
67  $this->errorType = FlashMessage::WARNING;
68  $this->header = 'Warnings about your configuration';
69  $this->preText = 'SaltedPasswords might behave different than expected:<br />';
70  }
71  break;
72  case 'info':
73  if ($this->errorType < FlashMessage::WARNING) {
74  $this->errorType = FlashMessage::INFO;
75  $this->header = 'Additional information';
76  $this->preText = '<br />';
77  }
78  break;
79  case 'ok':
80  // TODO: Remove INFO condition as it has lower importance
81  if ($this->errorType < FlashMessage::WARNING && $this->errorType != FlashMessage::INFO) {
82  $this->errorType = FlashMessage::OK;
83  $this->header = 'No errors were found';
84  $this->preText = 'SaltedPasswords has been configured correctly and works as expected.<br />';
85  }
86  break;
87  }
88  }
95  private function renderFlashMessage() {
96  $message = '';
97  // If there are problems, render them into an unordered list
98  if (count($this->problems) > 0) {
99  $message = '<ul>
100  <li>###PROBLEMS###</li>
101 </ul>';
102  $message = str_replace('###PROBLEMS###', implode('<br />&nbsp;</li><li>', $this->problems), $message);
103  if ($this->errorType > FlashMessage::OK) {
104  $message .= '<br />
105 Note, that a wrong configuration might have impact on the security of
106 your TYPO3 installation and the usability of the backend.';
107  }
108  }
109  if (empty($message)) {
110  $this->setErrorLevel('ok');
111  }
112  $message = $this->preText . $message;
113  $flashMessage = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Messaging\\FlashMessage', $message, $this->header, $this->errorType);
114  return $flashMessage->render();
115  }
122  private function init() {
123  $requestSetup = $this->processPostData((array) $_REQUEST['data']);
124  $extConf = unserialize($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['extConf']['saltedpasswords']);
125  $this->extConf['BE'] = array_merge((array) $extConf['BE.'], (array) $requestSetup['BE.']);
126  $this->extConf['FE'] = array_merge((array) $extConf['FE.'], (array) $requestSetup['FE.']);
127  $GLOBALS['LANG']->includeLLFile('EXT:saltedpasswords/locallang.xlf');
128  }
137  public function checkConfigurationBackend(array $params, $pObj) {
138  $this->init();
139  $extConf = $this->extConf['BE'];
140  // The backend is called over SSL
141  $SSL = ((int)$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['lockSSL'] > 0 && $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['loginSecurityLevel'] !== 'superchallenged');
143  // SSL configured?
144  if ($SSL) {
145  $this->setErrorLevel('ok');
146  $problems[] = 'The backend is configured to use SaltedPasswords over SSL.';
147  } elseif ($rsaAuthLoaded) {
148  if (trim($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['loginSecurityLevel']) === 'rsa') {
149  if ($this->isRsaAuthBackendAvailable()) {
150  $this->setErrorLevel('ok');
151  $problems[] = 'The backend is configured to use SaltedPasswords with RSA authentication.';
152  } else {
153  // This means that login would fail because rsaauth is not working properly
154  $this->setErrorLevel('error');
155  $problems[] = '<strong>Using the extension "rsaauth" is not possible, as no encryption backend ' .
156  'is available. Please install and configure the PHP extension "openssl". ' .
157  'See <a href="http://php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php" target="_blank">PHP.net</a></strong>.';
158  }
159  } else {
160  // This means that rsaauth is enabled but not used
161  $this->setErrorLevel('warning');
162  $problems[] = 'The "rsaauth" extension is installed, but TYPO3 is not configured to use it during login.
163  Use the Install Tool to set the Login Security Level for the backend to "rsa"
164  ($TYPO3_CONF_VARS[\'BE\'][\'loginSecurityLevel\'])';
165  }
166  } else {
167  // This means that we don't use any encryption method
168  $this->setErrorLevel('warning');
169  $problems[] = 'SaltedPasswords is used without any transfer encryption, this means your passwords are sent in plain text.
170 Please install rsaauth to secure your passwords submits.<br />
171 <ul>
172 <li>Install the "rsaauth" extension and use the Install Tool to set the
173  Login Security Level for the backend to "rsa"
174  ($TYPO3_CONF_VARS[\'BE\'][\'loginSecurityLevel\'])</li>
176 <li>If you have the option to use SSL, you can also configure your
177  backend for SSL usage:<br />
178  Use the Install Tool to set the Security-Level for the backend
179  to "normal" ($TYPO3_CONF_VARS[\'BE\'][\'loginSecurityLevel\']) and
180  the SSL-locking option to a value greater than "0"
181  (see description - $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[\'BE\'][\'lockSSL\'])</li>
182 </ul>
183 <br />
184 It is also possible to use "lockSSL" and "rsa" Login Security Level at the same
185 time.';
186  }
187  // Only saltedpasswords as authsservice
188  if ($extConf['onlyAuthService']) {
189  // Warn user that the combination with "forceSalted" may lock him out from Backend
190  if ($extConf['forceSalted']) {
191  $this->setErrorLevel('warning');
192  $problems[] = 'SaltedPasswords has been configured to be the only authentication service for
193 the backend. Additionally, usage of salted passwords is enforced (forceSalted).
194 The result is that there is no chance to login with users not having a salted
195 password hash.<br />
196 <strong><i>WARNING:</i></strong> This may lock you out of the backend!';
197  } else {
198  // Inform the user that things like openid won't work anymore
199  $this->setErrorLevel('info');
200  $problems[] = 'SaltedPasswords has been configured to be the only authentication service for
201 the backend. This means that other services like "ipauth", "openid", etc. will
202 be ignored (except "rsauth", which is implicitely used).';
203  }
204  }
205  // forceSalted is set
206  if ($extConf['forceSalted'] && !$extConf['onlyAuthService']) {
207  $this->setErrorLevel('info');
208  $problems[] = 'SaltedPasswords has been configured to enforce salted passwords (forceSalted).
209 <br />
210 This means that only passwords in the format of this extension will succeed for
211 login.';
212  }
213  // updatePasswd wont work with "forceSalted"
214  if ($extConf['updatePasswd'] && $extConf['forceSalted']) {
215  $this->setErrorLevel('error');
216  $problems[] = 'SaltedPasswords is configured wrong and will not work as expected:<br />
217 It is not possible to set "updatePasswd" and "forceSalted" at the same time.
218 Please disable either one of them.';
219  }
220  // Check if the configured hash-method is available on system
222  if ($instance === NULL || !$instance->isAvailable()) {
223  $this->setErrorLevel('error');
224  $problems[] = 'The selected method for hashing your salted passwords is not available on this
225 system! Please check your configuration.';
226  }
227  $this->problems = $problems;
228  return $this->renderFlashMessage();
229  }
236  protected function isRsaAuthBackendAvailable() {
242  $rsaauthBackendFactory = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Rsaauth\\Backend\\BackendFactory');
243  $backend = $rsaauthBackendFactory->getBackend();
244  return $backend !== NULL;
245  }
254  public function checkConfigurationFrontend(array $params, $pObj) {
255  $this->init();
256  $extConf = $this->extConf['FE'];
257  $problems = array();
258  if ($extConf['enabled']) {
259  // Inform the user if securityLevel in FE is challenged or blank --> extension won't work
260  if (!\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::inList('normal,rsa', $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['loginSecurityLevel'])) {
261  $this->setErrorLevel('info');
262  $problems[] = '<strong>IMPORTANT:</strong><br />
263 Frontend requirements for SaltedPasswords are not met, therefore the
264 authentication will not work even if it was explicitly enabled for frontend
265 usage:<br />
266 <ul>
267  <li>Install the "rsaauth" extension and use the Install Tool to set the
268  Login Security Level for the frontend to "rsa"
269  ($TYPO3_CONF_VARS[\'FE\'][\'loginSecurityLevel\'])</li>
271  <li>Alternatively, use the Install Tool to set the Login Security Level
272  for the frontend to "normal"
273  ($TYPO3_CONF_VARS[\'FE\'][\'loginSecurityLevel\'])</li>
274 </ul>
275 <br />
276 Make sure that the Login Security Level is not set to "" or "challenged"!';
277  } elseif (trim($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['loginSecurityLevel']) === 'rsa') {
278  if (\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::isLoaded('rsaauth')) {
279  if ($this->isRsaAuthBackendAvailable()) {
280  $this->setErrorLevel('ok');
281  $problems[] = 'The frontend is configured to use SaltedPasswords with RSA authentication.';
282  } else {
283  // This means that login would fail because rsaauth is not working properly
284  $this->setErrorLevel('error');
285  $problems[] = '<strong>Using the extension "rsaauth" is not possible, as no encryption backend '
286  . 'is available. Please install and configure the PHP extension "openssl". '
287  . 'See <a href="http://php.net/manual/en/openssl.installation.php" target="_blank">PHP.net</a></strong>.';
288  }
289  } else {
290  // Rsaauth is not installed but configured to be used
291  $this->setErrorLevel('warning');
292  $problems[] = 'The "rsaauth" extension is not installed, but TYPO3 CMS is configured to use it.'
293  . ' Either install the extension or adapt the configuration by setting [FE][loginSecurityLevel]'
294  . ' to "normal" in the Install Tool.';
295  }
296  }
297  // Only saltedpasswords as authsservice
298  if ($extConf['onlyAuthService']) {
299  // Warn user taht the combination with "forceSalted" may lock him out from frontend
300  if ($extConf['forceSalted']) {
301  $this->setErrorLevel('warning');
302  $problems[] = 'SaltedPasswords has been configured to enforce salted passwords (forceSalted).
303 <br />
304 This means that only passwords in the format of this extension will succeed for
305 login.<br />
306 <strong><i>IMPORTANT:</i></strong> Because of this, it is not possible to login with
307 users not having a salted password hash (e.g. existing frontend users).';
308  } else {
309  // Inform the user that things like openid won't work anymore
310  $this->setErrorLevel('info');
311  $problems[] = 'SaltedPasswords has been configured to be the only authentication service for
312 frontend logins. This means that other services like "ipauth", "openid", etc.
313 will be ignored.';
314  }
315  }
316  // forceSalted is set
317  if ($extConf['forceSalted'] && !$extConf['onlyAuthService']) {
318  $this->setErrorLevel('warning');
319  $problems[] = 'SaltedPasswords has been configured to enforce salted passwords (forceSalted).
320 <br />
321 This means that only passwords in the format of this extension will succeed for
322 login.<br />
323 <strong><i>IMPORTANT:</i></strong> This has the effect that passwords that were set
324 before SaltedPasswords was used will not work (in fact, they need to be
325 redefined).';
326  }
327  // updatePasswd wont work with "forceSalted"
328  if ($extConf['updatePasswd'] && $extConf['forceSalted']) {
329  $this->setErrorLevel('error');
330  $problems[] = 'SaltedPasswords is configured wrong and will not work as expected:<br />
331 It is not possible to set "updatePasswd" and "forceSalted" at the same time.
332 Please disable either one of them.';
333  }
334  } else {
335  // Not enabled warning
336  $this->setErrorLevel('info');
337  $problems[] = 'SaltedPasswords has been disabled for frontend users.';
338  }
339  $this->problems = $problems;
340  return $this->renderFlashMessage();
341  }
351  protected function buildHashMethodSelector(array $params, $pObj, $disposal) {
352  $this->init();
353  $propertyName = $params['propertyName'];
354  $unknownVariablePleaseRenameMe = '\'' . substr(md5($propertyName), 0, 10) . '\'';
355  $p_field = '';
357  foreach ($registeredMethods as $class => $reference) {
358  $classInstance = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::getUserObj($reference, 'tx_');
359  if ($classInstance instanceof \TYPO3\CMS\Saltedpasswords\Salt\SaltInterface && $classInstance->isAvailable()) {
360  $sel = $this->extConf[$disposal]['saltedPWHashingMethod'] == $class ? ' selected="selected" ' : '';
361  $label = 'ext.saltedpasswords.title.' . strtolower(end(explode('\\', $class)));
362  $p_field .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($class) . '"' . $sel . '>' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL($label) . '</option>';
363  }
364  }
365  $p_field = '<select id="' . $propertyName . '" name="' . $params['fieldName'] . '" onChange="uFormUrl(' . $unknownVariablePleaseRenameMe . ')">' . $p_field . '</select>';
366  return $p_field;
367  }
376  public function buildHashMethodSelectorFE(array $params, $pObj) {
377  return $this->buildHashMethodSelector($params, $pObj, 'FE');
378  }
387  public function buildHashMethodSelectorBE(array $params, $pObj) {
388  return $this->buildHashMethodSelector($params, $pObj, 'BE');
389  }
398  private function processPostData(array $postArray = array()) {
399  foreach ($postArray as $key => $value) {
400  // TODO: Explain
401  $parts = explode('.', $key, 2);
402  if (count($parts) == 2) {
403  // TODO: Explain
404  $value = $this->processPostData(array($parts[1] => $value));
405  $postArray[$parts[0] . '.'] = array_merge((array) $postArray[($parts[0] . '.')], $value);
406  } else {
407  // TODO: Explain
408  $postArray[$parts[0]] = $value;
409  }
410  }
411  return $postArray;
412  }
414 }
static getSaltingInstance($saltedHash='', $mode=TYPO3_MODE)
Definition: SaltFactory.php:83
static getUserObj($classRef, $checkPrefix='', $silent=FALSE)
if(!defined('TYPO3_MODE')) $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_userauth.php']['logoff_pre_processing'][]