Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
2 namespace TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form;
31  protected $removeSelectConfig = array(
32  'itemsProcFunc',
33  'foreign_table',
34  'foreign_table_where',
35  'foreign_table_prefix',
36  'foreign_table_loadIcons',
37  'neg_foreign_table',
38  'neg_foreign_table_where',
39  'neg_foreign_table_prefix',
40  'neg_foreign_table_loadIcons',
41  'neg_foreign_table_imposeValueField',
42  'fileFolder',
43  'fileFolder_extList',
44  'fileFolder_recursions',
45  'MM',
46  'MM_opposite_field',
47  'MM_match_fields',
48  'MM_insert_fields',
49  'MM_table_where',
50  'MM_hasUidField',
51  'special'
52  );
65  public function modifyFlexFormDS(array $dataStructure, $table, $tableField, array $tableRow, array $tableConf) {
66  $singleSheet = !isset($dataStructure['sheets']) || !is_array($dataStructure['sheets']);
67  $metaConf = !empty($dataStructure['meta']) ? $dataStructure['meta'] : array();
68  $sheetConf = array();
69  // Get extension identifier (uses second pointer field if it's value is not empty,
70  // "list" or "*", else it must be a plugin and first one will be used)
71  $pointerFields = !empty($tableConf['config']['ds_pointerField']) ? $tableConf['config']['ds_pointerField'] : 'list_type,CType';
72  $pointerFields = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $pointerFields);
73  $flexformIdentifier = !empty($tableRow[$pointerFields[0]]) ? $tableRow[$pointerFields[0]] : '';
74  if (!empty($tableRow[$pointerFields[1]]) && $tableRow[$pointerFields[1]] != 'list' && $tableRow[$pointerFields[1]] != '*') {
75  $flexformIdentifier = $tableRow[$pointerFields[1]];
76  }
77  if (empty($flexformIdentifier)) {
78  return $dataStructure;
79  }
80  // Get field configuration from page TSConfig
81  $TSconfig = $this->setTSconfig($table, $tableRow);
82  if (!empty($TSconfig[$tableField][($flexformIdentifier . '.')])) {
83  $sheetConf = GeneralUtility::removeDotsFromTS($TSconfig[$tableField][$flexformIdentifier . '.']);
84  }
85  // Get non-exclude-fields from group access lists
86  $nonExcludeFields = $this->getFlexFormNonExcludeFields($table, $tableField, $flexformIdentifier);
87  // Load complete DS, including external file references
88  $dataStructure = GeneralUtility::resolveAllSheetsInDS($dataStructure);
89  // Modify language handling in meta configuration
90  if (isset($sheetConf['langDisable'])) {
91  $metaConf['langDisable'] = $sheetConf['langDisable'];
92  }
93  if (isset($sheetConf['langChildren'])) {
94  $metaConf['langChildren'] = $sheetConf['langChildren'];
95  }
96  // Modify flexform sheets
97  foreach ($dataStructure['sheets'] as $sheetName => $sheet) {
98  if (empty($sheet['ROOT']['el']) || !is_array($sheet['ROOT']['el'])) {
99  continue;
100  }
101  // Remove whole sheet (tab) if disabled
102  if (!empty($sheetConf[$sheetName]['disabled'])) {
103  unset($dataStructure['sheets'][$sheetName]);
104  continue;
105  }
106  // Rename sheet (tab)
107  if (!empty($sheetConf[$sheetName]['sheetTitle'])) {
108  $dataStructure['sheets'][$sheetName]['ROOT']['TCEforms']['sheetTitle'] = $sheetConf[$sheetName]['sheetTitle'];
109  }
110  // Set sheet description (tab)
111  if (!empty($sheetConf[$sheetName]['sheetDescription'])) {
112  $dataStructure['sheets'][$sheetName]['ROOT']['TCEforms']['sheetDescription'] = $sheetConf[$sheetName]['sheetDescription'];
113  }
114  // Set sheet short description (tab)
115  if (!empty($sheetConf[$sheetName]['sheetShortDescr'])) {
116  $dataStructure['sheets'][$sheetName]['ROOT']['TCEforms']['sheetShortDescr'] = $sheetConf[$sheetName]['sheetShortDescr'];
117  }
118  // Modify all configured fields in sheet (tab)
119  $dataStructure['sheets'][$sheetName]['ROOT']['el'] = $this->modifySingleFlexFormSheet($sheet['ROOT']['el'], $table, $tableField, $tableRow, !empty($sheetConf[$sheetName]) ? $sheetConf[$sheetName] : array(), !empty($nonExcludeFields[$sheetName]) ? $nonExcludeFields[$sheetName] : array());
120  // Remove empty sheet (tab)
121  if (empty($dataStructure['sheets'][$sheetName]['ROOT']['el'])) {
122  unset($dataStructure['sheets'][$sheetName]);
123  }
124  }
125  // Recover single flexform structure
126  if ($singleSheet && isset($dataStructure['sheets']['sDEF'])) {
127  $dataStructure = $dataStructure['sheets']['sDEF'];
128  }
129  // Recover meta configuration
130  if (!empty($metaConf)) {
131  $dataStructure['meta'] = $metaConf;
132  }
133  return $dataStructure;
134  }
148  public function modifySingleFlexFormSheet(array $sheet, $table, $tableField, array $tableRow, array $sheetConf, array $nonExcludeFields) {
149  if (empty($sheet) || empty($table) || empty($tableField) || empty($tableRow)) {
150  return $sheet;
151  }
152  // Modify fields
153  foreach ($sheet as $fieldName => $field) {
154  // Remove excluded fields
155  if (!$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->isAdmin() && !empty($field['TCEforms']['exclude']) && empty($nonExcludeFields[$fieldName])) {
156  unset($sheet[$fieldName]);
157  continue;
158  }
159  // Stop here if no TSConfig was found for this field
160  if (empty($sheetConf[$fieldName]) || !is_array($sheetConf[$fieldName])) {
161  continue;
162  }
163  // Remove disabled fields
164  if (!empty($sheetConf[$fieldName]['disabled'])) {
165  unset($sheet[$fieldName]);
166  continue;
167  }
168  $fieldConf = $sheetConf[$fieldName];
169  $removeItems = !empty($fieldConf['removeItems']) ? GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $fieldConf['removeItems'], TRUE) : array();
170  $keepItems = !empty($fieldConf['keepItems']) ? GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $fieldConf['keepItems'], TRUE) : array();
171  $renameItems = !empty($fieldConf['altLabels']) && is_array($fieldConf['altLabels']) ? $fieldConf['altLabels'] : array();
172  $addItems = !empty($fieldConf['addItems']) && is_array($fieldConf['addItems']) ? $fieldConf['addItems'] : array();
173  unset($fieldConf['removeItems']);
174  unset($fieldConf['keepItems']);
175  unset($fieldConf['altLabels']);
176  unset($fieldConf['addItems']);
177  // Manipulate field
178  if (!empty($field['TCEforms']) && is_array($field['TCEforms'])) {
179  $sheet[$fieldName]['TCEforms'] = $field['TCEforms'];
180  \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ArrayUtility::mergeRecursiveWithOverrule($sheet[$fieldName]['TCEforms'], $fieldConf);
181  }
182  // Manipulate only select fields, other field types will stop here
183  if (empty($field['TCEforms']['config']['type']) || $field['TCEforms']['config']['type'] != 'select' || $field['TCEforms']['config']['renderMode'] === 'tree') {
184  continue;
185  }
186  // Getting the selector box items from system
187  $selItems = $this->addSelectOptionsToItemArray($this->initItemArray($field['TCEforms']), $field['TCEforms'], $this->setTSconfig($table, $tableRow), $tableField);
189  // Possibly filter some items
191  $selItems,
192  $keepItems,
193  function ($value) {
194  return $value[1];
195  }
196  );
198  // Possibly add some items
199  $selItems = $this->addItems($selItems, $addItems);
200  // Process items by a user function
201  if (!empty($field['TCEforms']['config']['itemsProcFunc'])) {
202  $selItems = $this->procItems($selItems, $fieldConf['config'], $field['TCEforms']['config'], $table, $tableRow, $tableField);
203  }
204  // Remove special configuration options after creating items to prevent double parsing
205  foreach ($this->removeSelectConfig as $option) {
206  unset($sheet[$fieldName]['TCEforms']['config'][$option]);
207  }
208  // Rename and remove items in select
209  if ((!empty($removeItems) || !empty($renameItems)) && !empty($selItems) && is_array($selItems)) {
210  foreach ($selItems as $itemKey => $itemConf) {
211  // Option has no key, no manipulation possible
212  if (!isset($itemConf[1])) {
213  continue;
214  }
215  // Remove
216  foreach ($removeItems as $removeKey => $removeValue) {
217  if (strcasecmp($removeValue, $itemConf[1]) == 0) {
218  unset($selItems[$itemKey]);
219  unset($removeItems[$removeKey]);
220  }
221  }
222  // Rename
223  foreach ($renameItems as $renameKey => $renameValue) {
224  if (strcasecmp($renameKey, $itemConf[1]) == 0) {
225  $selItems[$itemKey][0] = htmlspecialchars($renameValue);
226  unset($renameItems[$renameKey]);
227  }
228  }
229  }
230  }
231  $sheet[$fieldName]['TCEforms']['config']['items'] = $selItems;
232  }
233  return $sheet;
234  }
245  protected function getFlexFormNonExcludeFields($table, $tableField, $extIdent) {
246  if (empty($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->groupData['non_exclude_fields']) || empty($table) || empty($tableField) || empty($extIdent)) {
247  return array();
248  }
249  $accessListFields = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->groupData['non_exclude_fields']);
250  $identPrefix = $table . ':' . $tableField . ';' . $extIdent . ';';
251  $nonExcludeFields = array();
252  // Collect only FlexForm fields
253  foreach ($accessListFields as $field) {
254  if (strpos($field, $identPrefix) !== FALSE) {
255  list(, , $sheetName, $fieldName) = explode(';', $field);
256  $nonExcludeFields[$sheetName][$fieldName] = TRUE;
257  }
258  }
259  return $nonExcludeFields;
260  }
269  static public function compareArraysByFirstValue(array $array1, array $array2) {
270  $array1 = reset($array1);
271  $array2 = reset($array2);
272  if (is_string($array1) && is_string($array2)) {
273  return strcasecmp($array1, $array2);
274  }
275  return 0;
276  }
278 }
static mergeRecursiveWithOverrule(array &$original, array $overrule, $addKeys=TRUE, $includeEmptyValues=TRUE, $enableUnsetFeature=TRUE)
static resolveAllSheetsInDS(array $dataStructArray)
static trimExplode($delim, $string, $removeEmptyValues=FALSE, $limit=0)
getFlexFormNonExcludeFields($table, $tableField, $extIdent)
modifyFlexFormDS(array $dataStructure, $table, $tableField, array $tableRow, array $tableConf)
static compareArraysByFirstValue(array $array1, array $array2)
setTSconfig($table, $row, $field='')
addSelectOptionsToItemArray($items, $fieldValue, $TSconfig, $field)
modifySingleFlexFormSheet(array $sheet, $table, $tableField, array $tableRow, array $sheetConf, array $nonExcludeFields)
if(!defined('TYPO3_MODE')) $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_userauth.php']['logoff_pre_processing'][]
static keepItemsInArray(array $array, $keepItems, $getValueFunc=NULL)