Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
30  // Internal configuration, set in init()
32  // If set, there is no frame pointer prepended to the filenames.
36  public $noFramePrepended = 0;
38  // This should be changed to 'png' if you want this class to read/make PNG-files instead!
42  public $gifExtension = 'gif';
44  // File formats supported by gdlib. This variable get's filled in "init" method
48  public $gdlibExtensions = '';
50  // Set to TRUE if generated png's should be truecolor by default
54  public $png_truecolor = FALSE;
61  protected $colorspace = 'RGB';
68  protected $allowedColorSpaceNames = array(
69  'CMY',
70  'CMYK',
71  'Gray',
72  'HCL',
73  'HSB',
74  'HSL',
75  'HWB',
76  'Lab',
77  'LCH',
78  'LMS',
79  'Log',
80  'Luv',
81  'OHTA',
82  'Rec601Luma',
83  'Rec601YCbCr',
84  'Rec709Luma',
85  'Rec709YCbCr',
86  'RGB',
87  'sRGB',
88  'Transparent',
89  'XYZ',
90  'YCbCr',
91  'YCC',
92  'YIQ',
93  'YCbCr',
94  'YUV'
95  );
97  // 16777216 Colors is the maximum value for PNG, JPEG truecolor images (24-bit, 8-bit / Channel)
101  public $truecolorColors = 16777215;
103  // If set, then all files in typo3temp will be logged in a database table. In addition to being a log of the files with original filenames, it also serves to secure that the same image is not rendered simultaneously by two different processes.
109  // Commalist of file extensions perceived as images by TYPO3. List should be set to 'gif,png,jpeg,jpg' if IM is not available. Lowercase and no spaces between!
113  public $imageFileExt = 'gif,jpg,jpeg,png,tif,bmp,tga,pcx,ai,pdf';
115  // Commalist of web image extensions (can be shown by a webbrowser)
119  public $webImageExt = 'gif,jpg,jpeg,png';
124  public $NO_IM_EFFECTS = '';
129  public $cmds = array(
130  'jpg' => '',
131  'jpeg' => '',
132  'gif' => '',
133  'png' => '-colors 64'
134  );
139  public $NO_IMAGE_MAGICK = '';
144  public $V5_EFFECTS = 0;
149  public $mayScaleUp = 1;
151  // Variables for testing, alternative usage etc.
152  // Filename prefix for images scaled in imageMagickConvert()
156  public $filenamePrefix = '';
158  // Forcing the output filename of imageMagickConvert() to this value. However after calling imageMagickConvert() it will be set blank again.
164  // This flag should always be FALSE. If set TRUE, imageMagickConvert will always write a new file to the tempdir! Used for debugging.
170  // Prevents imageMagickConvert() from compressing the gif-files with \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::gif_compress()
174  public $dontCompress = 0;
176  // For debugging ONLY!
182  // For debugging only. Filenames will not be based on mtime and only filename (not path) will be used. This key is also included in the hash of the filename...
188  // Internal:
189  // All ImageMagick commands executed is stored in this array for tracking. Used by the Install Tools Image section
193  public $IM_commands = array();
198  public $workArea = array();
205  protected $saveAlphaLayer = FALSE;
207  // Constants:
208  // The temp-directory where to store the files. Normally relative to PATH_site but is allowed to be the absolute path AS LONG AS it is a subdir to PATH_site.
212  public $tempPath = 'typo3temp/';
214  // Prefix for relative paths. Used in "show_item.php" script. Is prefixed the output file name IN imageMagickConvert()
218  public $absPrefix = '';
220  // ImageMagick scaling command; "-geometry" eller "-sample". Used in makeText() and imageMagickConvert()
224  public $scalecmd = '-geometry';
226  // Used by v5_blur() to simulate 10 continuous steps of blurring
230  public $im5fx_blurSteps = '1x2,2x2,3x2,4x3,5x3,5x4,6x4,7x5,8x5,9x5';
232  // Used by v5_sharpen() to simulate 10 continuous steps of sharpening.
236  public $im5fx_sharpenSteps = '1x2,2x2,3x2,2x3,3x3,4x3,3x4,4x4,4x5,5x5';
238  // This is the limit for the number of pixels in an image before it will be rendered as JPG instead of GIF/PNG
242  public $pixelLimitGif = 10000;
244  // Array mapping HTML color names to RGB values.
248  public $colMap = array(
249  'aqua' => array(0, 255, 255),
250  'black' => array(0, 0, 0),
251  'blue' => array(0, 0, 255),
252  'fuchsia' => array(255, 0, 255),
253  'gray' => array(128, 128, 128),
254  'green' => array(0, 128, 0),
255  'lime' => array(0, 255, 0),
256  'maroon' => array(128, 0, 0),
257  'navy' => array(0, 0, 128),
258  'olive' => array(128, 128, 0),
259  'purple' => array(128, 0, 128),
260  'red' => array(255, 0, 0),
261  'silver' => array(192, 192, 192),
262  'teal' => array(0, 128, 128),
263  'yellow' => array(255, 255, 0),
264  'white' => array(255, 255, 255)
265  );
273  public $csConvObj;
275  // Is set to the native character set of the input strings.
279  public $nativeCharset = '';
288  public function init() {
289  $gfxConf = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX'];
290  if (function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg') && function_exists('imagejpeg')) {
291  $this->gdlibExtensions .= ',jpg,jpeg';
292  }
293  if (function_exists('imagecreatefrompng') && function_exists('imagepng')) {
294  $this->gdlibExtensions .= ',png';
295  }
296  if (function_exists('imagecreatefromgif') && function_exists('imagegif')) {
297  $this->gdlibExtensions .= ',gif';
298  }
299  if ($gfxConf['png_truecolor']) {
300  $this->png_truecolor = TRUE;
301  }
303  if ($gfxConf['colorspace'] && in_array($gfxConf['colorspace'], $this->allowedColorSpaceNames, TRUE)) {
304  $this->colorspace = $gfxConf['colorspace'];
305  }
307  if (!$gfxConf['im']) {
308  $this->NO_IMAGE_MAGICK = 1;
309  }
310  if (!$this->NO_IMAGE_MAGICK && (!$gfxConf['im_version_5'] || $gfxConf['im_version_5'] === 'im4' || $gfxConf['im_version_5'] === 'im5')) {
311  throw new \RuntimeException('Your TYPO3 installation is configured to use an old version of ImageMagick, which is not supported anymore. ' . 'Please upgrade to ImageMagick version 6 or GraphicksMagick and set $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[\'GFX\'][\'im_version_5\'] appropriately.', 1305059666);
312  }
313  // When GIFBUILDER gets used in truecolor mode
314  // No colors parameter if we generate truecolor images.
315  if ($this->png_truecolor) {
316  $this->cmds['png'] = '';
317  }
318  // Setting default JPG parameters:
319  $this->jpegQuality = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($gfxConf['jpg_quality'], 10, 100, 75);
320  $this->cmds['jpg'] = ($this->cmds['jpeg'] = '-colorspace ' . $this->colorspace . ' -sharpen 50 -quality ' . $this->jpegQuality);
321  if ($gfxConf['im_noFramePrepended']) {
322  $this->noFramePrepended = 1;
323  }
324  if ($gfxConf['gdlib_png']) {
325  $this->gifExtension = 'png';
326  }
327  if ($gfxConf['enable_typo3temp_db_tracking']) {
328  $this->enable_typo3temp_db_tracking = $gfxConf['enable_typo3temp_db_tracking'];
329  }
330  $this->imageFileExt = $gfxConf['imagefile_ext'];
332  // Boolean. This is necessary if using ImageMagick 5+.
333  // Effects in Imagemagick 5+ tends to render very slowly!!
334  // - therefore must be disabled in order not to perform sharpen, blurring and such.
335  $this->NO_IM_EFFECTS = 1;
336  $this->cmds['jpg'] = ($this->cmds['jpeg'] = '-colorspace ' . $this->colorspace . ' -quality ' . $this->jpegQuality);
338  // ... but if 'im_v5effects' is set, enable effects
339  if ($gfxConf['im_v5effects']) {
340  $this->NO_IM_EFFECTS = 0;
341  $this->V5_EFFECTS = 1;
342  if ($gfxConf['im_v5effects'] > 0) {
343  $this->cmds['jpg'] = ($this->cmds['jpeg'] = '-colorspace ' . $this->colorspace . ' -quality ' . (int)$gfxConf['jpg_quality'] . $this->v5_sharpen(10));
344  }
345  }
346  // Secures that images are not scaled up.
347  if ($gfxConf['im_noScaleUp']) {
348  $this->mayScaleUp = 0;
349  }
350  if (TYPO3_MODE == 'FE') {
351  $this->csConvObj = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->csConvObj;
352  } elseif (is_object($GLOBALS['LANG'])) {
353  // BE assumed:
354  $this->csConvObj = $GLOBALS['LANG']->csConvObj;
355  } else {
356  // The object may not exist yet, so we need to create it now. Happens in the Install Tool for example.
357  $this->csConvObj = GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Charset\\CharsetConverter');
358  }
359  $this->nativeCharset = 'utf-8';
360  }
362  /*************************************************
363  *
364  * Layering images / "IMAGE" GIFBUILDER object
365  *
366  *************************************************/
379  public function maskImageOntoImage(&$im, $conf, $workArea) {
380  if ($conf['file'] && $conf['mask']) {
381  $imgInf = pathinfo($conf['file']);
382  $imgExt = strtolower($imgInf['extension']);
383  if (!GeneralUtility::inList($this->gdlibExtensions, $imgExt)) {
384  $BBimage = $this->imageMagickConvert($conf['file'], $this->gifExtension);
385  } else {
386  $BBimage = $this->getImageDimensions($conf['file']);
387  }
388  $maskInf = pathinfo($conf['mask']);
389  $maskExt = strtolower($maskInf['extension']);
390  if (!GeneralUtility::inList($this->gdlibExtensions, $maskExt)) {
391  $BBmask = $this->imageMagickConvert($conf['mask'], $this->gifExtension);
392  } else {
393  $BBmask = $this->getImageDimensions($conf['mask']);
394  }
395  if ($BBimage && $BBmask) {
396  $w = imagesx($im);
397  $h = imagesy($im);
398  $tmpStr = $this->randomName();
399  $theImage = $tmpStr . '_img.' . $this->gifExtension;
400  $theDest = $tmpStr . '_dest.' . $this->gifExtension;
401  $theMask = $tmpStr . '_mask.' . $this->gifExtension;
402  // Prepare overlay image
403  $cpImg = $this->imageCreateFromFile($BBimage[3]);
404  $destImg = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
405  // Preserve alpha transparency
406  if ($this->saveAlphaLayer) {
407  imagesavealpha($destImg, TRUE);
408  $Bcolor = imagecolorallocatealpha($destImg, 0, 0, 0, 127);
409  imagefill($destImg, 0, 0, $Bcolor);
410  } else {
411  $Bcolor = ImageColorAllocate($destImg, 0, 0, 0);
412  ImageFilledRectangle($destImg, 0, 0, $w, $h, $Bcolor);
413  }
414  $this->copyGifOntoGif($destImg, $cpImg, $conf, $workArea);
415  $this->ImageWrite($destImg, $theImage);
416  imageDestroy($cpImg);
417  imageDestroy($destImg);
418  // Prepare mask image
419  $cpImg = $this->imageCreateFromFile($BBmask[3]);
420  $destImg = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
421  if ($this->saveAlphaLayer) {
422  imagesavealpha($destImg, TRUE);
423  $Bcolor = imagecolorallocatealpha($destImg, 0, 0, 0, 127);
424  imagefill($destImg, 0, 0, $Bcolor);
425  } else {
426  $Bcolor = ImageColorAllocate($destImg, 0, 0, 0);
427  ImageFilledRectangle($destImg, 0, 0, $w, $h, $Bcolor);
428  }
429  $this->copyGifOntoGif($destImg, $cpImg, $conf, $workArea);
430  $this->ImageWrite($destImg, $theMask);
431  imageDestroy($cpImg);
432  imageDestroy($destImg);
433  // Mask the images
434  $this->ImageWrite($im, $theDest);
435  // Let combineExec handle maskNegation
436  $this->combineExec($theDest, $theImage, $theMask, $theDest, TRUE);
437  // The main image is loaded again...
438  $backIm = $this->imageCreateFromFile($theDest);
439  // ... and if nothing went wrong we load it onto the old one.
440  if ($backIm) {
441  if (!$this->saveAlphaLayer) {
442  ImageColorTransparent($backIm, -1);
443  }
444  $im = $backIm;
445  }
446  // Unlink files from process
447  if (!$this->dontUnlinkTempFiles) {
448  unlink($theDest);
449  unlink($theImage);
450  unlink($theMask);
451  }
452  }
453  }
454  }
466  public function copyImageOntoImage(&$im, $conf, $workArea) {
467  if ($conf['file']) {
468  if (!GeneralUtility::inList($this->gdlibExtensions, $conf['BBOX'][2])) {
469  $conf['BBOX'] = $this->imageMagickConvert($conf['BBOX'][3], $this->gifExtension);
470  $conf['file'] = $conf['BBOX'][3];
471  }
472  $cpImg = $this->imageCreateFromFile($conf['file']);
473  $this->copyGifOntoGif($im, $cpImg, $conf, $workArea);
474  imageDestroy($cpImg);
475  }
476  }
489  public function copyGifOntoGif(&$im, $cpImg, $conf, $workArea) {
490  $cpW = imagesx($cpImg);
491  $cpH = imagesy($cpImg);
492  $tile = GeneralUtility::intExplode(',', $conf['tile']);
493  $tile[0] = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($tile[0], 1, 20);
494  $tile[1] = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($tile[1], 1, 20);
495  $cpOff = $this->objPosition($conf, $workArea, array($cpW * $tile[0], $cpH * $tile[1]));
496  for ($xt = 0; $xt < $tile[0]; $xt++) {
497  $Xstart = $cpOff[0] + $cpW * $xt;
498  // If this image is inside of the workArea, then go on
499  if ($Xstart + $cpW > $workArea[0]) {
500  // X:
501  if ($Xstart < $workArea[0]) {
502  $cpImgCutX = $workArea[0] - $Xstart;
503  $Xstart = $workArea[0];
504  } else {
505  $cpImgCutX = 0;
506  }
507  $w = $cpW - $cpImgCutX;
508  if ($Xstart > $workArea[0] + $workArea[2] - $w) {
509  $w = $workArea[0] + $workArea[2] - $Xstart;
510  }
511  // If this image is inside of the workArea, then go on
512  if ($Xstart < $workArea[0] + $workArea[2]) {
513  // Y:
514  for ($yt = 0; $yt < $tile[1]; $yt++) {
515  $Ystart = $cpOff[1] + $cpH * $yt;
516  // If this image is inside of the workArea, then go on
517  if ($Ystart + $cpH > $workArea[1]) {
518  if ($Ystart < $workArea[1]) {
519  $cpImgCutY = $workArea[1] - $Ystart;
520  $Ystart = $workArea[1];
521  } else {
522  $cpImgCutY = 0;
523  }
524  $h = $cpH - $cpImgCutY;
525  if ($Ystart > $workArea[1] + $workArea[3] - $h) {
526  $h = $workArea[1] + $workArea[3] - $Ystart;
527  }
528  // If this image is inside of the workArea, then go on
529  if ($Ystart < $workArea[1] + $workArea[3]) {
530  $this->imagecopyresized($im, $cpImg, $Xstart, $Ystart, $cpImgCutX, $cpImgCutY, $w, $h, $w, $h);
531  }
532  }
533  }
534  }
535  }
536  }
537  }
570  public function imagecopyresized(&$dstImg, $srcImg, $dstX, $dstY, $srcX, $srcY, $dstWidth, $dstHeight, $srcWidth, $srcHeight) {
571  if (!$this->saveAlphaLayer) {
572  // Make true color image
573  $tmpImg = imagecreatetruecolor(imagesx($dstImg), imagesy($dstImg));
574  // Copy the source image onto that
575  imagecopyresized($tmpImg, $dstImg, 0, 0, 0, 0, imagesx($dstImg), imagesy($dstImg), imagesx($dstImg), imagesy($dstImg));
576  // Then copy the source image onto that (the actual operation!)
577  imagecopyresized($tmpImg, $srcImg, $dstX, $dstY, $srcX, $srcY, $dstWidth, $dstHeight, $srcWidth, $srcHeight);
578  // Set the destination image
579  $dstImg = $tmpImg;
580  } else {
581  imagecopyresized($dstImg, $srcImg, $dstX, $dstY, $srcX, $srcY, $dstWidth, $dstHeight, $srcWidth, $srcHeight);
582  }
583  }
585  /********************************
586  *
587  * Text / "TEXT" GIFBUILDER object
588  *
589  ********************************/
600  public function makeText(&$im, $conf, $workArea) {
601  // Spacing
602  list($spacing, $wordSpacing) = $this->calcWordSpacing($conf);
603  // Position
604  $txtPos = $this->txtPosition($conf, $workArea, $conf['BBOX']);
605  $theText = $this->recodeString($conf['text']);
606  if ($conf['imgMap'] && is_array($conf['imgMap.'])) {
607  $this->addToMap($this->calcTextCordsForMap($conf['BBOX'][2], $txtPos, $conf['imgMap.']), $conf['imgMap.']);
608  }
609  if (!$conf['hideButCreateMap']) {
610  // Font Color:
611  $cols = $this->convertColor($conf['fontColor']);
612  // NiceText is calculated
613  if (!$conf['niceText']) {
614  $Fcolor = ImageColorAllocate($im, $cols[0], $cols[1], $cols[2]);
615  // antiAliasing is setup:
616  $Fcolor = $conf['antiAlias'] ? $Fcolor : -$Fcolor;
617  for ($a = 0; $a < $conf['iterations']; $a++) {
618  // If any kind of spacing applys, we use this function:
619  if ($spacing || $wordSpacing) {
620  $this->SpacedImageTTFText($im, $conf['fontSize'], $conf['angle'], $txtPos[0], $txtPos[1], $Fcolor, self::prependAbsolutePath($conf['fontFile']), $theText, $spacing, $wordSpacing, $conf['splitRendering.']);
621  } else {
622  $this->renderTTFText($im, $conf['fontSize'], $conf['angle'], $txtPos[0], $txtPos[1], $Fcolor, $conf['fontFile'], $theText, $conf['splitRendering.'], $conf);
623  }
624  }
625  } else {
626  // NICETEXT::
627  // options anti_aliased and iterations is NOT available when doing this!!
628  $w = imagesx($im);
629  $h = imagesy($im);
630  $tmpStr = $this->randomName();
631  $fileMenu = $tmpStr . '_menuNT.' . $this->gifExtension;
632  $fileColor = $tmpStr . '_colorNT.' . $this->gifExtension;
633  $fileMask = $tmpStr . '_maskNT.' . $this->gifExtension;
634  // Scalefactor
635  $sF = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($conf['niceText.']['scaleFactor'], 2, 5);
636  $newW = ceil($sF * imagesx($im));
637  $newH = ceil($sF * imagesy($im));
638  // Make mask
639  $maskImg = imagecreatetruecolor($newW, $newH);
640  $Bcolor = ImageColorAllocate($maskImg, 255, 255, 255);
641  ImageFilledRectangle($maskImg, 0, 0, $newW, $newH, $Bcolor);
642  $Fcolor = ImageColorAllocate($maskImg, 0, 0, 0);
643  // If any kind of spacing applies, we use this function:
644  if ($spacing || $wordSpacing) {
645  $this->SpacedImageTTFText($maskImg, $conf['fontSize'], $conf['angle'], $txtPos[0], $txtPos[1], $Fcolor, self::prependAbsolutePath($conf['fontFile']), $theText, $spacing, $wordSpacing, $conf['splitRendering.'], $sF);
646  } else {
647  $this->renderTTFText($maskImg, $conf['fontSize'], $conf['angle'], $txtPos[0], $txtPos[1], $Fcolor, $conf['fontFile'], $theText, $conf['splitRendering.'], $conf, $sF);
648  }
649  $this->ImageWrite($maskImg, $fileMask);
650  ImageDestroy($maskImg);
651  // Downscales the mask
652  if ($this->NO_IM_EFFECTS) {
653  $command = trim($this->scalecmd . ' ' . $w . 'x' . $h . '! -negate');
654  } else {
655  $command = trim($conf['niceText.']['before'] . ' ' . $this->scalecmd . ' ' . $w . 'x' . $h . '! ' . $conf['niceText.']['after'] . ' -negate');
656  if ($conf['niceText.']['sharpen']) {
657  if ($this->V5_EFFECTS) {
658  $command .= $this->v5_sharpen($conf['niceText.']['sharpen']);
659  } else {
660  $command .= ' -sharpen ' . MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($conf['niceText.']['sharpen'], 1, 99);
661  }
662  }
663  }
664  $this->imageMagickExec($fileMask, $fileMask, $command);
665  // Make the color-file
666  $colorImg = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
667  $Ccolor = ImageColorAllocate($colorImg, $cols[0], $cols[1], $cols[2]);
668  ImageFilledRectangle($colorImg, 0, 0, $w, $h, $Ccolor);
669  $this->ImageWrite($colorImg, $fileColor);
670  ImageDestroy($colorImg);
671  // The mask is applied
672  // The main pictures is saved temporarily
673  $this->ImageWrite($im, $fileMenu);
674  $this->combineExec($fileMenu, $fileColor, $fileMask, $fileMenu);
675  // The main image is loaded again...
676  $backIm = $this->imageCreateFromFile($fileMenu);
677  // ... and if nothing went wrong we load it onto the old one.
678  if ($backIm) {
679  if (!$this->saveAlphaLayer) {
680  ImageColorTransparent($backIm, -1);
681  }
682  $im = $backIm;
683  }
684  // Deleting temporary files;
685  if (!$this->dontUnlinkTempFiles) {
686  unlink($fileMenu);
687  unlink($fileColor);
688  unlink($fileMask);
689  }
690  }
691  }
692  }
705  public function txtPosition($conf, $workArea, $BB) {
706  $angle = (int)$conf['angle'] / 180 * pi();
707  $conf['angle'] = 0;
708  $straightBB = $this->calcBBox($conf);
709  // offset, align, valign, workarea
710  // [0]=x, [1]=y, [2]=w, [3]=h
711  $result = array();
712  $result[2] = $BB[0];
713  $result[3] = $BB[1];
714  $w = $workArea[2];
715  switch ($conf['align']) {
716  case 'right':
718  case 'center':
719  $factor = abs(cos($angle));
720  $sign = cos($angle) < 0 ? -1 : 1;
721  $len1 = $sign * $factor * $straightBB[0];
722  $len2 = $sign * $BB[0];
723  $result[0] = $w - ceil(($len2 * $factor + (1 - $factor) * $len1));
724  $factor = abs(sin($angle));
725  $sign = sin($angle) < 0 ? -1 : 1;
726  $len1 = $sign * $factor * $straightBB[0];
727  $len2 = $sign * $BB[1];
728  $result[1] = ceil($len2 * $factor + (1 - $factor) * $len1);
729  break;
730  }
731  switch ($conf['align']) {
732  case 'right':
733  break;
734  case 'center':
735  $result[0] = round($result[0] / 2);
736  $result[1] = round($result[1] / 2);
737  break;
738  default:
739  $result[0] = 0;
740  $result[1] = 0;
741  }
742  $result = $this->applyOffset($result, GeneralUtility::intExplode(',', $conf['offset']));
744  return $result;
745  }
756  public function calcBBox($conf) {
757  $sF = $this->getTextScalFactor($conf);
758  list($spacing, $wordSpacing) = $this->calcWordSpacing($conf, $sF);
759  $theText = $this->recodeString($conf['text']);
760  $charInf = $this->ImageTTFBBoxWrapper($conf['fontSize'], $conf['angle'], $conf['fontFile'], $theText, $conf['splitRendering.'], $sF);
761  $theBBoxInfo = $charInf;
762  if ($conf['angle']) {
763  $xArr = array($charInf[0], $charInf[2], $charInf[4], $charInf[6]);
764  $yArr = array($charInf[1], $charInf[3], $charInf[5], $charInf[7]);
765  $x = max($xArr) - min($xArr);
766  $y = max($yArr) - min($yArr);
767  } else {
768  $x = $charInf[2] - $charInf[0];
769  $y = $charInf[1] - $charInf[7];
770  }
771  // Set original lineHeight (used by line breaks):
772  $theBBoxInfo['lineHeight'] = $y;
773  // If any kind of spacing applys, we use this function:
774  if ($spacing || $wordSpacing) {
775  $x = 0;
776  if (!$spacing && $wordSpacing) {
777  $bits = explode(' ', $theText);
778  foreach ($bits as $word) {
779  $word .= ' ';
780  $wordInf = $this->ImageTTFBBoxWrapper($conf['fontSize'], $conf['angle'], $conf['fontFile'], $word, $conf['splitRendering.'], $sF);
781  $wordW = $wordInf[2] - $wordInf[0];
782  $x += $wordW + $wordSpacing;
783  }
784  } else {
785  $utf8Chars = $this->singleChars($theText);
786  // For each UTF-8 char, do:
787  foreach ($utf8Chars as $char) {
788  $charInf = $this->ImageTTFBBoxWrapper($conf['fontSize'], $conf['angle'], $conf['fontFile'], $char, $conf['splitRendering.'], $sF);
789  $charW = $charInf[2] - $charInf[0];
790  $x += $charW + ($char == ' ' ? $wordSpacing : $spacing);
791  }
792  }
793  } elseif (isset($conf['breakWidth']) && $conf['breakWidth'] && $this->getRenderedTextWidth($conf['text'], $conf) > $conf['breakWidth']) {
794  $maxWidth = 0;
795  $currentWidth = 0;
796  $breakWidth = $conf['breakWidth'];
797  $breakSpace = $this->getBreakSpace($conf, $theBBoxInfo);
798  $wordPairs = $this->getWordPairsForLineBreak($conf['text']);
799  // Iterate through all word pairs:
800  foreach ($wordPairs as $index => $wordPair) {
801  $wordWidth = $this->getRenderedTextWidth($wordPair, $conf);
802  if ($index == 0 || $currentWidth + $wordWidth <= $breakWidth) {
803  $currentWidth += $wordWidth;
804  } else {
805  $maxWidth = max($maxWidth, $currentWidth);
806  $y += $breakSpace;
807  // Restart:
808  $currentWidth = $wordWidth;
809  }
810  }
811  $x = max($maxWidth, $currentWidth) * $sF;
812  }
813  if ($sF > 1) {
814  $x = ceil($x / $sF);
815  $y = ceil($y / $sF);
816  if (is_array($theBBoxInfo)) {
817  foreach ($theBBoxInfo as &$value) {
818  $value = ceil($value / $sF);
819  }
820  unset($value);
821  }
822  }
823  return array($x, $y, $theBBoxInfo);
824  }
836  public function addToMap($cords, $conf) {
837  $this->map .= '<area' . ' shape="poly"' . ' coords="' . implode(',', $cords) . '"' . ' href="' . htmlspecialchars($conf['url']) . '"' . ($conf['target'] ? ' target="' . htmlspecialchars($conf['target']) . '"' : '') . $JS . (strlen($conf['titleText']) ? ' title="' . htmlspecialchars($conf['titleText']) . '"' : '') . ' alt="' . htmlspecialchars($conf['altText']) . '" />';
838  }
851  public function calcTextCordsForMap($cords, $offset, $conf) {
852  $pars = GeneralUtility::intExplode(',', $conf['explode'] . ',');
853  $newCords[0] = $cords[0] + $offset[0] - $pars[0];
854  $newCords[1] = $cords[1] + $offset[1] + $pars[1];
855  $newCords[2] = $cords[2] + $offset[0] + $pars[0];
856  $newCords[3] = $cords[3] + $offset[1] + $pars[1];
857  $newCords[4] = $cords[4] + $offset[0] + $pars[0];
858  $newCords[5] = $cords[5] + $offset[1] - $pars[1];
859  $newCords[6] = $cords[6] + $offset[0] - $pars[0];
860  $newCords[7] = $cords[7] + $offset[1] - $pars[1];
861  return $newCords;
862  }
885  public function SpacedImageTTFText(&$im, $fontSize, $angle, $x, $y, $Fcolor, $fontFile, $text, $spacing, $wordSpacing, $splitRenderingConf, $sF = 1) {
886  $spacing *= $sF;
887  $wordSpacing *= $sF;
888  if (!$spacing && $wordSpacing) {
889  $bits = explode(' ', $text);
890  foreach ($bits as $word) {
891  $word .= ' ';
892  $wordInf = $this->ImageTTFBBoxWrapper($fontSize, $angle, $fontFile, $word, $splitRenderingConf, $sF);
893  $wordW = $wordInf[2] - $wordInf[0];
894  $this->ImageTTFTextWrapper($im, $fontSize, $angle, $x, $y, $Fcolor, $fontFile, $word, $splitRenderingConf, $sF);
895  $x += $wordW + $wordSpacing;
896  }
897  } else {
898  $utf8Chars = $this->singleChars($text);
899  // For each UTF-8 char, do:
900  foreach ($utf8Chars as $char) {
901  $charInf = $this->ImageTTFBBoxWrapper($fontSize, $angle, $fontFile, $char, $splitRenderingConf, $sF);
902  $charW = $charInf[2] - $charInf[0];
903  $this->ImageTTFTextWrapper($im, $fontSize, $angle, $x, $y, $Fcolor, $fontFile, $char, $splitRenderingConf, $sF);
904  $x += $charW + ($char == ' ' ? $wordSpacing : $spacing);
905  }
906  }
907  }
918  public function fontResize($conf) {
919  // You have to use +calc options like [10.h] in 'offset' to get the right position of your text-image, if you use +calc in XY height!!!!
920  $maxWidth = (int)$conf['maxWidth'];
921  list($spacing, $wordSpacing) = $this->calcWordSpacing($conf);
922  if ($maxWidth) {
923  // If any kind of spacing applys, we use this function:
924  if ($spacing || $wordSpacing) {
925  return $conf['fontSize'];
926  } else {
927  do {
928  // Determine bounding box.
929  $bounds = $this->ImageTTFBBoxWrapper($conf['fontSize'], $conf['angle'], $conf['fontFile'], $this->recodeString($conf['text']), $conf['splitRendering.']);
930  if ($conf['angle'] < 0) {
931  $pixelWidth = abs($bounds[4] - $bounds[0]);
932  } elseif ($conf['angle'] > 0) {
933  $pixelWidth = abs($bounds[2] - $bounds[6]);
934  } else {
935  $pixelWidth = abs($bounds[4] - $bounds[6]);
936  }
937  // Size is fine, exit:
938  if ($pixelWidth <= $maxWidth) {
939  break;
940  } else {
941  $conf['fontSize']--;
942  }
943  } while ($conf['fontSize'] > 1);
944  }
945  }
946  return $conf['fontSize'];
947  }
961  public function ImageTTFBBoxWrapper($fontSize, $angle, $fontFile, $string, $splitRendering, $sF = 1) {
962  // Initialize:
963  $offsetInfo = array();
964  $stringParts = $this->splitString($string, $splitRendering, $fontSize, $fontFile);
965  // Traverse string parts:
966  foreach ($stringParts as $strCfg) {
967  $fontFile = self::prependAbsolutePath($strCfg['fontFile']);
968  if (is_readable($fontFile)) {
976  $try = 0;
977  do {
978  $calc = ImageTTFBBox(GeneralUtility::freetypeDpiComp($sF * $strCfg['fontSize']), $angle, $fontFile, $strCfg['str']);
979  } while ($calc[2] < 0 && $try++ < 10);
980  // Calculate offsets:
981  if (!count($offsetInfo)) {
982  // First run, just copy over.
983  $offsetInfo = $calc;
984  } else {
985  $offsetInfo[2] += $calc[2] - $calc[0] + (int)$splitRendering['compX'] + (int)$strCfg['xSpaceBefore'] + (int)$strCfg['xSpaceAfter'];
986  $offsetInfo[3] += $calc[3] - $calc[1] - (int)$splitRendering['compY'] - (int)$strCfg['ySpaceBefore'] - (int)$strCfg['ySpaceAfter'];
987  $offsetInfo[4] += $calc[4] - $calc[6] + (int)$splitRendering['compX'] + (int)$strCfg['xSpaceBefore'] + (int)$strCfg['xSpaceAfter'];
988  $offsetInfo[5] += $calc[5] - $calc[7] - (int)$splitRendering['compY'] - (int)$strCfg['ySpaceBefore'] - (int)$strCfg['ySpaceAfter'];
989  }
990  } else {
991  debug('cannot read file: ' . $fontFile, 'TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Imaging\\GraphicalFunctions::ImageTTFBBoxWrapper()');
992  }
993  }
994  return $offsetInfo;
995  }
1013  public function ImageTTFTextWrapper($im, $fontSize, $angle, $x, $y, $color, $fontFile, $string, $splitRendering, $sF = 1) {
1014  // Initialize:
1015  $stringParts = $this->splitString($string, $splitRendering, $fontSize, $fontFile);
1016  $x = ceil($sF * $x);
1017  $y = ceil($sF * $y);
1018  // Traverse string parts:
1019  foreach ($stringParts as $i => $strCfg) {
1020  // Initialize:
1021  $colorIndex = $color;
1022  // Set custom color if any (only when niceText is off):
1023  if ($strCfg['color'] && $sF == 1) {
1024  $cols = $this->convertColor($strCfg['color']);
1025  $colorIndex = ImageColorAllocate($im, $cols[0], $cols[1], $cols[2]);
1026  $colorIndex = $color >= 0 ? $colorIndex : -$colorIndex;
1027  }
1028  // Setting xSpaceBefore
1029  if ($i) {
1030  $x += (int)$strCfg['xSpaceBefore'];
1031  $y -= (int)$strCfg['ySpaceBefore'];
1032  }
1033  $fontFile = self::prependAbsolutePath($strCfg['fontFile']);
1034  if (is_readable($fontFile)) {
1035  // Render part:
1036  ImageTTFText($im, GeneralUtility::freetypeDpiComp($sF * $strCfg['fontSize']), $angle, $x, $y, $colorIndex, $fontFile, $strCfg['str']);
1037  // Calculate offset to apply:
1038  $wordInf = ImageTTFBBox(GeneralUtility::freetypeDpiComp($sF * $strCfg['fontSize']), $angle, self::prependAbsolutePath($strCfg['fontFile']), $strCfg['str']);
1039  $x += $wordInf[2] - $wordInf[0] + (int)$splitRendering['compX'] + (int)$strCfg['xSpaceAfter'];
1040  $y += $wordInf[5] - $wordInf[7] - (int)$splitRendering['compY'] - (int)$strCfg['ySpaceAfter'];
1041  } else {
1042  debug('cannot read file: ' . $fontFile, 'TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Imaging\\GraphicalFunctions::ImageTTFTextWrapper()');
1043  }
1044  }
1045  }
1057  public function splitString($string, $splitRendering, $fontSize, $fontFile) {
1058  // Initialize by setting the whole string and default configuration as the first entry.
1059  $result = array();
1060  $result[] = array(
1061  'str' => $string,
1062  'fontSize' => $fontSize,
1063  'fontFile' => $fontFile
1064  );
1065  // Traverse the split-rendering configuration:
1066  // Splitting will create more entries in $result with individual configurations.
1067  if (is_array($splitRendering)) {
1068  $sKeyArray = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\TypoScript\TemplateService::sortedKeyList($splitRendering);
1069  // Traverse configured options:
1070  foreach ($sKeyArray as $key) {
1071  $cfg = $splitRendering[$key . '.'];
1072  // Process each type of split rendering keyword:
1073  switch ((string) $splitRendering[$key]) {
1074  case 'highlightWord':
1075  if (strlen($cfg['value'])) {
1076  $newResult = array();
1077  // Traverse the current parts of the result array:
1078  foreach ($result as $part) {
1079  // Explode the string value by the word value to highlight:
1080  $explodedParts = explode($cfg['value'], $part['str']);
1081  foreach ($explodedParts as $c => $expValue) {
1082  if (strlen($expValue)) {
1083  $newResult[] = array_merge($part, array('str' => $expValue));
1084  }
1085  if ($c + 1 < count($explodedParts)) {
1086  $newResult[] = array(
1087  'str' => $cfg['value'],
1088  'fontSize' => $cfg['fontSize'] ? $cfg['fontSize'] : $part['fontSize'],
1089  'fontFile' => $cfg['fontFile'] ? $cfg['fontFile'] : $part['fontFile'],
1090  'color' => $cfg['color'],
1091  'xSpaceBefore' => $cfg['xSpaceBefore'],
1092  'xSpaceAfter' => $cfg['xSpaceAfter'],
1093  'ySpaceBefore' => $cfg['ySpaceBefore'],
1094  'ySpaceAfter' => $cfg['ySpaceAfter']
1095  );
1096  }
1097  }
1098  }
1099  // Set the new result as result array:
1100  if (count($newResult)) {
1101  $result = $newResult;
1102  }
1103  }
1104  break;
1105  case 'charRange':
1106  if (strlen($cfg['value'])) {
1107  // Initialize range:
1108  $ranges = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $cfg['value'], TRUE);
1109  foreach ($ranges as $i => $rangeDef) {
1110  $ranges[$i] = GeneralUtility::intExplode('-', $ranges[$i]);
1111  if (!isset($ranges[$i][1])) {
1112  $ranges[$i][1] = $ranges[$i][0];
1113  }
1114  }
1115  $newResult = array();
1116  // Traverse the current parts of the result array:
1117  foreach ($result as $part) {
1118  // Initialize:
1119  $currentState = -1;
1120  $bankAccum = '';
1121  // Explode the string value by the word value to highlight:
1122  $utf8Chars = $this->singleChars($part['str']);
1123  foreach ($utf8Chars as $utfChar) {
1124  // Find number and evaluate position:
1125  $uNumber = $this->csConvObj->utf8CharToUnumber($utfChar);
1126  $inRange = 0;
1127  foreach ($ranges as $rangeDef) {
1128  if ($uNumber >= $rangeDef[0] && (!$rangeDef[1] || $uNumber <= $rangeDef[1])) {
1129  $inRange = 1;
1130  break;
1131  }
1132  }
1133  if ($currentState == -1) {
1134  $currentState = $inRange;
1135  }
1136  // Initialize first char
1137  // Switch bank:
1138  if ($inRange != $currentState && !GeneralUtility::inList('32,10,13,9', $uNumber)) {
1139  // Set result:
1140  if (strlen($bankAccum)) {
1141  $newResult[] = array(
1142  'str' => $bankAccum,
1143  'fontSize' => $currentState && $cfg['fontSize'] ? $cfg['fontSize'] : $part['fontSize'],
1144  'fontFile' => $currentState && $cfg['fontFile'] ? $cfg['fontFile'] : $part['fontFile'],
1145  'color' => $currentState ? $cfg['color'] : '',
1146  'xSpaceBefore' => $currentState ? $cfg['xSpaceBefore'] : '',
1147  'xSpaceAfter' => $currentState ? $cfg['xSpaceAfter'] : '',
1148  'ySpaceBefore' => $currentState ? $cfg['ySpaceBefore'] : '',
1149  'ySpaceAfter' => $currentState ? $cfg['ySpaceAfter'] : ''
1150  );
1151  }
1152  // Initialize new settings:
1153  $currentState = $inRange;
1154  $bankAccum = '';
1155  }
1156  // Add char to bank:
1157  $bankAccum .= $utfChar;
1158  }
1159  // Set result for FINAL part:
1160  if (strlen($bankAccum)) {
1161  $newResult[] = array(
1162  'str' => $bankAccum,
1163  'fontSize' => $currentState && $cfg['fontSize'] ? $cfg['fontSize'] : $part['fontSize'],
1164  'fontFile' => $currentState && $cfg['fontFile'] ? $cfg['fontFile'] : $part['fontFile'],
1165  'color' => $currentState ? $cfg['color'] : '',
1166  'xSpaceBefore' => $currentState ? $cfg['xSpaceBefore'] : '',
1167  'xSpaceAfter' => $currentState ? $cfg['xSpaceAfter'] : '',
1168  'ySpaceBefore' => $currentState ? $cfg['ySpaceBefore'] : '',
1169  'ySpaceAfter' => $currentState ? $cfg['ySpaceAfter'] : ''
1170  );
1171  }
1172  }
1173  // Set the new result as result array:
1174  if (count($newResult)) {
1175  $result = $newResult;
1176  }
1177  }
1178  break;
1179  }
1180  }
1181  }
1182  return $result;
1183  }
1195  public function calcWordSpacing($conf, $scaleFactor = 1) {
1196  $spacing = (int)$conf['spacing'];
1197  $wordSpacing = (int)$conf['wordSpacing'];
1198  $wordSpacing = $wordSpacing ?: $spacing * 2;
1199  $spacing *= $scaleFactor;
1200  $wordSpacing *= $scaleFactor;
1201  return array($spacing, $wordSpacing);
1202  }
1212  public function getTextScalFactor($conf) {
1213  if (!$conf['niceText']) {
1214  $sF = 1;
1215  } else {
1216  // NICETEXT::
1217  $sF = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($conf['niceText.']['scaleFactor'], 2, 5);
1218  }
1219  return $sF;
1220  }
1238  protected function renderTTFText(&$im, $fontSize, $angle, $x, $y, $color, $fontFile, $string, $splitRendering, $conf, $sF = 1) {
1239  if (isset($conf['breakWidth']) && $conf['breakWidth'] && $this->getRenderedTextWidth($string, $conf) > $conf['breakWidth']) {
1240  $phrase = '';
1241  $currentWidth = 0;
1242  $breakWidth = $conf['breakWidth'];
1243  $breakSpace = $this->getBreakSpace($conf);
1244  $wordPairs = $this->getWordPairsForLineBreak($string);
1245  // Iterate through all word pairs:
1246  foreach ($wordPairs as $index => $wordPair) {
1247  $wordWidth = $this->getRenderedTextWidth($wordPair, $conf);
1248  if ($index == 0 || $currentWidth + $wordWidth <= $breakWidth) {
1249  $currentWidth += $wordWidth;
1250  $phrase .= $wordPair;
1251  } else {
1252  // Render the current phrase that is below breakWidth:
1253  $this->ImageTTFTextWrapper($im, $fontSize, $angle, $x, $y, $color, $fontFile, $phrase, $splitRendering, $sF);
1254  // Calculate the news height offset:
1255  $y += $breakSpace;
1256  // Restart the phrase:
1257  $currentWidth = $wordWidth;
1258  $phrase = $wordPair;
1259  }
1260  }
1261  // Render the remaining phrase:
1262  if ($currentWidth) {
1263  $this->ImageTTFTextWrapper($im, $fontSize, $angle, $x, $y, $color, $fontFile, $phrase, $splitRendering, $sF);
1264  }
1265  } else {
1266  $this->ImageTTFTextWrapper($im, $fontSize, $angle, $x, $y, $color, $fontFile, $string, $splitRendering, $sF);
1267  }
1268  }
1276  protected function getWordPairsForLineBreak($string) {
1277  $wordPairs = array();
1278  $wordsArray = preg_split('#([- .,!:]+)#', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
1279  $wordsCount = count($wordsArray);
1280  for ($index = 0; $index < $wordsCount; $index += 2) {
1281  $wordPairs[] = $wordsArray[$index] . $wordsArray[($index + 1)];
1282  }
1283  return $wordPairs;
1284  }
1293  protected function getRenderedTextWidth($text, $conf) {
1294  $bounds = $this->ImageTTFBBoxWrapper($conf['fontSize'], $conf['angle'], $conf['fontFile'], $this->recodeString($text), $conf['splitRendering.']);
1295  if ($conf['angle'] < 0) {
1296  $pixelWidth = abs($bounds[4] - $bounds[0]);
1297  } elseif ($conf['angle'] > 0) {
1298  $pixelWidth = abs($bounds[2] - $bounds[6]);
1299  } else {
1300  $pixelWidth = abs($bounds[4] - $bounds[6]);
1301  }
1302  return $pixelWidth;
1303  }
1312  protected function getBreakSpace($conf, array $boundingBox = NULL) {
1313  if (!isset($boundingBox)) {
1314  $boundingBox = $this->calcBBox($conf);
1315  $boundingBox = $boundingBox[2];
1316  }
1317  if (isset($conf['breakSpace']) && $conf['breakSpace']) {
1318  $breakSpace = $boundingBox['lineHeight'] * $conf['breakSpace'];
1319  } else {
1320  $breakSpace = $boundingBox['lineHeight'];
1321  }
1322  return $breakSpace;
1323  }
1325  /*********************************************
1326  *
1327  * Other GIFBUILDER objects related to TEXT
1328  *
1329  *********************************************/
1341  public function makeOutline(&$im, $conf, $workArea, $txtConf) {
1342  $thickness = (int)$conf['thickness'];
1343  if ($thickness) {
1344  $txtConf['fontColor'] = $conf['color'];
1345  $outLineDist = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($thickness, 1, 2);
1346  for ($b = 1; $b <= $outLineDist; $b++) {
1347  if ($b == 1) {
1348  $it = 8;
1349  } else {
1350  $it = 16;
1351  }
1352  $outL = $this->circleOffset($b, $it);
1353  for ($a = 0; $a < $it; $a++) {
1354  $this->makeText($im, $txtConf, $this->applyOffset($workArea, $outL[$a]));
1355  }
1356  }
1357  }
1358  }
1371  public function circleOffset($distance, $iterations) {
1372  $res = array();
1373  if ($distance && $iterations) {
1374  for ($a = 0; $a < $iterations; $a++) {
1375  $yOff = round(sin((2 * pi() / $iterations * ($a + 1))) * 100 * $distance);
1376  if ($yOff) {
1377  $yOff = (int)(ceil(abs(($yOff / 100))) * ($yOff / abs($yOff)));
1378  }
1379  $xOff = round(cos((2 * pi() / $iterations * ($a + 1))) * 100 * $distance);
1380  if ($xOff) {
1381  $xOff = (int)(ceil(abs(($xOff / 100))) * ($xOff / abs($xOff)));
1382  }
1383  $res[$a] = array($xOff, $yOff);
1384  }
1385  }
1386  return $res;
1387  }
1400  public function makeEmboss(&$im, $conf, $workArea, $txtConf) {
1401  $conf['color'] = $conf['highColor'];
1402  $this->makeShadow($im, $conf, $workArea, $txtConf);
1403  $newOffset = GeneralUtility::intExplode(',', $conf['offset']);
1404  $newOffset[0] *= -1;
1405  $newOffset[1] *= -1;
1406  $conf['offset'] = implode(',', $newOffset);
1407  $conf['color'] = $conf['lowColor'];
1408  $this->makeShadow($im, $conf, $workArea, $txtConf);
1409  }
1423  public function makeShadow(&$im, $conf, $workArea, $txtConf) {
1424  $workArea = $this->applyOffset($workArea, GeneralUtility::intExplode(',', $conf['offset']));
1425  $blurRate = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange((int)$conf['blur'], 0, 99);
1426  // No effects if ImageMagick ver. 5+
1427  if (!$blurRate || $this->NO_IM_EFFECTS) {
1428  $txtConf['fontColor'] = $conf['color'];
1429  $this->makeText($im, $txtConf, $workArea);
1430  } else {
1431  $w = imagesx($im);
1432  $h = imagesy($im);
1433  // Area around the blur used for cropping something
1434  $blurBorder = 3;
1435  $tmpStr = $this->randomName();
1436  $fileMenu = $tmpStr . '_menu.' . $this->gifExtension;
1437  $fileColor = $tmpStr . '_color.' . $this->gifExtension;
1438  $fileMask = $tmpStr . '_mask.' . $this->gifExtension;
1439  // BlurColor Image laves
1440  $blurColImg = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
1441  $bcols = $this->convertColor($conf['color']);
1442  $Bcolor = ImageColorAllocate($blurColImg, $bcols[0], $bcols[1], $bcols[2]);
1443  ImageFilledRectangle($blurColImg, 0, 0, $w, $h, $Bcolor);
1444  $this->ImageWrite($blurColImg, $fileColor);
1445  ImageDestroy($blurColImg);
1446  // The mask is made: BlurTextImage
1447  $blurTextImg = imagecreatetruecolor($w + $blurBorder * 2, $h + $blurBorder * 2);
1448  // Black background
1449  $Bcolor = ImageColorAllocate($blurTextImg, 0, 0, 0);
1450  ImageFilledRectangle($blurTextImg, 0, 0, $w + $blurBorder * 2, $h + $blurBorder * 2, $Bcolor);
1451  $txtConf['fontColor'] = 'white';
1452  $blurBordArr = array($blurBorder, $blurBorder);
1453  $this->makeText($blurTextImg, $txtConf, $this->applyOffset($workArea, $blurBordArr));
1454  // Dump to temporary file
1455  $this->ImageWrite($blurTextImg, $fileMask);
1456  // Destroy
1457  ImageDestroy($blurTextImg);
1458  $command = '';
1459  if ($this->V5_EFFECTS) {
1460  $command .= $this->v5_blur($blurRate + 1);
1461  } else {
1462  // Blurring of the mask
1463  // How many blur-commands that is executed. Min = 1;
1464  $times = ceil($blurRate / 10);
1465  // Here I boost the blur-rate so that it is 100 already at 25. The rest is done by up to 99 iterations of the blur-command.
1466  $newBlurRate = $blurRate * 4;
1467  $newBlurRate = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($newBlurRate, 1, 99);
1468  // Building blur-command
1469  for ($a = 0; $a < $times; $a++) {
1470  $command .= ' -blur ' . $blurRate;
1471  }
1472  }
1473  $this->imageMagickExec($fileMask, $fileMask, $command . ' +matte');
1474  // The mask is loaded again
1475  $blurTextImg_tmp = $this->imageCreateFromFile($fileMask);
1476  // If nothing went wrong we continue with the blurred mask
1477  if ($blurTextImg_tmp) {
1478  // Cropping the border from the mask
1479  $blurTextImg = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
1480  $this->imagecopyresized($blurTextImg, $blurTextImg_tmp, 0, 0, $blurBorder, $blurBorder, $w, $h, $w, $h);
1481  // Destroy the temporary mask
1482  ImageDestroy($blurTextImg_tmp);
1483  // Adjust the mask
1484  $intensity = 40;
1485  if ($conf['intensity']) {
1486  $intensity = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($conf['intensity'], 0, 100);
1487  }
1488  $intensity = ceil(255 - $intensity / 100 * 255);
1489  $this->inputLevels($blurTextImg, 0, $intensity);
1490  $opacity = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange((int)$conf['opacity'], 0, 100);
1491  if ($opacity && $opacity < 100) {
1492  $high = ceil(255 * $opacity / 100);
1493  // Reducing levels as the opacity demands
1494  $this->outputLevels($blurTextImg, 0, $high);
1495  }
1496  // Dump the mask again
1497  $this->ImageWrite($blurTextImg, $fileMask);
1498  // Destroy the mask
1499  ImageDestroy($blurTextImg);
1500  // The pictures are combined
1501  // The main pictures is saved temporarily
1502  $this->ImageWrite($im, $fileMenu);
1503  $this->combineExec($fileMenu, $fileColor, $fileMask, $fileMenu);
1504  // The main image is loaded again...
1505  $backIm = $this->imageCreateFromFile($fileMenu);
1506  // ... and if nothing went wrong we load it onto the old one.
1507  if ($backIm) {
1508  if (!$this->saveAlphaLayer) {
1509  ImageColorTransparent($backIm, -1);
1510  }
1511  $im = $backIm;
1512  }
1513  }
1514  // Deleting temporary files;
1515  if (!$this->dontUnlinkTempFiles) {
1516  unlink($fileMenu);
1517  unlink($fileColor);
1518  unlink($fileMask);
1519  }
1520  }
1521  }
1523  /****************************
1524  *
1525  * Other GIFBUILDER objects
1526  *
1527  ****************************/
1538  public function makeBox(&$im, $conf, $workArea) {
1539  $cords = GeneralUtility::intExplode(',', $conf['dimensions'] . ',,,');
1540  $conf['offset'] = $cords[0] . ',' . $cords[1];
1541  $cords = $this->objPosition($conf, $workArea, array($cords[2], $cords[3]));
1542  $cols = $this->convertColor($conf['color']);
1543  $opacity = 0;
1544  if (isset($conf['opacity'])) {
1545  // conversion:
1546  // PHP 0 = opaque, 127 = transparent
1547  // TYPO3 100 = opaque, 0 = transparent
1548  $opacity = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange((int)$conf['opacity'], 1, 100, 1);
1549  $opacity = abs($opacity - 100);
1550  $opacity = round(127 * $opacity / 100);
1551  }
1552  $tmpColor = ImageColorAllocateAlpha($im, $cols[0], $cols[1], $cols[2], $opacity);
1553  imagefilledrectangle($im, $cords[0], $cords[1], $cords[0] + $cords[2] - 1, $cords[1] + $cords[3] - 1, $tmpColor);
1554  }
1577  public function makeEllipse(&$im, array $conf, array $workArea) {
1578  $ellipseConfiguration = GeneralUtility::intExplode(',', $conf['dimensions'] . ',,,');
1579  // Ellipse offset inside workArea (x/y)
1580  $conf['offset'] = $ellipseConfiguration[0] . ',' . $ellipseConfiguration[1];
1581  // @see objPosition
1582  $imageCoordinates = $this->objPosition($conf, $workArea, array($ellipseConfiguration[2], $ellipseConfiguration[3]));
1583  $color = $this->convertColor($conf['color']);
1584  $fillingColor = imagecolorallocate($im, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2]);
1585  imagefilledellipse($im, $imageCoordinates[0], $imageCoordinates[1], $imageCoordinates[2], $imageCoordinates[3], $fillingColor);
1586  }
1598  public function makeEffect(&$im, $conf) {
1599  $commands = $this->IMparams($conf['value']);
1600  if ($commands) {
1601  $this->applyImageMagickToPHPGif($im, $commands);
1602  }
1603  }
1614  public function IMparams($setup) {
1615  if (!trim($setup)) {
1616  return '';
1617  }
1618  $effects = explode('|', $setup);
1619  $commands = '';
1620  foreach ($effects as $val) {
1621  $pairs = explode('=', $val, 2);
1622  $value = trim($pairs[1]);
1623  $effect = strtolower(trim($pairs[0]));
1624  switch ($effect) {
1625  case 'gamma':
1626  $commands .= ' -gamma ' . doubleval($value);
1627  break;
1628  case 'blur':
1629  if (!$this->NO_IM_EFFECTS) {
1630  if ($this->V5_EFFECTS) {
1631  $commands .= $this->v5_blur($value);
1632  } else {
1633  $commands .= ' -blur ' . MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($value, 1, 99);
1634  }
1635  }
1636  break;
1637  case 'sharpen':
1638  if (!$this->NO_IM_EFFECTS) {
1639  if ($this->V5_EFFECTS) {
1640  $commands .= $this->v5_sharpen($value);
1641  } else {
1642  $commands .= ' -sharpen ' . MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($value, 1, 99);
1643  }
1644  }
1645  break;
1646  case 'rotate':
1647  $commands .= ' -rotate ' . MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($value, 0, 360);
1648  break;
1649  case 'solarize':
1650  $commands .= ' -solarize ' . MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($value, 0, 99);
1651  break;
1652  case 'swirl':
1653  $commands .= ' -swirl ' . MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($value, 0, 1000);
1654  break;
1655  case 'wave':
1656  $params = GeneralUtility::intExplode(',', $value);
1657  $commands .= ' -wave ' . MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($params[0], 0, 99) . 'x' . MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($params[1], 0, 99);
1658  break;
1659  case 'charcoal':
1660  $commands .= ' -charcoal ' . MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($value, 0, 100);
1661  break;
1662  case 'gray':
1663  $commands .= ' -colorspace GRAY';
1664  break;
1665  case 'edge':
1666  $commands .= ' -edge ' . MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($value, 0, 99);
1667  break;
1668  case 'emboss':
1669  $commands .= ' -emboss';
1670  break;
1671  case 'flip':
1672  $commands .= ' -flip';
1673  break;
1674  case 'flop':
1675  $commands .= ' -flop';
1676  break;
1677  case 'colors':
1678  $commands .= ' -colors ' . MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($value, 2, 255);
1679  break;
1680  case 'shear':
1681  $commands .= ' -shear ' . MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($value, -90, 90);
1682  break;
1683  case 'invert':
1684  $commands .= ' -negate';
1685  break;
1686  }
1687  }
1688  return $commands;
1689  }
1700  public function adjust(&$im, $conf) {
1701  $setup = $conf['value'];
1702  if (!trim($setup)) {
1703  return '';
1704  }
1705  $effects = explode('|', $setup);
1706  foreach ($effects as $val) {
1707  $pairs = explode('=', $val, 2);
1708  $value = trim($pairs[1]);
1709  $effect = strtolower(trim($pairs[0]));
1710  switch ($effect) {
1711  case 'inputlevels':
1712  // low,high
1713  $params = GeneralUtility::intExplode(',', $value);
1714  $this->inputLevels($im, $params[0], $params[1]);
1715  break;
1716  case 'outputlevels':
1717  $params = GeneralUtility::intExplode(',', $value);
1718  $this->outputLevels($im, $params[0], $params[1]);
1719  break;
1720  case 'autolevels':
1721  $this->autoLevels($im);
1722  break;
1723  }
1724  }
1725  }
1736  public function crop(&$im, $conf) {
1737  // Clears workArea to total image
1738  $this->setWorkArea('');
1739  $cords = GeneralUtility::intExplode(',', $conf['crop'] . ',,,');
1740  $conf['offset'] = $cords[0] . ',' . $cords[1];
1741  $cords = $this->objPosition($conf, $this->workArea, array($cords[2], $cords[3]));
1742  $newIm = imagecreatetruecolor($cords[2], $cords[3]);
1743  $cols = $this->convertColor($conf['backColor'] ? $conf['backColor'] : $this->setup['backColor']);
1744  $Bcolor = ImageColorAllocate($newIm, $cols[0], $cols[1], $cols[2]);
1745  ImageFilledRectangle($newIm, 0, 0, $cords[2], $cords[3], $Bcolor);
1746  $newConf = array();
1747  $workArea = array(0, 0, $cords[2], $cords[3]);
1748  if ($cords[0] < 0) {
1749  $workArea[0] = abs($cords[0]);
1750  } else {
1751  $newConf['offset'] = -$cords[0];
1752  }
1753  if ($cords[1] < 0) {
1754  $workArea[1] = abs($cords[1]);
1755  } else {
1756  $newConf['offset'] .= ',' . -$cords[1];
1757  }
1758  $this->copyGifOntoGif($newIm, $im, $newConf, $workArea);
1759  $im = $newIm;
1760  $this->w = imagesx($im);
1761  $this->h = imagesy($im);
1762  // Clears workArea to total image
1763  $this->setWorkArea('');
1764  }
1775  public function scale(&$im, $conf) {
1776  if ($conf['width'] || $conf['height'] || $conf['params']) {
1777  $tmpStr = $this->randomName();
1778  $theFile = $tmpStr . '.' . $this->gifExtension;
1779  $this->ImageWrite($im, $theFile);
1780  $theNewFile = $this->imageMagickConvert($theFile, $this->gifExtension, $conf['width'], $conf['height'], $conf['params']);
1781  $tmpImg = $this->imageCreateFromFile($theNewFile[3]);
1782  if ($tmpImg) {
1783  ImageDestroy($im);
1784  $im = $tmpImg;
1785  $this->w = imagesx($im);
1786  $this->h = imagesy($im);
1787  // Clears workArea to total image
1788  $this->setWorkArea('');
1789  }
1790  if (!$this->dontUnlinkTempFiles) {
1791  unlink($theFile);
1792  if ($theNewFile[3] && $theNewFile[3] != $theFile) {
1793  unlink($theNewFile[3]);
1794  }
1795  }
1796  }
1797  }
1809  public function setWorkArea($workArea) {
1810  $this->workArea = GeneralUtility::intExplode(',', $workArea);
1811  $this->workArea = $this->applyOffset($this->workArea, $this->OFFSET);
1812  if (!$this->workArea[2]) {
1813  $this->workArea[2] = $this->w;
1814  }
1815  if (!$this->workArea[3]) {
1816  $this->workArea[3] = $this->h;
1817  }
1818  }
1820  /*************************
1821  *
1822  * Adjustment functions
1823  *
1824  ************************/
1832  public function autolevels(&$im) {
1833  $totalCols = ImageColorsTotal($im);
1834  $min = 255;
1835  $max = 0;
1836  for ($c = 0; $c < $totalCols; $c++) {
1837  $cols = ImageColorsForIndex($im, $c);
1838  $grayArr[] = round(($cols['red'] + $cols['green'] + $cols['blue']) / 3);
1839  }
1840  $min = min($grayArr);
1841  $max = max($grayArr);
1842  $delta = $max - $min;
1843  if ($delta) {
1844  for ($c = 0; $c < $totalCols; $c++) {
1845  $cols = ImageColorsForIndex($im, $c);
1846  $cols['red'] = floor(($cols['red'] - $min) / $delta * 255);
1847  $cols['green'] = floor(($cols['green'] - $min) / $delta * 255);
1848  $cols['blue'] = floor(($cols['blue'] - $min) / $delta * 255);
1849  ImageColorSet($im, $c, $cols['red'], $cols['green'], $cols['blue']);
1850  }
1851  }
1852  }
1864  public function outputLevels(&$im, $low, $high, $swap = '') {
1865  if ($low < $high) {
1866  $low = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($low, 0, 255);
1867  $high = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($high, 0, 255);
1868  if ($swap) {
1869  $temp = $low;
1870  $low = 255 - $high;
1871  $high = 255 - $temp;
1872  }
1873  $delta = $high - $low;
1874  $totalCols = ImageColorsTotal($im);
1875  for ($c = 0; $c < $totalCols; $c++) {
1876  $cols = ImageColorsForIndex($im, $c);
1877  $cols['red'] = $low + floor($cols['red'] / 255 * $delta);
1878  $cols['green'] = $low + floor($cols['green'] / 255 * $delta);
1879  $cols['blue'] = $low + floor($cols['blue'] / 255 * $delta);
1880  ImageColorSet($im, $c, $cols['red'], $cols['green'], $cols['blue']);
1881  }
1882  }
1883  }
1895  public function inputLevels(&$im, $low, $high, $swap = '') {
1896  if ($low < $high) {
1897  $low = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($low, 0, 255);
1898  $high = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($high, 0, 255);
1899  $delta = $high - $low;
1900  $totalCols = ImageColorsTotal($im);
1901  for ($c = 0; $c < $totalCols; $c++) {
1902  $cols = ImageColorsForIndex($im, $c);
1903  $cols['red'] = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange(($cols['red'] - $low) / $delta * 255, 0, 255);
1904  $cols['green'] = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange(($cols['green'] - $low) / $delta * 255, 0, 255);
1905  $cols['blue'] = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange(($cols['blue'] - $low) / $delta * 255, 0, 255);
1906  ImageColorSet($im, $c, $cols['red'], $cols['green'], $cols['blue']);
1907  }
1908  }
1909  }
1919  public function IMreduceColors($file, $cols) {
1920  $fI = GeneralUtility::split_fileref($file);
1921  $ext = strtolower($fI['fileext']);
1922  $result = $this->randomName() . '.' . $ext;
1923  if (($reduce = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($cols, 0, $ext == 'gif' ? 256 : $this->truecolorColors, 0)) > 0) {
1924  $params = ' -colors ' . $reduce;
1925  if ($reduce <= 256) {
1926  $params .= ' -type Palette';
1927  }
1928  if ($ext == 'png' && $reduce <= 256) {
1929  $prefix = 'png8:';
1930  }
1931  $this->imageMagickExec($file, $prefix . $result, $params);
1932  if ($result) {
1933  return $result;
1934  }
1935  }
1936  return '';
1937  }
1939  /*********************************
1940  *
1941  * GIFBUILDER Helper functions
1942  *
1943  *********************************/
1953  public function prependAbsolutePath($fontFile) {
1954  $absPath = defined('PATH_typo3') ? dirname(PATH_thisScript) . '/' : PATH_site;
1955  $fontFile = GeneralUtility::isAbsPath($fontFile) ? $fontFile : GeneralUtility::resolveBackPath($absPath . $fontFile);
1956  return $fontFile;
1957  }
1968  public function v5_sharpen($factor) {
1969  $factor = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange(ceil($factor / 10), 0, 10);
1970  $sharpenArr = explode(',', ',' . $this->im5fx_sharpenSteps);
1971  $sharpenF = trim($sharpenArr[$factor]);
1972  if ($sharpenF) {
1973  $cmd = ' -sharpen ' . $sharpenF;
1974  return $cmd;
1975  }
1976  }
1987  public function v5_blur($factor) {
1988  $factor = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange(ceil($factor / 10), 0, 10);
1989  $blurArr = explode(',', ',' . $this->im5fx_blurSteps);
1990  $blurF = trim($blurArr[$factor]);
1991  if ($blurF) {
1992  $cmd = ' -blur ' . $blurF;
1993  return $cmd;
1994  }
1995  }
2004  public function randomName() {
2005  $this->createTempSubDir('temp/');
2006  return $this->tempPath . 'temp/' . md5(uniqid('', TRUE));
2007  }
2018  public function applyOffset($cords, $OFFSET) {
2019  $cords[0] = (int)$cords[0] + (int)$OFFSET[0];
2020  $cords[1] = (int)$cords[1] + (int)$OFFSET[1];
2021  return $cords;
2022  }
2032  public function convertColor($string) {
2033  $col = array();
2034  $cParts = explode(':', $string, 2);
2035  // Finding the RGB definitions of the color:
2036  $string = $cParts[0];
2037  if (strstr($string, '#')) {
2038  $string = preg_replace('/[^A-Fa-f0-9]*/', '', $string);
2039  $col[] = HexDec(substr($string, 0, 2));
2040  $col[] = HexDec(substr($string, 2, 2));
2041  $col[] = HexDec(substr($string, 4, 2));
2042  } elseif (strstr($string, ',')) {
2043  $string = preg_replace('/[^,0-9]*/', '', $string);
2044  $strArr = explode(',', $string);
2045  $col[] = (int)$strArr[0];
2046  $col[] = (int)$strArr[1];
2047  $col[] = (int)$strArr[2];
2048  } else {
2049  $string = strtolower(trim($string));
2050  if ($this->colMap[$string]) {
2051  $col = $this->colMap[$string];
2052  } else {
2053  $col = array(0, 0, 0);
2054  }
2055  }
2056  // ... and possibly recalculating the value
2057  if (trim($cParts[1])) {
2058  $cParts[1] = trim($cParts[1]);
2059  if ($cParts[1][0] === '*') {
2060  $val = doubleval(substr($cParts[1], 1));
2061  $col[0] = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($col[0] * $val, 0, 255);
2062  $col[1] = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($col[1] * $val, 0, 255);
2063  $col[2] = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($col[2] * $val, 0, 255);
2064  } else {
2065  $val = (int)$cParts[1];
2066  $col[0] = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($col[0] + $val, 0, 255);
2067  $col[1] = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($col[1] + $val, 0, 255);
2068  $col[2] = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($col[2] + $val, 0, 255);
2069  }
2070  }
2071  return $col;
2072  }
2082  public function recodeString($string) {
2083  // Recode string to UTF-8 from $this->nativeCharset:
2084  if ($this->nativeCharset && $this->nativeCharset != 'utf-8') {
2085  // Convert to UTF-8
2086  $string = $this->csConvObj->utf8_encode($string, $this->nativeCharset);
2087  }
2088  return $string;
2089  }
2100  public function singleChars($theText, $returnUnicodeNumber = FALSE) {
2101  if ($this->nativeCharset) {
2102  // Get an array of separated UTF-8 chars
2103  return $this->csConvObj->utf8_to_numberarray($theText, 1, $returnUnicodeNumber ? 0 : 1);
2104  } else {
2105  $output = array();
2106  $c = strlen($theText);
2107  for ($a = 0; $a < $c; $a++) {
2108  $output[] = substr($theText, $a, 1);
2109  }
2110  return $output;
2111  }
2112  }
2125  public function objPosition($conf, $workArea, $BB) {
2126  // offset, align, valign, workarea
2127  $result = array();
2128  $result[2] = $BB[0];
2129  $result[3] = $BB[1];
2130  $w = $workArea[2];
2131  $h = $workArea[3];
2132  $align = explode(',', $conf['align']);
2133  $align[0] = strtolower(substr(trim($align[0]), 0, 1));
2134  $align[1] = strtolower(substr(trim($align[1]), 0, 1));
2135  switch ($align[0]) {
2136  case 'r':
2137  $result[0] = $w - $result[2];
2138  break;
2139  case 'c':
2140  $result[0] = round(($w - $result[2]) / 2);
2141  break;
2142  default:
2143  $result[0] = 0;
2144  }
2145  switch ($align[1]) {
2146  case 'b':
2147  // y pos
2148  $result[1] = $h - $result[3];
2149  break;
2150  case 'c':
2151  $result[1] = round(($h - $result[3]) / 2);
2152  break;
2153  default:
2154  $result[1] = 0;
2155  }
2156  $result = $this->applyOffset($result, GeneralUtility::intExplode(',', $conf['offset']));
2157  $result = $this->applyOffset($result, $workArea);
2158  return $result;
2159  }
2161  /***********************************
2162  *
2163  * Scaling, Dimensions of images
2164  *
2165  ***********************************/
2181  public function imageMagickConvert($imagefile, $newExt = '', $w = '', $h = '', $params = '', $frame = '', $options = array(), $mustCreate = FALSE) {
2182  if ($this->NO_IMAGE_MAGICK) {
2183  // Returning file info right away
2184  return $this->getImageDimensions($imagefile);
2185  }
2186  if ($info = $this->getImageDimensions($imagefile)) {
2187  $newExt = strtolower(trim($newExt));
2188  // If no extension is given the original extension is used
2189  if (!$newExt) {
2190  $newExt = $info[2];
2191  }
2192  if ($newExt == 'web') {
2193  if (GeneralUtility::inList($this->webImageExt, $info[2])) {
2194  $newExt = $info[2];
2195  } else {
2196  $newExt = $this->gif_or_jpg($info[2], $info[0], $info[1]);
2197  if (!$params) {
2198  $params = $this->cmds[$newExt];
2199  }
2200  }
2201  }
2202  if (GeneralUtility::inList($this->imageFileExt, $newExt)) {
2203  if (strstr($w . $h, 'm')) {
2204  $max = 1;
2205  } else {
2206  $max = 0;
2207  }
2208  $data = $this->getImageScale($info, $w, $h, $options);
2209  $w = $data['origW'];
2210  $h = $data['origH'];
2211  // If no conversion should be performed
2212  // this flag is TRUE if the width / height does NOT dictate
2213  // the image to be scaled!! (that is if no width / height is
2214  // given or if the destination w/h matches the original image
2215  // dimensions or if the option to not scale the image is set)
2216  $noScale = !$w && !$h || $data[0] == $info[0] && $data[1] == $info[1] || !empty($options['noScale']);
2217  if ($noScale && !$data['crs'] && !$params && !$frame && $newExt == $info[2] && !$mustCreate) {
2218  // Set the new width and height before returning,
2219  // if the noScale option is set
2220  if (!empty($options['noScale'])) {
2221  $info[0] = $data[0];
2222  $info[1] = $data[1];
2223  }
2224  $info[3] = $imagefile;
2225  return $info;
2226  }
2227  $info[0] = $data[0];
2228  $info[1] = $data[1];
2229  $frame = $this->noFramePrepended ? '' : (int)$frame;
2230  if (!$params) {
2231  $params = $this->cmds[$newExt];
2232  }
2233  // Cropscaling:
2234  if ($data['crs']) {
2235  if (!$data['origW']) {
2236  $data['origW'] = $data[0];
2237  }
2238  if (!$data['origH']) {
2239  $data['origH'] = $data[1];
2240  }
2241  $offsetX = (int)(($data[0] - $data['origW']) * ($data['cropH'] + 100) / 200);
2242  $offsetY = (int)(($data[1] - $data['origH']) * ($data['cropV'] + 100) / 200);
2243  $params .= ' -crop ' . $data['origW'] . 'x' . $data['origH'] . '+' . $offsetX . '+' . $offsetY . '! ';
2244  }
2245  $command = $this->scalecmd . ' ' . $info[0] . 'x' . $info[1] . '! ' . $params . ' ';
2246  $cropscale = $data['crs'] ? 'crs-V' . $data['cropV'] . 'H' . $data['cropH'] : '';
2247  if ($this->alternativeOutputKey) {
2248  $theOutputName = GeneralUtility::shortMD5($command . $cropscale . basename($imagefile) . $this->alternativeOutputKey . '[' . $frame . ']' . $w . $h . serialize($params) . serialize($options));
2249  } else {
2250  $theOutputName = GeneralUtility::shortMD5($command . $cropscale . $imagefile . filemtime($imagefile) . '[' . $frame . ']' . $w . $h . serialize($params) . serialize($options));
2251  }
2252  if ($this->imageMagickConvert_forceFileNameBody) {
2254  $this->imageMagickConvert_forceFileNameBody = '';
2255  }
2256  // Making the temporary filename:
2257  $this->createTempSubDir('pics/');
2258  $output = $this->absPrefix . $this->tempPath . 'pics/' . $this->filenamePrefix . $theOutputName . '.' . $newExt;
2259  // Register temporary filename:
2260  $GLOBALS['TEMP_IMAGES_ON_PAGE'][] = $output;
2261  if ($this->dontCheckForExistingTempFile || !$this->file_exists_typo3temp_file($output, $imagefile)) {
2262  $this->imageMagickExec($imagefile, $output, $command, $frame);
2263  }
2264  if (file_exists($output)) {
2265  $info[3] = $output;
2266  $info[2] = $newExt;
2267  // params could realisticly change some imagedata!
2268  if ($params) {
2269  $info = $this->getImageDimensions($info[3]);
2270  }
2271  if ($info[2] == $this->gifExtension && !$this->dontCompress) {
2272  // Compress with IM (lzw) or GD (rle) (Workaround for the absence of lzw-compression in GD)
2273  GeneralUtility::gif_compress($info[3], '');
2274  }
2275  return $info;
2276  }
2277  }
2278  }
2279  }
2289  public function getImageDimensions($imageFile) {
2290  preg_match('/([^\\.]*)$/', $imageFile, $reg);
2291  if (file_exists($imageFile) && GeneralUtility::inList($this->imageFileExt, strtolower($reg[0]))) {
2292  if ($returnArr = $this->getCachedImageDimensions($imageFile)) {
2293  return $returnArr;
2294  } else {
2295  if ($temp = @getImageSize($imageFile)) {
2296  $returnArr = array($temp[0], $temp[1], strtolower($reg[0]), $imageFile);
2297  } else {
2298  $returnArr = $this->imageMagickIdentify($imageFile);
2299  }
2300  if ($returnArr) {
2301  $this->cacheImageDimensions($returnArr);
2302  return $returnArr;
2303  }
2304  }
2305  }
2306  return NULL;
2307  }
2317  public function cacheImageDimensions($identifyResult) {
2318  // Create md5 hash of filemtime and filesize
2319  $fileStatus = stat($identifyResult[3]);
2320  $md5Hash = md5($fileStatus['mtime'] . $fileStatus['size']);
2321  $result = FALSE;
2322  if ($md5Hash) {
2323  $fieldArray = array(
2324  'md5hash' => $md5Hash,
2325  'md5filename' => md5($identifyResult[3]),
2326  'tstamp' => $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME'],
2327  'filename' => $identifyResult[3],
2328  'imagewidth' => $identifyResult[0],
2329  'imageheight' => $identifyResult[1]
2330  );
2331  $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_INSERTquery('cache_imagesizes', $fieldArray);
2332  if (!($err = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_error())) {
2333  $result = TRUE;
2334  }
2335  }
2336  return $result;
2337  }
2346  public function getCachedImageDimensions($imageFile) {
2347  // Create md5 hash of filemtime and filesize
2348  $fileStatus = stat($imageFile);
2349  $md5Hash = md5($fileStatus['mtime'] . $fileStatus['size']);
2350  $cachedImageDimensions = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetSingleRow('md5hash, md5filename, imagewidth, imageheight', 'cache_imagesizes', 'md5filename=' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr(md5($imageFile), 'cache_imagesizes'));
2351  $result = FALSE;
2352  if (is_array($cachedImageDimensions)) {
2353  if ($cachedImageDimensions['md5hash'] != $md5Hash) {
2354  // File has changed, delete the row
2355  $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_DELETEquery('cache_imagesizes', 'md5filename=' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($cachedImageDimensions['md5filename'], 'cache_imagesizes'));
2356  } else {
2357  preg_match('/([^\\.]*)$/', $imageFile, $imageExtension);
2358  $result = array(
2359  (int)$cachedImageDimensions['imagewidth'],
2360  (int)$cachedImageDimensions['imageheight'],
2361  strtolower($imageExtension[0]),
2362  $imageFile
2363  );
2364  }
2365  }
2366  return $result;
2367  }
2381  public function getImageScale($info, $w, $h, $options) {
2382  if (strstr($w . $h, 'm')) {
2383  $max = 1;
2384  } else {
2385  $max = 0;
2386  }
2387  if (strstr($w . $h, 'c')) {
2388  $out['cropH'] = (int)substr(strstr($w, 'c'), 1);
2389  $out['cropV'] = (int)substr(strstr($h, 'c'), 1);
2390  $crs = TRUE;
2391  } else {
2392  $crs = FALSE;
2393  }
2394  $out['crs'] = $crs;
2395  $w = (int)$w;
2396  $h = (int)$h;
2397  // If there are max-values...
2398  if (!empty($options['maxW'])) {
2399  // If width is given...
2400  if ($w) {
2401  if ($w > $options['maxW']) {
2402  $w = $options['maxW'];
2403  // Height should follow
2404  $max = 1;
2405  }
2406  } else {
2407  if ($info[0] > $options['maxW']) {
2408  $w = $options['maxW'];
2409  // Height should follow
2410  $max = 1;
2411  }
2412  }
2413  }
2414  if (!empty($options['maxH'])) {
2415  // If height is given...
2416  if ($h) {
2417  if ($h > $options['maxH']) {
2418  $h = $options['maxH'];
2419  // Height should follow
2420  $max = 1;
2421  }
2422  } else {
2423  // Changed [0] to [1] 290801
2424  if ($info[1] > $options['maxH']) {
2425  $h = $options['maxH'];
2426  // Height should follow
2427  $max = 1;
2428  }
2429  }
2430  }
2431  $out['origW'] = $w;
2432  $out['origH'] = $h;
2433  $out['max'] = $max;
2434  if (!$this->mayScaleUp) {
2435  if ($w > $info[0]) {
2436  $w = $info[0];
2437  }
2438  if ($h > $info[1]) {
2439  $h = $info[1];
2440  }
2441  }
2442  // If scaling should be performed
2443  if ($w || $h) {
2444  if ($w && !$h) {
2445  $info[1] = ceil($info[1] * ($w / $info[0]));
2446  $info[0] = $w;
2447  }
2448  if (!$w && $h) {
2449  $info[0] = ceil($info[0] * ($h / $info[1]));
2450  $info[1] = $h;
2451  }
2452  if ($w && $h) {
2453  if ($max) {
2454  $ratio = $info[0] / $info[1];
2455  if ($h * $ratio > $w) {
2456  $h = round($w / $ratio);
2457  } else {
2458  $w = round($h * $ratio);
2459  }
2460  }
2461  if ($crs) {
2462  $ratio = $info[0] / $info[1];
2463  if ($h * $ratio < $w) {
2464  $h = round($w / $ratio);
2465  } else {
2466  $w = round($h * $ratio);
2467  }
2468  }
2469  $info[0] = $w;
2470  $info[1] = $h;
2471  }
2472  }
2473  $out[0] = $info[0];
2474  $out[1] = $info[1];
2475  // Set minimum-measures!
2476  if (isset($options['minW']) && $out[0] < $options['minW']) {
2477  if (($max || $crs) && $out[0]) {
2478  $out[1] = round($out[1] * $options['minW'] / $out[0]);
2479  }
2480  $out[0] = $options['minW'];
2481  }
2482  if (isset($options['minH']) && $out[1] < $options['minH']) {
2483  if (($max || $crs) && $out[1]) {
2484  $out[0] = round($out[0] * $options['minH'] / $out[1]);
2485  }
2486  $out[1] = $options['minH'];
2487  }
2488  return $out;
2489  }
2500  public function file_exists_typo3temp_file($output, $orig = '') {
2501  if ($this->enable_typo3temp_db_tracking) {
2502  // If file exists, then we return immediately
2503  if (file_exists($output)) {
2504  return 1;
2505  } else {
2506  // If not, we look up in the cache_typo3temp_log table to see if there is a image being rendered right now.
2507  $md5Hash = md5($output);
2508  $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('md5hash', 'cache_typo3temp_log', 'md5hash=' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($md5Hash, 'cache_typo3temp_log') . ' AND tstamp>' . ($GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME'] - 30));
2509  // If there was a record, the image is being generated by another process (we assume)
2510  if ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
2511  $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_free_result($res);
2512  if (is_object($GLOBALS['TSFE'])) {
2513  $GLOBALS['TSFE']->set_no_cache('Another process renders this file now: ' . $output);
2514  }
2515  // ...so we set no_cache, because we dont want this page (which will NOT display an image...!) to be cached! (Only a page with the correct image on...)
2516  if (is_object($GLOBALS['TT'])) {
2517  $GLOBALS['TT']->setTSlogMessage('typo3temp_log: Assume this file is being rendered now: ' . $output);
2518  }
2519  // Return 'success - 2'
2520  return 2;
2521  } else {
2522  // If the current time is more than 30 seconds since this record was written, we clear the record, write a new and render the image.
2523  $insertFields = array(
2524  'md5hash' => $md5Hash,
2525  'tstamp' => $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME'],
2526  'filename' => $output,
2527  'orig_filename' => $orig
2528  );
2529  $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_DELETEquery('cache_typo3temp_log', 'md5hash=' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($md5Hash, 'cache_typo3temp_log'));
2530  $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_INSERTquery('cache_typo3temp_log', $insertFields);
2531  if (is_object($GLOBALS['TT'])) {
2532  $GLOBALS['TT']->setTSlogMessage('typo3temp_log: The row did not exist, so a new is written and file is being processed: ' . $output);
2533  }
2534  return 0;
2535  }
2536  }
2537  } else {
2538  return file_exists($output);
2539  }
2540  }
2542  /***********************************
2543  *
2544  * ImageMagick API functions
2545  *
2546  ***********************************/
2555  public function imageMagickIdentify($imagefile) {
2556  if (!$this->NO_IMAGE_MAGICK) {
2557  $frame = $this->noFramePrepended ? '' : '[0]';
2558  $cmd = GeneralUtility::imageMagickCommand('identify', $this->wrapFileName($imagefile) . $frame);
2559  $returnVal = array();
2561  $splitstring = array_pop($returnVal);
2562  $this->IM_commands[] = array('identify', $cmd, $splitstring);
2563  if ($splitstring) {
2564  preg_match('/([^\\.]*)$/', $imagefile, $reg);
2565  $splitinfo = explode(' ', $splitstring);
2566  foreach ($splitinfo as $key => $val) {
2567  $temp = '';
2568  if ($val) {
2569  $temp = explode('x', $val);
2570  }
2571  if ((int)$temp[0] && (int)$temp[1]) {
2572  $dim = $temp;
2573  break;
2574  }
2575  }
2576  if ($dim[0] && $dim[1]) {
2577  return array($dim[0], $dim[1], strtolower($reg[0]), $imagefile);
2578  }
2579  }
2580  }
2581  }
2594  public function imageMagickExec($input, $output, $params, $frame = 0) {
2595  if (!$this->NO_IMAGE_MAGICK) {
2596  // Unless noFramePrepended is set in the Install Tool, a frame number is added to
2597  // select a specific page of the image (by default this will be the first page)
2598  if (!$this->noFramePrepended) {
2599  $frame = '[' . (int)$frame . ']';
2600  } else {
2601  $frame = '';
2602  }
2603  $cmd = GeneralUtility::imageMagickCommand('convert', $params . ' ' . $this->wrapFileName($input . $frame) . ' ' . $this->wrapFileName($output));
2604  $this->IM_commands[] = array($output, $cmd);
2606  // Change the permissions of the file
2608  return $ret;
2609  }
2610  }
2624  public function combineExec($input, $overlay, $mask, $output, $handleNegation = FALSE) {
2625  if (!$this->NO_IMAGE_MAGICK) {
2626  $params = '-colorspace GRAY +matte';
2627  $theMask = $this->randomName() . '.' . $this->gifExtension;
2628  $this->imageMagickExec($mask, $theMask, $params);
2629  $cmd = GeneralUtility::imageMagickCommand('combine', '-compose over +matte ' . $this->wrapFileName($input) . ' ' . $this->wrapFileName($overlay) . ' ' . $this->wrapFileName($theMask) . ' ' . $this->wrapFileName($output));
2630  // +matte = no alpha layer in output
2631  $this->IM_commands[] = array($output, $cmd);
2633  // Change the permissions of the file
2635  if (is_file($theMask)) {
2636  @unlink($theMask);
2637  }
2638  return $ret;
2639  }
2640  }
2648  protected function wrapFileName($inputName) {
2649  if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['UTF8filesystem']) {
2650  $currentLocale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 0);
2651  setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['systemLocale']);
2652  }
2653  $escapedInputName = escapeshellarg($inputName);
2654  if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['UTF8filesystem']) {
2655  setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $currentLocale);
2656  }
2657  return $escapedInputName;
2658  }
2660  /***********************************
2661  *
2662  * Various IO functions
2663  *
2664  ***********************************/
2672  public function checkFile($file) {
2673  if (@is_file($file)) {
2674  return $file;
2675  } else {
2676  return '';
2677  }
2678  }
2687  public function createTempSubDir($dirName) {
2688  // Checking if the this->tempPath is already prefixed with PATH_site and if not, prefix it with that constant.
2689  if (GeneralUtility::isFirstPartOfStr($this->tempPath, PATH_site)) {
2690  $tmpPath = $this->tempPath;
2691  } else {
2692  $tmpPath = PATH_site . $this->tempPath;
2693  }
2694  // Making the temporary filename:
2695  if (!@is_dir(($tmpPath . $dirName))) {
2696  return GeneralUtility::mkdir($tmpPath . $dirName);
2697  }
2698  }
2708  public function applyImageMagickToPHPGif(&$im, $command) {
2709  $tmpStr = $this->randomName();
2710  $theFile = $tmpStr . '.' . $this->gifExtension;
2711  $this->ImageWrite($im, $theFile);
2712  $this->imageMagickExec($theFile, $theFile, $command);
2713  $tmpImg = $this->imageCreateFromFile($theFile);
2714  if ($tmpImg) {
2715  ImageDestroy($im);
2716  $im = $tmpImg;
2717  $this->w = imagesx($im);
2718  $this->h = imagesy($im);
2719  }
2720  if (!$this->dontUnlinkTempFiles) {
2721  unlink($theFile);
2722  }
2723  }
2735  public function gif_or_jpg($type, $w, $h) {
2736  if ($type == 'ai' || $w * $h < $this->pixelLimitGif) {
2737  return $this->gifExtension;
2738  } else {
2739  return 'jpg';
2740  }
2741  }
2753  public function output($file) {
2754  if ($file) {
2755  $reg = array();
2756  preg_match('/([^\\.]*)$/', $file, $reg);
2757  $ext = strtolower($reg[0]);
2758  switch ($ext) {
2759  case 'gif':
2761  case 'png':
2762  if ($this->ImageWrite($this->im, $file)) {
2763  // ImageMagick operations
2764  if ($this->setup['reduceColors'] || !$this->png_truecolor) {
2765  $reduced = $this->IMreduceColors($file, MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($this->setup['reduceColors'], 256, $this->truecolorColors, 256));
2766  if ($reduced) {
2767  @copy($reduced, $file);
2768  @unlink($reduced);
2769  }
2770  }
2771  // Compress with IM! (adds extra compression, LZW from ImageMagick)
2772  // (Workaround for the absence of lzw-compression in GD)
2773  GeneralUtility::gif_compress($file, 'IM');
2774  }
2775  break;
2776  case 'jpg':
2778  case 'jpeg':
2779  // Use the default
2780  $quality = 0;
2781  if ($this->setup['quality']) {
2782  $quality = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($this->setup['quality'], 10, 100);
2783  }
2784  if ($this->ImageWrite($this->im, $file, $quality)) {
2786  }
2787  break;
2788  }
2789  $GLOBALS['TEMP_IMAGES_ON_PAGE'][] = $file;
2790  }
2791  return $file;
2792  }
2801  public function destroy() {
2802  ImageDestroy($this->im);
2803  }
2812  public function imgTag($imgInfo) {
2813  return '<img src="' . $imgInfo[3] . '" width="' . $imgInfo[0] . '" height="' . $imgInfo[1] . '" border="0" alt="" />';
2814  }
2826  public function ImageWrite($destImg, $theImage, $quality = 0) {
2827  imageinterlace($destImg, 0);
2828  $ext = strtolower(substr($theImage, strrpos($theImage, '.') + 1));
2829  $result = FALSE;
2830  switch ($ext) {
2831  case 'jpg':
2833  case 'jpeg':
2834  if (function_exists('imageJpeg')) {
2835  if ($quality == 0) {
2836  $quality = $this->jpegQuality;
2837  }
2838  $result = imageJpeg($destImg, $theImage, $quality);
2839  }
2840  break;
2841  case 'gif':
2842  if (function_exists('imageGif')) {
2843  imagetruecolortopalette($destImg, TRUE, 256);
2844  $result = imageGif($destImg, $theImage);
2845  }
2846  break;
2847  case 'png':
2848  if (function_exists('imagePng')) {
2849  $result = ImagePng($destImg, $theImage);
2850  }
2851  break;
2852  }
2853  if ($result) {
2854  GeneralUtility::fixPermissions($theImage);
2855  }
2856  return $result;
2857  }
2867  public function imageCreateFromFile($sourceImg) {
2868  $imgInf = pathinfo($sourceImg);
2869  $ext = strtolower($imgInf['extension']);
2870  switch ($ext) {
2871  case 'gif':
2872  if (function_exists('imagecreatefromgif')) {
2873  return imageCreateFromGif($sourceImg);
2874  }
2875  break;
2876  case 'png':
2877  if (function_exists('imagecreatefrompng')) {
2878  $imageHandle = imageCreateFromPng($sourceImg);
2879  if ($this->saveAlphaLayer) {
2880  imagesavealpha($imageHandle, TRUE);
2881  }
2882  return $imageHandle;
2883  }
2884  break;
2885  case 'jpg':
2887  case 'jpeg':
2888  if (function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg')) {
2889  return imageCreateFromJpeg($sourceImg);
2890  }
2891  break;
2892  }
2893  // If non of the above:
2894  $i = @getimagesize($sourceImg);
2895  $im = imagecreatetruecolor($i[0], $i[1]);
2896  $Bcolor = ImageColorAllocate($im, 128, 128, 128);
2897  ImageFilledRectangle($im, 0, 0, $i[0], $i[1], $Bcolor);
2898  return $im;
2899  }
2908  public function hexColor($col) {
2909  $r = dechex($col[0]);
2910  if (strlen($r) < 2) {
2911  $r = '0' . $r;
2912  }
2913  $g = dechex($col[1]);
2914  if (strlen($g) < 2) {
2915  $g = '0' . $g;
2916  }
2917  $b = dechex($col[2]);
2918  if (strlen($b) < 2) {
2919  $b = '0' . $b;
2920  }
2921  return '#' . $r . $g . $b;
2922  }
2933  public function unifyColors(&$img, $colArr, $closest = FALSE) {
2934  $retCol = -1;
2935  if (is_array($colArr) && count($colArr) && function_exists('imagepng') && function_exists('imagecreatefrompng')) {
2936  $firstCol = array_shift($colArr);
2937  $firstColArr = $this->convertColor($firstCol);
2938  if (count($colArr) > 1) {
2939  $origName = ($preName = $this->randomName() . '.png');
2940  $postName = $this->randomName() . '.png';
2941  $this->imageWrite($img, $preName);
2942  $firstCol = $this->hexColor($firstColArr);
2943  foreach ($colArr as $transparentColor) {
2944  $transparentColor = $this->convertColor($transparentColor);
2945  $transparentColor = $this->hexColor($transparentColor);
2946  $cmd = '-fill "' . $firstCol . '" -opaque "' . $transparentColor . '"';
2947  $this->imageMagickExec($preName, $postName, $cmd);
2948  $preName = $postName;
2949  }
2950  $this->imageMagickExec($postName, $origName, '');
2951  if (@is_file($origName)) {
2952  $tmpImg = $this->imageCreateFromFile($origName);
2953  }
2954  } else {
2955  $tmpImg = $img;
2956  }
2957  if ($tmpImg) {
2958  $img = $tmpImg;
2959  if ($closest) {
2960  $retCol = ImageColorClosest($img, $firstColArr[0], $firstColArr[1], $firstColArr[2]);
2961  } else {
2962  $retCol = ImageColorExact($img, $firstColArr[0], $firstColArr[1], $firstColArr[2]);
2963  }
2964  }
2965  // Unlink files from process
2966  if (!$this->dontUnlinkTempFiles) {
2967  if ($origName) {
2968  @unlink($origName);
2969  }
2970  if ($postName) {
2971  @unlink($postName);
2972  }
2973  }
2974  }
2975  return $retCol;
2976  }
2978 }
singleChars($theText, $returnUnicodeNumber=FALSE)
static imageMagickCommand($command, $parameters, $path='')
copyGifOntoGif(&$im, $cpImg, $conf, $workArea)
makeEmboss(&$im, $conf, $workArea, $txtConf)
imagecopyresized(&$dstImg, $srcImg, $dstX, $dstY, $srcX, $srcY, $dstWidth, $dstHeight, $srcWidth, $srcHeight)
imageMagickConvert($imagefile, $newExt='', $w='', $h='', $params='', $frame='', $options=array(), $mustCreate=FALSE)
SpacedImageTTFText(&$im, $fontSize, $angle, $x, $y, $Fcolor, $fontFile, $text, $spacing, $wordSpacing, $splitRenderingConf, $sF=1)
static isFirstPartOfStr($str, $partStr)
static forceIntegerInRange($theInt, $min, $max=2000000000, $defaultValue=0)
Definition: MathUtility.php:32
if(preg_match($regexp, $sql)) $pairs
Remove pairs of single-quotes.
getBreakSpace($conf, array $boundingBox=NULL)
makeEllipse(&$im, array $conf, array $workArea)
imageMagickExec($input, $output, $params, $frame=0)
static intExplode($delimiter, $string, $removeEmptyValues=FALSE, $limit=0)
const TYPO3_MODE
Definition: init.php:40
static fixPermissions($path, $recursive=FALSE)
static trimExplode($delim, $string, $removeEmptyValues=FALSE, $limit=0)
ImageTTFTextWrapper($im, $fontSize, $angle, $x, $y, $color, $fontFile, $string, $splitRendering, $sF=1)
static split_fileref($fileNameWithPath)
makeShadow(&$im, $conf, $workArea, $txtConf)
makeOutline(&$im, $conf, $workArea, $txtConf)
if($list_of_literals) if(!empty($literals)) if(!empty($literals)) $result
Analyse literals to prepend the N char to them if their contents aren&#39;t numeric.
static gif_compress($theFile, $type)
ImageTTFBBoxWrapper($fontSize, $angle, $fontFile, $string, $splitRendering, $sF=1)
unifyColors(&$img, $colArr, $closest=FALSE)
debug($variable='', $name=' *variable *', $line=' *line *', $file=' *file *', $recursiveDepth=3, $debugLevel=E_DEBUG)
renderTTFText(&$im, $fontSize, $angle, $x, $y, $color, $fontFile, $string, $splitRendering, $conf, $sF=1)
ImageWrite($destImg, $theImage, $quality=0)
if(!defined('TYPO3_MODE')) $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_userauth.php']['logoff_pre_processing'][]
splitString($string, $splitRendering, $fontSize, $fontFile)
static exec($command, &$output=NULL, &$returnValue=0)
static sortedKeyList($setupArr, $acceptOnlyProperties=FALSE)
combineExec($input, $overlay, $mask, $output, $handleNegation=FALSE)