tslib_fe Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for tslib_fe:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Controller\TypoScriptFrontendController
 __construct ($TYPO3_CONF_VARS, $id, $type, $no_cache='', $cHash='', $jumpurl='', $MP='', $RDCT='')
 connectToDB ()
 sendRedirect ()
 getPageRenderer ()
 initFEuser ()
 initUserGroups ()
 isUserOrGroupSet ()
 checkAlternativeIdMethods ()
 clear_preview ()
 isBackendUserLoggedIn ()
 determineId ()
 fetch_the_id ()
 getPageAndRootline ()
 getPageShortcut ($SC, $mode, $thisUid, $itera=20, $pageLog=array(), $disableGroupCheck=FALSE)
 checkRootlineForIncludeSection ()
 checkEnableFields ($row, $bypassGroupCheck=FALSE)
 checkPageGroupAccess ($row, $groupList=NULL)
 checkPagerecordForIncludeSection ($row)
 checkIfLoginAllowedInBranch ()
 getPageAccessFailureReasons ()
 setIDfromArgV ()
 getPageAndRootlineWithDomain ($domainStartPage)
 setSysPageWhereClause ()
 findDomainRecord ($recursive=FALSE)
 pageUnavailableAndExit ($reason='', $header='')
 pageNotFoundAndExit ($reason='', $header='')
 checkPageUnavailableHandler ()
 pageUnavailableHandler ($code, $header, $reason)
 pageNotFoundHandler ($code, $header='', $reason='')
 pageErrorHandler ($code, $header='', $reason='')
 checkAndSetAlias ()
 mergingWithGetVars ($GET_VARS)
 makeCacheHash ()
 reqCHash ()
 initTemplate ()
 getFromCache ()
 getFromCache_queryRow ()
 headerNoCache ()
 getHash ()
 getLockHash ()
 getConfigArray ()
 getCompressedTCarray ()
 includeTCA ($TCAloaded=1)
 settingLanguage ()
 settingLocale ()
 handleDataSubmission ()
 locDataCheck ($locationData)
 extractRecipientCopy ($bodytext)
 setExternalJumpUrl ()
 checkJumpUrlReferer ()
 jumpUrl ()
 setUrlIdToken ()
 calculateLinkVars ()
 checkPageForMountpointRedirect ()
 checkPageForShortcutRedirect ()
 isGeneratePage ()
 tempPageCacheContent ()
 realPageCacheContent ()
 setPageCacheContent ($content, $data, $expirationTstamp)
 clearPageCacheContent ()
 clearPageCacheContent_pidList ($pidList)
 setSysLastChanged ()
 acquirePageGenerationLock (&$lockObj, $key)
 releasePageGenerationLock (&$lockObj)
 addCacheTags (array $tags)
 generatePage_preProcessing ()
 generatePage_whichScript ()
 generatePage_postProcessing ()
 INTincScript_loadJSCode ()
 isINTincScript ()
 doXHTML_cleaning ()
 doLocalAnchorFix ()
 isOutputting ()
 processOutput ()
 sendCacheHeaders ()
 isStaticCacheble ()
 contentStrReplace ()
 storeSessionData ()
 setParseTime ()
 previewInfo ()
 hook_eofe ()
 beLoginLinkIPList ()
 addTempContentHttpHeaders ()
 encryptCharcode ($n, $start, $end, $offset)
 encryptEmail ($string, $back=FALSE)
 codeString ($string, $decode=FALSE)
 checkFileInclude ($incFile)
 newCObj ()
 baseUrlWrap ($url)
 logDeprecatedTyposcript ($typoScriptProperty, $explanation='')
 updateMD5paramsRecord ($hash)
 tidyHTML ($content)
 prefixLocalAnchorsWithScript ()
 doWorkspacePreview ()
 whichWorkspace ($returnTitle=FALSE)
 includeLibraries (array $libraries)
 getStorageSiterootPids ()
 getPagesTSconfig ()
 setJS ($key, $content='')
 setCSS ($key, $content)
 uniqueHash ($str='')
 set_no_cache ($reason='', $internal=FALSE)
 set_cache_timeout_default ($seconds)
 plainMailEncoded ($email, $subject, $message, $headers='')
 getUniqueId ($desired='')
 sL ($input)
 readLLfile ($fileRef)
 getLLL ($index, $LOCAL_LANG)
 csConv ($str, $from='')
 convOutputCharset ($content, $label='')
 convPOSTCharset ()
 domainNameMatchesCurrentRequest ($domainName)
 getDomainDataForPid ($targetPid)
 getDomainNameForPid ($targetPid)
- Public Attributes inherited from TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Controller\TypoScriptFrontendController
 $id = ''
 $type = ''
 $cHash = ''
 $no_cache = FALSE
 $rootLine = ''
 $page = ''
 $contentPid = 0
 $sys_page = ''
 $jumpurl = ''
 $pageNotFound = 0
 $domainStartPage = 0
 $pageAccessFailureHistory = array()
 $MP = ''
 $RDCT = ''
 $page_cache_reg1 = 0
 $siteScript = ''
 $fe_user = ''
 $loginUser = FALSE
 $gr_list = ''
 $beUserLogin = FALSE
 $workspacePreview = 0
 $loginAllowedInBranch = TRUE
 $loginAllowedInBranch_mode = ''
 $ADMCMD_preview_BEUSER_uid = 0
 $fePreview = 0
 $showHiddenPage = FALSE
 $showHiddenRecords = FALSE
 $simUserGroup = 0
 $TYPO3_CONF_VARS = array()
 $config = ''
 $tmpl = NULL
 $cacheTimeOutDefault = FALSE
 $cacheContentFlag = FALSE
 $cacheExpires = 0
 $isClientCachable = FALSE
 $all = array()
 $sPre = ''
 $pSetup = ''
 $newHash = ''
 $getMethodUrlIdToken = ''
 $no_cacheBeforePageGen = FALSE
 $tempContent = FALSE
 $forceTemplateParsing = FALSE
 $cHash_array = array()
 $pagesTSconfig = ''
 $additionalHeaderData = array()
 $additionalFooterData = array()
 $additionalJavaScript = array()
 $additionalCSS = array()
 $JSImgCode = ''
 $divSection = ''
 $defaultBodyTag = '<body>'
 $debug = ''
 $intTarget = ''
 $extTarget = ''
 $fileTarget = ''
 $MP_defaults = array()
 $spamProtectEmailAddresses = 0
 $absRefPrefix = ''
 $absRefPrefix_force = FALSE
 $compensateFieldWidth = ''
 $lockFilePath = ''
 $ATagParams = ''
 $sWordRegEx = ''
 $sWordList = ''
 $linkVars = ''
 $excludeCHashVars = ''
 $displayEditIcons = ''
 $displayFieldEditIcons = ''
 $sys_language_uid = 0
 $sys_language_mode = ''
 $sys_language_content = 0
 $sys_language_contentOL = 0
 $sys_language_isocode = ''
 $applicationData = array()
 $register = array()
 $registerStack = array()
 $cObjectDepthCounter = 50
 $recordRegister = array()
 $currentRecord = ''
 $accessKey = array()
 $imagesOnPage = array()
 $lastImageInfo = array()
 $uniqueCounter = 0
 $uniqueString = ''
 $indexedDocTitle = ''
 $altPageTitle = ''
 $baseUrl = ''
 $anchorPrefix = ''
 $cObj = ''
 $content = ''
 $clientInfo = ''
 $scriptParseTime = 0
 $defaultCharSet = 'utf-8'
 $renderCharset = ''
 $metaCharset = ''
 $localeCharset = ''
 $lang = ''
 $LL_labels_cache = array()
 $LL_files_cache = array()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Controller\TypoScriptFrontendController
 setPageRenderer (PageRenderer $pageRenderer)
 initCaches ()
 determineIdIsHiddenPage ()
 createHashBase ($createLockHashBase=FALSE)
 updateRootLinesWithTranslations ()
 checkTranslatedShortcut ()
 checkDataSubmission ()
 regeneratePageTitle ()
 recursivelyReplaceIntPlaceholdersInContent ()
 INTincScript_includeLibs ($INTiS_config)
 INTincScript_process ($INTiS_config)
 roundTripCryptString ($string)
 disableCache ()
 calculatePageCacheTimeout ()
 getCurrentPageCacheConfiguration ()
 getFirstTimeValueForRecord ($tableDef, $now)
- Protected Attributes inherited from TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Controller\TypoScriptFrontendController
 $originalMountPointPage = NULL
 $originalShortcutPage = NULL
 $languageDependencies = array()
 $pageCacheTags = array()
 $domainDataCache = array()

Detailed Description

since 6.0 will be removed in 7.0

Definition at line 5127 of file LegacyClassesForIde.php.