tx_cms_layout Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for tx_cms_layout:
TYPO3\CMS\Backend\View\PageLayoutView TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList\AbstractDatabaseRecordList TYPO3\CMS\Backend\RecordList\AbstractRecordList

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from TYPO3\CMS\Backend\View\PageLayoutView
 getTable ($table, $id)
 getExternalTables ($id, $table)
 getTable_pages ($id)
 getSelectedBackendLayoutUid ($id)
 getBackendLayoutConfiguration ()
 makeOrdinaryList ($table, $id, $fList, $icon=FALSE, $addWhere='')
 dataFields ($fieldArr, $table, $row, $out=array())
 headerFields ($fieldArr, $table, $out=array())
 pages_getTree ($theRows, $pid, $qWhere, $treeIcons, $depth)
 pages_drawItem ($row, $fieldArr)
 tt_content_drawColHeader ($colName, $editParams, $newParams, array $pasteParams=NULL)
 tt_content_drawHeader ($row, $space=0, $disableMoveAndNewButtons=FALSE, $langMode=FALSE, $dragDropEnabled=FALSE)
 tt_content_drawItem ($row, $isRTE=FALSE)
 getNonTranslatedTTcontentUids ($defLanguageCount, $id, $lP)
 newLanguageButton ($defLanguageCount, $lP)
 newContentElementOnClick ($id, $colPos, $sys_language)
 linkEditContent ($str, $row)
 linkRTEbutton ($row)
 languageSelector ($id)
 getResult ($result, $table='tt_content')
 numberOfRecords ($table, $pid)
 renderText ($input)
 getIcon ($table, $row)
 getProcessedValue ($table, $fieldList, array $row, array &$info)
 isDisabled ($table, $row)
 wordWrapper ($content, $max=50, $char=' -')
 noEditIcon ($label='noEditItems')
 isRTEforField ($table, $row, $field)
 getSpecConfForField ($table, $row, $field)
 getTableMenu ($id)
- Public Member Functions inherited from TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList\AbstractDatabaseRecordList
 start ($id, $table, $pointer, $search='', $levels='', $showLimit=0)
 generateList ()
 getSearchBox ($formFields=1)
 setDispFields ()
 thumbCode ($row, $table, $field)
 makeQueryArray ($table, $id, $addWhere='', $fieldList=' *')
 setTotalItems ($queryParts)
 makeSearchString ($table, $currentPid=-1)
 linkWrapTable ($table, $code)
 linkWrapItems ($table, $uid, $code, $row)
 linkUrlMail ($code, $testString)
 listURL ($altId='', $table=-1, $exclList='')
 requestUri ()
 makeFieldList ($table, $dontCheckUser=0, $addDateFields=0)
 getTreeObject ($id, $depth, $perms_clause)
 localizationRedirect ($justLocalized)
 setOverrideUrlParameters (array $urlParameters)
- Public Member Functions inherited from TYPO3\CMS\Backend\RecordList\AbstractRecordList
 __construct ()
 addElement ($h, $icon, $data, $trParams='', $lMargin='', $altLine='')
 writeTop ()
 writeBottom ()
 fwd_rwd_nav ($table='')
 fwd_rwd_HTML ($type, $pointer, $table='')
 listURL ($altId='')
 CBfunctions ()
 initializeLanguages ()
 languageFlag ($sys_language_uid, $addAsAdditionalText=TRUE)
- Public Attributes inherited from TYPO3\CMS\Backend\View\PageLayoutView
 $pI_showUser = 0
 $nextThree = 3
 $pages_noEditColumns = 0
 $option_showBigButtons = 1
 $option_newWizard = 1
 $ext_function = 0
 $doEdit = 1
 $agePrefixes = ' min| hrs| days| yrs| min| hour| day| year'
 $externalTables = array()
 $defLangBinding = FALSE
 $activeTables = array()
 $CType_labels = array()
 $itemLabels = array()
- Public Attributes inherited from TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList\AbstractDatabaseRecordList
 $tableList = ''
 $returnUrl = ''
 $thumbs = 0
 $itemsLimitPerTable = 20
 $itemsLimitSingleTable = 100
 $widthGif = '<img src="clear.gif" width="1" height="4" hspace="160" alt="" />'
 $script = 'index.php'
 $allFields = 0
 $localizationView = FALSE
 $csvOutput = FALSE
 $table = ''
 $listOnlyInSingleTableMode = FALSE
 $firstElementNumber = 0
 $searchString = ''
 $searchLevels = ''
 $showLimit = 0
 $pidSelect = ''
 $perms_clause = ''
 $calcPerms = 0
 $clickTitleMode = ''
 $modSharedTSconfig = array()
 $pageRecord = array()
 $hideTables = ''
 $hideTranslations = ''
 $tableTSconfigOverTCA = array()
 $tablesCollapsed = array()
 $JScode = ''
 $HTMLcode = ''
 $iLimit = 0
 $eCounter = 0
 $totalItems = ''
 $recPath_cache = array()
 $setFields = array()
 $currentTable = array()
 $duplicateStack = array()
- Public Attributes inherited from TYPO3\CMS\Backend\RecordList\AbstractRecordList
 $iLimit = 10
 $leftMargin = 0
 $showIcon = 1
 $no_noWrap = 0
 $oddColumnsCssClass = ''
 $backPath = ''
 $fieldArray = array()
 $addElement_tdParams = array()
 $addElement_tdCssClass = array()
 $fixedL = 30
 $thisScript = ''
 $setLMargin = 1
 $counter = 0
 $totalItems = ''
 $firstElementNumber = 0
 $eCounter = 0
 $HTMLcode = ''
 $pageOverlays = array()
 $languageIconTitles = array()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TYPO3\CMS\Backend\View\PageLayoutView
 getContentRecordsPerColumn ($table, $id, array $columns, $additionalWhereClause='')
 tt_content_drawFooter (array $row)
 initializeClipboard ()
 generateTtContentDataArray (array $rowArray)
 cleanTableNames ()
 getBackendLayoutView ()
 getBackendUser ()
 getDatabase ()
 getLanguageService ()
 getPageLayoutController ()
 getDocumentTemplate ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList\AbstractDatabaseRecordList
 getSearchFields ($tableName)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TYPO3\CMS\Backend\RecordList\AbstractRecordList
 determineScriptUrl ()
 getThisScript ()
 getTranslateTools ()
 generateReferenceToolTip (array $references, $launchViewParameter='')
- Protected Attributes inherited from TYPO3\CMS\Backend\View\PageLayoutView
 $rteSetup = array()
 $plusPages = array()
- Protected Attributes inherited from TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList\AbstractDatabaseRecordList
 $overrideUrlParameters = array()

Detailed Description

since 6.0 will be removed in 7.0

Definition at line 647 of file LegacyClassesForIde.php.