Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
4 /*
5  * This file is part of the TYPO3 CMS project.
6  *
7  * It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8  * the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 2
9  * of the License, or any later version.
10  *
11  * For the full copyright and license information, please read the
12  * LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.
13  *
14  * The TYPO3 project - inspiring people to share!
15  */
27 {
31  protected $iconFactory;
36  public function __construct()
37  {
38  $this->iconFactory = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(IconFactory::class);
39  $this->getLanguageService()->includeLLFile('EXT:info_pagetsconfig/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf');
40  }
47  public function modMenu()
48  {
49  $lang = $this->getLanguageService();
50  $modMenuAdd = [
51  'tsconf_parts' => [
52  0 => $lang->getLL('tsconf_parts_0'),
53  1 => $lang->getLL('tsconf_parts_1'),
54  '1a' => $lang->getLL('tsconf_parts_1a'),
55  '1b' => $lang->getLL('tsconf_parts_1b'),
56  '1c' => $lang->getLL('tsconf_parts_1c'),
57  '1d' => $lang->getLL('tsconf_parts_1d'),
58  '1e' => $lang->getLL('tsconf_parts_1e'),
59  '1f' => $lang->getLL('tsconf_parts_1f'),
60  '1g' => $lang->getLL('tsconf_parts_1g'),
61  2 => 'RTE.',
62  5 => 'TCEFORM.',
63  6 => 'TCEMAIN.',
64  3 => 'TSFE.',
65  4 => 'user.',
66  99 => $lang->getLL('tsconf_configFields')
67  ],
68  'tsconf_alphaSort' => '1'
69  ];
70  if (!$this->getBackendUser()->isAdmin()) {
71  unset($modMenuAdd['tsconf_parts'][99]);
72  }
73  return $modMenuAdd;
74  }
81  public function main()
82  {
83  if ((int)(GeneralUtility::_GP('id')) === 0) {
84  $lang = $this->getLanguageService();
85  return '<div class="nowrap"><div class="table-fit"><table class="table table-striped table-hover" id="tsconfig-overview">' .
86  '<thead>' .
87  '<tr>' .
88  '<th>' . $lang->getLL('pagetitle') . '</th>' .
89  '<th>' . $lang->getLL('included_tsconfig_files') . '</th>' .
90  '<th>' . $lang->getLL('written_tsconfig_lines') . '</th>' .
91  '</tr>' .
92  '</thead>' .
93  '<tbody>' . implode('', $this->getOverviewOfPagesUsingTSConfig()) . '</tbody>' .
94  '</table></div>';
95  } else {
96  $menu = '<div class="form-inline form-inline-spaced">';
97  $menu .= BackendUtility::getDropdownMenu($this->pObj->id, 'SET[tsconf_parts]', $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tsconf_parts'], $this->pObj->MOD_MENU['tsconf_parts']);
98  $menu .= '<div class="checkbox"><label for="checkTsconf_alphaSort">' . BackendUtility::getFuncCheck($this->pObj->id, 'SET[tsconf_alphaSort]', $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tsconf_alphaSort'], '', '', 'id="checkTsconf_alphaSort"') . ' ' . $this->getLanguageService()->getLL('sort_alphabetic', true) . '</label></div>';
99  $menu .= '</div>';
100  $theOutput = $this->pObj->doc->header($this->getLanguageService()->getLL('tsconf_title'));
102  if ($this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tsconf_parts'] == 99) {
103  $TSparts = BackendUtility::getPagesTSconfig($this->pObj->id, null, true);
104  $lines = [];
105  $pUids = [];
106  foreach ($TSparts as $k => $v) {
107  if ($k != 'uid_0') {
108  if ($k == 'defaultPageTSconfig') {
109  $pTitle = '<strong>' . $this->getLanguageService()->getLL('editTSconfig_default', true) . '</strong>';
110  $editIcon = '';
111  } else {
112  $pUids[] = substr($k, 4);
113  $row = BackendUtility::getRecordWSOL('pages', substr($k, 4));
114  $pTitle = $this->pObj->doc->getHeader('pages', $row, '', false);
115  $editIdList = substr($k, 4);
116  $urlParameters = [
117  'edit' => [
118  'pages' => [
119  $editIdList => 'edit',
120  ]
121  ],
122  'columnsOnly' => 'TSconfig',
123  'returnUrl' => GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI')
124  ];
125  $url = BackendUtility::getModuleUrl('record_edit', $urlParameters);
126  $editIcon = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($url) . '" title="' . $this->getLanguageService()->getLL('editTSconfig', true) . '">' . $this->iconFactory->getIcon('actions-document-open', Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render() . '</a>';
127  }
128  $TScontent = nl2br(htmlspecialchars(trim($v) . LF));
129  $tsparser = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\TypoScript\Parser\TypoScriptParser::class);
130  $tsparser->lineNumberOffset = 0;
131  $TScontent = $tsparser->doSyntaxHighlight(trim($v) . LF);
132  $lines[] = '
133  <tr><td nowrap="nowrap" class="bgColor5">' . $pTitle . '</td></tr>
134  <tr><td nowrap="nowrap" class="bgColor4">' . $TScontent . $editIcon . '</td></tr>
135  <tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
136  ';
137  }
138  }
139  if (!empty($pUids)) {
140  $urlParameters = [
141  'edit' => [
142  'pages' => [
143  implode(',', $pUids) => 'edit',
144  ]
145  ],
146  'columnsOnly' => 'TSconfig',
147  'returnUrl' => GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI')
148  ];
149  $url = BackendUtility::getModuleUrl('record_edit', $urlParameters);
150  $editIcon = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($url) . '" title="' . $this->getLanguageService()->getLL('editTSconfig_all', true) . '">' . $this->iconFactory->getIcon('actions-document-open', Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render() . '<strong>' . $this->getLanguageService()->getLL('editTSconfig_all', true) . '</strong>' . '</a>';
151  } else {
152  $editIcon = '';
153  }
154  $theOutput .= '<div>';
155  $theOutput .= BackendUtility::cshItem('_MOD_web_info', 'tsconfig_edit', null, '<span class="btn btn-default btn-sm">|</span>') . $menu . '
156  <!-- Edit fields: -->
157  <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">' . implode('', $lines) . '</table><br />' . $editIcon;
158  $theOutput .= '</div>';
159  } else {
160  // Defined global here!
161  $tmpl = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\TypoScript\ExtendedTemplateService::class);
163  // Do not log time-performance information
164  $tmpl->tt_track = 0;
165  $tmpl->fixedLgd = 0;
166  $tmpl->linkObjects = 0;
167  $tmpl->bType = '';
168  $tmpl->ext_expandAllNotes = 1;
169  $tmpl->ext_noPMicons = 1;
171  $beUser = $this->getBackendUser();
172  switch ($this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tsconf_parts']) {
173  case '1':
174  $modTSconfig = BackendUtility::getModTSconfig($this->pObj->id, 'mod');
175  break;
176  case '1a':
177  $modTSconfig = $beUser->getTSConfig('mod.web_layout', BackendUtility::getPagesTSconfig($this->pObj->id));
178  break;
179  case '1b':
180  $modTSconfig = $beUser->getTSConfig('mod.web_view', BackendUtility::getPagesTSconfig($this->pObj->id));
181  break;
182  case '1c':
183  $modTSconfig = $beUser->getTSConfig('mod.web_modules', BackendUtility::getPagesTSconfig($this->pObj->id));
184  break;
185  case '1d':
186  $modTSconfig = $beUser->getTSConfig('mod.web_list', BackendUtility::getPagesTSconfig($this->pObj->id));
187  break;
188  case '1e':
189  $modTSconfig = $beUser->getTSConfig('mod.web_info', BackendUtility::getPagesTSconfig($this->pObj->id));
190  break;
191  case '1f':
192  $modTSconfig = $beUser->getTSConfig('mod.web_func', BackendUtility::getPagesTSconfig($this->pObj->id));
193  break;
194  case '1g':
195  $modTSconfig = $beUser->getTSConfig('mod.web_ts', BackendUtility::getPagesTSconfig($this->pObj->id));
196  break;
197  case '2':
198  $modTSconfig = $beUser->getTSConfig('RTE', BackendUtility::getPagesTSconfig($this->pObj->id));
199  break;
200  case '5':
201  $modTSconfig = $beUser->getTSConfig('TCEFORM', BackendUtility::getPagesTSconfig($this->pObj->id));
202  break;
203  case '6':
204  $modTSconfig = $beUser->getTSConfig('TCEMAIN', BackendUtility::getPagesTSconfig($this->pObj->id));
205  break;
206  case '3':
207  $modTSconfig = $beUser->getTSConfig('TSFE', BackendUtility::getPagesTSconfig($this->pObj->id));
208  break;
209  case '4':
210  $modTSconfig = $beUser->getTSConfig('user', BackendUtility::getPagesTSconfig($this->pObj->id));
211  break;
212  default:
213  $modTSconfig['properties'] = BackendUtility::getPagesTSconfig($this->pObj->id);
214  }
216  $modTSconfig = $modTSconfig['properties'];
217  if (!is_array($modTSconfig)) {
218  $modTSconfig = [];
219  }
221  $csh = BackendUtility::cshItem('_MOD_web_info', 'tsconfig_hierarchy', null, '<span class="btn btn-default btn-sm">|</span>');
222  $tree = $tmpl->ext_getObjTree($modTSconfig, '', '', '', '', $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['tsconf_alphaSort']);
224  $theOutput .= '<div>';
225  $theOutput .= $csh . $menu . '<div class="nowrap">' . $tree . '</div>';
226  $theOutput .= '</div>';
227  }
228  }
230  return $theOutput;
231  }
238  protected function getOverviewOfPagesUsingTSConfig()
239  {
240  $db = $this->getDatabaseConnection();
241  $res = $db->exec_SELECTquery(
242  'uid, TSconfig',
243  'pages',
244  'TSconfig != \'\''
246  . BackendUtility::versioningPlaceholderClause('pages'), 'pages.uid');
247  $pageArray = [];
248  while ($row = $db->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
249  $this->setInPageArray($pageArray, BackendUtility::BEgetRootLine($row['uid'], 'AND 1=1'), $row);
250  }
251  return $this->renderList($pageArray);
252  }
264  protected function setInPageArray(&$hierarchicArray, $rootlineArray, $row)
265  {
266  ksort($rootlineArray);
267  reset($rootlineArray);
268  if (!$rootlineArray[0]['uid']) {
269  array_shift($rootlineArray);
270  }
271  $currentElement = current($rootlineArray);
272  $hierarchicArray[$currentElement['uid']] = htmlspecialchars($currentElement['title']);
273  array_shift($rootlineArray);
274  if (!empty($rootlineArray)) {
275  if (!isset($hierarchicArray[$currentElement['uid'] . '.'])) {
276  $hierarchicArray[$currentElement['uid'] . '.'] = [];
277  }
278  $this->setInPageArray($hierarchicArray[$currentElement['uid'] . '.'], $rootlineArray, $row);
279  } else {
280  $hierarchicArray[$currentElement['uid'] . '_'] = $this->extractLinesFromTSConfig($row);
281  }
282  }
290  protected function extractLinesFromTSConfig(array $row)
291  {
292  $out = [];
293  $includeLines = 0;
294  $out['uid'] = $row['uid'];
295  $lines = GeneralUtility::trimExplode("\r\n", $row['TSconfig']);
296  foreach ($lines as $line) {
297  if (strpos($line, '<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT:') !== false) {
298  $includeLines++;
299  }
300  }
301  $out['includeLines'] = $includeLines;
302  $out['writtenLines'] = (count($lines) - $includeLines);
303  return $out;
304  }
315  protected function renderList($pageArray, $lines = [], $pageDepth = 0)
316  {
317  $cellStyle = 'padding-left: ' . ($pageDepth * 20) . 'px';
318  if (!is_array($pageArray)) {
319  return $lines;
320  }
322  foreach ($pageArray as $identifier => $_) {
323  if (!MathUtility::canBeInterpretedAsInteger($identifier)) {
324  continue;
325  }
326  if (isset($pageArray[$identifier . '_'])) {
327  $lines[] = '
328  <tr>
329  <td nowrap style="' . $cellStyle . '">
330  <a href="'
331  . htmlspecialchars(GeneralUtility::linkThisScript(['id' => $identifier]))
332  . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars('ID: ' . $identifier) . '">'
333  . $this->iconFactory->getIconForRecord('pages', BackendUtility::getRecordWSOL('pages', $identifier), Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render()
334  . GeneralUtility::fixed_lgd_cs($pageArray[$identifier], 30) . '</a></td>
335  <td>' . ($pageArray[$identifier . '_']['includeLines'] === 0 ? '' : $pageArray[($identifier . '_')]['includeLines']) . '</td>
336  <td>' . ($pageArray[$identifier . '_']['writtenLines'] === 0 ? '' : $pageArray[$identifier . '_']['writtenLines']) . '</td>
337  </tr>';
338  } else {
339  $lines[] = '<tr>
340  <td nowrap style="' . $cellStyle . '">'
341  . $this->iconFactory->getIconForRecord('pages', BackendUtility::getRecordWSOL('pages', $identifier), Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render()
342  . GeneralUtility::fixed_lgd_cs($pageArray[$identifier], 30) . '</td>
343  <td></td>
344  <td></td>
345  </tr>';
346  }
347  $lines = $this->renderList($pageArray[$identifier . '.'], $lines, $pageDepth + 1);
348  }
349  return $lines;
350  }
357  protected function getLanguageService()
358  {
359  return $GLOBALS['LANG'];
360  }
367  protected function getBackendUser()
368  {
369  return $GLOBALS['BE_USER'];
370  }
371 }
static getPagesTSconfig($id, $rootLine=null, $returnPartArray=false)
static getFuncCheck($mainParams, $elementName, $currentValue, $script='', $addParams='', $tagParams='')
static BEgetRootLine($uid, $clause='', $workspaceOL=false)
static trimExplode($delim, $string, $removeEmptyValues=false, $limit=0)
static linkThisScript(array $getParams=[])
static cshItem($table, $field, $_='', $wrap='')
static fixed_lgd_cs($string, $chars, $appendString='...')
if(TYPO3_MODE==='BE') $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_tsfebeuserauth.php']['frontendEditingController']['default']
static getRecordWSOL($table, $uid, $fields=' *', $where='', $useDeleteClause=true, $unsetMovePointers=false)
static deleteClause($table, $tableAlias='')
static getDropdownMenu($mainParams, $elementName, $currentValue, $menuItems, $script='', $addParams='')