Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
4 /*
5  * This file is part of the TYPO3 CMS project.
6  *
7  * It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8  * the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 2
9  * of the License, or any later version.
10  *
11  * For the full copyright and license information, please read the
12  * LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.
13  *
14  * The TYPO3 project - inspiring people to share!
15  */
35 {
39  public $pageinfo;
44  public $pidInfo;
49  protected $newRecordSortList;
54  public $newPagesInto;
71  protected $newPagesSelectPosition = true;
106  public $code;
111  public $R_URI;
116  public $id;
121  public $returnUrl;
128  public $pagesOnly;
140  public $content;
145  public $tRows;
150  public function __construct()
151  {
152  parent::__construct();
153  $GLOBALS['SOBE'] = $this;
154  $this->getLanguageService()->includeLLFile('EXT:lang/locallang_misc.xlf');
155  $this->init();
156  }
163  protected function init()
164  {
165  $beUser = $this->getBackendUserAuthentication();
166  // Page-selection permission clause (reading)
167  $this->perms_clause = $beUser->getPagePermsClause(1);
168  // This will hide records from display - it has nothing to do with user rights!!
169  if ($pidList = $beUser->getTSConfigVal('options.hideRecords.pages')) {
170  if ($pidList = $this->getDatabaseConnection()->cleanIntList($pidList)) {
171  $this->perms_clause .= ' AND pages.uid NOT IN (' . $pidList . ')';
172  }
173  }
174  // Setting GPvars:
175  // The page id to operate from
176  $this->id = (int)GeneralUtility::_GP('id');
177  $this->returnUrl = GeneralUtility::sanitizeLocalUrl(GeneralUtility::_GP('returnUrl'));
178  $this->pagesOnly = GeneralUtility::_GP('pagesOnly');
179  // Setting up the context sensitive menu:
180  $this->moduleTemplate->getPageRenderer()->loadRequireJsModule('TYPO3/CMS/Backend/ClickMenu');
181  $this->moduleTemplate->getPageRenderer()->loadRequireJsModule('TYPO3/CMS/Backend/Tooltip');
182  // Creating content
183  $this->content = '';
184  $this->content .= '<h1>'
185  . $this->getLanguageService()->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:db_new.php.pagetitle')
186  . '</h1>';
187  // Id a positive id is supplied, ask for the page record with permission information contained:
188  if ($this->id > 0) {
189  $this->pageinfo = BackendUtility::readPageAccess($this->id, $this->perms_clause);
190  }
191  // If a page-record was returned, the user had read-access to the page.
192  if ($this->pageinfo['uid']) {
193  // Get record of parent page
194  $this->pidInfo = BackendUtility::getRecord('pages', $this->pageinfo['pid']);
195  // Checking the permissions for the user with regard to the parent page: Can he create new pages, new
196  // content record, new page after?
197  if ($beUser->doesUserHaveAccess($this->pageinfo, 8)) {
198  $this->newPagesInto = 1;
199  }
200  if ($beUser->doesUserHaveAccess($this->pageinfo, 16)) {
201  $this->newContentInto = 1;
202  }
203  if (($beUser->isAdmin() || is_array($this->pidInfo)) && $beUser->doesUserHaveAccess($this->pidInfo, 8)) {
204  $this->newPagesAfter = 1;
205  }
206  } elseif ($beUser->isAdmin()) {
207  // Admins can do it all
208  $this->newPagesInto = 1;
209  $this->newContentInto = 1;
210  $this->newPagesAfter = 0;
211  } else {
212  // People with no permission can do nothing
213  $this->newPagesInto = 0;
214  $this->newContentInto = 0;
215  $this->newPagesAfter = 0;
216  }
217  }
227  public function mainAction(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response)
228  {
229  $this->main();
231  $response->getBody()->write($this->moduleTemplate->renderContent());
232  return $response;
233  }
240  public function main()
241  {
242  // If there was a page - or if the user is admin (admins has access to the root) we proceed:
243  if (!empty($this->pageinfo['uid']) || $this->getBackendUserAuthentication()->isAdmin()) {
244  if (empty($this->pageinfo)) {
245  // Explicitly pass an empty array to the docHeader
246  $this->moduleTemplate->getDocHeaderComponent()->setMetaInformation([]);
247  } else {
248  $this->moduleTemplate->getDocHeaderComponent()->setMetaInformation($this->pageinfo);
249  }
250  // Acquiring TSconfig for this module/current page:
251  $this->web_list_modTSconfig = BackendUtility::getModTSconfig($this->pageinfo['uid'], 'mod.web_list');
252  $this->allowedNewTables = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(
253  ',',
254  $this->web_list_modTSconfig['properties']['allowedNewTables'],
255  true
256  );
257  $this->deniedNewTables = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(
258  ',',
259  $this->web_list_modTSconfig['properties']['deniedNewTables'],
260  true
261  );
262  // Acquiring TSconfig for this module/parent page:
263  $this->web_list_modTSconfig_pid = BackendUtility::getModTSconfig($this->pageinfo['pid'], 'mod.web_list');
264  $this->allowedNewTables_pid = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(
265  ',',
266  $this->web_list_modTSconfig_pid['properties']['allowedNewTables'],
267  true
268  );
269  $this->deniedNewTables_pid = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(
270  ',',
271  $this->web_list_modTSconfig_pid['properties']['deniedNewTables'],
272  true
273  );
274  // More init:
275  if (!$this->showNewRecLink('pages')) {
276  $this->newPagesInto = 0;
277  }
278  if (!$this->showNewRecLink('pages', $this->allowedNewTables_pid, $this->deniedNewTables_pid)) {
279  $this->newPagesAfter = 0;
280  }
281  // Set header-HTML and return_url
282  if (is_array($this->pageinfo) && $this->pageinfo['uid']) {
283  $title = strip_tags($this->pageinfo[$GLOBALS['TCA']['pages']['ctrl']['label']]);
284  } else {
285  $title = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['sitename'];
286  }
287  $this->moduleTemplate->setTitle($title);
288  // GENERATE the HTML-output depending on mode (pagesOnly is the page wizard)
289  // Regular new element:
290  if (!$this->pagesOnly) {
291  $this->regularNew();
292  } elseif ($this->showNewRecLink('pages')) {
293  // Pages only wizard
294  $this->pagesOnly();
295  }
296  // Add all the content to an output section
297  $this->content .= '<div>' . $this->code . '</div>';
298  // Setting up the buttons and markers for docheader
299  $this->getButtons();
300  // Build the <body> for the module
301  $this->moduleTemplate->setContent($this->content);
302  }
303  }
308  protected function getButtons()
309  {
310  $lang = $this->getLanguageService();
311  $buttonBar = $this->moduleTemplate->getDocHeaderComponent()->getButtonBar();
312  // Regular new element:
313  if (!$this->pagesOnly) {
314  // New page
315  if ($this->showNewRecLink('pages')) {
316  $newPageButton = $buttonBar->makeLinkButton()
317  ->setHref(GeneralUtility::linkThisScript(['pagesOnly' => '1']))
318  ->setTitle($lang->sL('LLL:EXT:backend/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_layout.xlf:newPage'))
319  ->setIcon($this->moduleTemplate->getIconFactory()->getIcon('actions-page-new', Icon::SIZE_SMALL));
320  $buttonBar->addButton($newPageButton, ButtonBar::BUTTON_POSITION_LEFT, 20);
321  }
322  // CSH
323  $cshButton = $buttonBar->makeHelpButton()->setModuleName('xMOD_csh_corebe')->setFieldName('new_regular');
324  $buttonBar->addButton($cshButton);
325  } elseif ($this->showNewRecLink('pages')) {
326  // Pages only wizard
327  // CSH
328  $buttons['csh'] = BackendUtility::cshItem('xMOD_csh_corebe', 'new_pages');
329  $cshButton = $buttonBar->makeHelpButton()->setModuleName('xMOD_csh_corebe')->setFieldName('new_pages');
330  $buttonBar->addButton($cshButton);
331  }
332  // Back
333  if ($this->returnUrl) {
334  $returnButton = $buttonBar->makeLinkButton()
335  ->setHref($this->returnUrl)
336  ->setTitle($lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.goBack'))
337  ->setIcon($this->moduleTemplate->getIconFactory()->getIcon('actions-view-go-back', Icon::SIZE_SMALL));
338  $buttonBar->addButton($returnButton, ButtonBar::BUTTON_POSITION_LEFT, 10);
339  }
341  if (is_array($this->pageinfo) && $this->pageinfo['uid']) {
342  // View
343  $pagesTSconfig = BackendUtility::getPagesTSconfig($this->pageinfo['uid']);
344  if (isset($pagesTSconfig['TCEMAIN.']['preview.']['disableButtonForDokType'])) {
345  $excludeDokTypes = GeneralUtility::intExplode(
346  ',',
347  $pagesTSconfig['TCEMAIN.']['preview.']['disableButtonForDokType'],
348  true
349  );
350  } else {
351  // exclude sysfolders and recycler by default
352  $excludeDokTypes = [
356  ];
357  }
358  if (!in_array((int)$this->pageinfo['doktype'], $excludeDokTypes, true)) {
359  $viewButton = $buttonBar->makeLinkButton()
360  ->setHref('#')
361  ->setOnClick(BackendUtility::viewOnClick(
362  $this->pageinfo['uid'],
363  '',
364  BackendUtility::BEgetRootLine($this->pageinfo['uid'])
365  ))
366  ->setTitle($lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.showPage'))
367  ->setIcon($this->moduleTemplate->getIconFactory()->getIcon(
368  'actions-document-view',
370  ));
371  $buttonBar->addButton($viewButton, ButtonBar::BUTTON_POSITION_LEFT, 30);
372  }
373  }
374  }
381  public function pagesOnly()
382  {
383  $numberOfPages = $this->getDatabaseConnection()->exec_SELECTcountRows(
384  '*',
385  'pages',
386  '1=1' . BackendUtility::deleteClause('pages')
387  );
388  if ($numberOfPages > 0) {
389  $this->code .= '
390  <h3>' . htmlspecialchars($this->getLanguageService()->getLL('selectPosition')) . ':</h3>
391  ';
392  $positionMap = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(PagePositionMap::class, NewRecordPageTreeView::class);
394  $this->code .= $positionMap->positionTree(
395  $this->id,
396  $this->pageinfo,
397  $this->perms_clause,
398  $this->returnUrl
399  );
400  } else {
401  // No pages yet, no need to prompt for position, redirect to page creation.
402  $urlParameters = [
403  'edit' => [
404  'pages' => [
405  0 => 'new'
406  ]
407  ],
408  'returnNewPageId' => 1,
409  'returnUrl' => BackendUtility::getModuleUrl('db_new', ['id' => $this->id, 'pagesOnly' => '1'])
410  ];
411  $url = BackendUtility::getModuleUrl('record_edit', $urlParameters);
412  @ob_end_clean();
413  HttpUtility::redirect($url);
414  }
415  }
422  public function regularNew()
423  {
424  $lang = $this->getLanguageService();
425  // Initialize array for accumulating table rows:
426  $this->tRows = [];
427  // Get TSconfig for current page
428  $pageTS = BackendUtility::getPagesTSconfig($this->id);
429  // Finish initializing new pages options with TSconfig
430  // Each new page option may be hidden by TSconfig
431  // Enabled option for the position of a new page
432  $this->newPagesSelectPosition = !empty(
433  $pageTS['mod.']['wizards.']['newRecord.']['pages.']['show.']['pageSelectPosition']
434  );
435  // Pseudo-boolean (0/1) for backward compatibility
436  $displayNewPagesIntoLink = $this->newPagesInto && !empty($pageTS['mod.']['wizards.']['newRecord.']['pages.']['show.']['pageInside']) ? 1 : 0;
437  $displayNewPagesAfterLink = $this->newPagesAfter && !empty($pageTS['mod.']['wizards.']['newRecord.']['pages.']['show.']['pageAfter']) ? 1 : 0;
438  // Slight spacer from header:
439  $this->code .= '';
440  // New Page
441  $table = 'pages';
442  $v = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table];
443  $pageIcon = $this->moduleTemplate->getIconFactory()->getIconForRecord(
444  $table,
445  [],
447  )->render();
448  $newPageIcon = $this->moduleTemplate->getIconFactory()->getIcon('actions-page-new', Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render();
449  $rowContent = '';
450  // New pages INSIDE this pages
451  $newPageLinks = [];
452  if ($displayNewPagesIntoLink && $this->isTableAllowedForThisPage($this->pageinfo, 'pages') && $this->getBackendUserAuthentication()->check('tables_modify', 'pages') && $this->getBackendUserAuthentication()->workspaceCreateNewRecord(($this->pageinfo['_ORIG_uid'] ?: $this->id), 'pages')) {
453  // Create link to new page inside:
454  $newPageLinks[] = $this->linkWrap($this->moduleTemplate->getIconFactory()->getIconForRecord($table, [], Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render() . $lang->sL($v['ctrl']['title'], true) . ' (' . $lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:db_new.php.inside', true) . ')', $table, $this->id);
455  }
456  // New pages AFTER this pages
457  if ($displayNewPagesAfterLink && $this->isTableAllowedForThisPage($this->pidInfo, 'pages') && $this->getBackendUserAuthentication()->check('tables_modify', 'pages') && $this->getBackendUserAuthentication()->workspaceCreateNewRecord($this->pidInfo['uid'], 'pages')) {
458  $newPageLinks[] = $this->linkWrap($pageIcon . $lang->sL($v['ctrl']['title'], true) . ' (' . $lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:db_new.php.after', true) . ')', 'pages', -$this->id);
459  }
460  // New pages at selection position
461  if ($this->newPagesSelectPosition && $this->showNewRecLink('pages')) {
462  // Link to page-wizard:
463  $newPageLinks[] = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars(GeneralUtility::linkThisScript(['pagesOnly' => 1])) . '">' . $pageIcon . htmlspecialchars($lang->getLL('pageSelectPosition')) . '</a>';
464  }
465  // Assemble all new page links
466  $numPageLinks = count($newPageLinks);
467  for ($i = 0; $i < $numPageLinks; $i++) {
468  $rowContent .= '<li>' . $newPageLinks[$i] . '</li>';
469  }
470  if ($this->showNewRecLink('pages')) {
471  $rowContent = '<ul class="list-tree"><li>' . $newPageIcon . '<strong>' .
472  $lang->getLL('createNewPage') . '</strong><ul>' . $rowContent . '</ul></li>';
473  } else {
474  $rowContent = '<ul class="list-tree"><li><ul>' . $rowContent . '</li></ul>';
475  }
476  // Compile table row
477  $startRows = [$rowContent];
478  $iconFile = [];
479  // New tables (but not pages) INSIDE this pages
480  $isAdmin = $this->getBackendUserAuthentication()->isAdmin();
481  $newContentIcon = $this->moduleTemplate->getIconFactory()->getIcon('actions-document-new', Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render();
482  if ($this->newContentInto) {
483  if (is_array($GLOBALS['TCA'])) {
484  $groupName = '';
485  foreach ($GLOBALS['TCA'] as $table => $v) {
486  $rootLevelConfiguration = isset($v['ctrl']['rootLevel']) ? (int)$v['ctrl']['rootLevel'] : 0;
487  if ($table != 'pages'
488  && $this->showNewRecLink($table)
489  && $this->isTableAllowedForThisPage($this->pageinfo, $table)
490  && $this->getBackendUserAuthentication()->check('tables_modify', $table)
491  && ($rootLevelConfiguration === -1 || ($this->id xor $rootLevelConfiguration))
492  && $this->getBackendUserAuthentication()->workspaceCreateNewRecord(($this->pageinfo['_ORIG_uid'] ? $this->pageinfo['_ORIG_uid'] : $this->id), $table)
493  ) {
494  $newRecordIcon = $this->moduleTemplate->getIconFactory()->getIconForRecord($table, [], Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render();
495  $rowContent = '';
496  $thisTitle = '';
497  // Create new link for record:
498  $newLink = $this->linkWrap($newRecordIcon . $lang->sL($v['ctrl']['title'], true), $table, $this->id);
499  // If the table is 'tt_content', create link to wizard
500  if ($table == 'tt_content') {
501  $groupName = $lang->getLL('createNewContent');
502  $rowContent = $newContentIcon . '<strong>' . $lang->getLL('createNewContent') . '</strong><ul>';
503  // If mod.newContentElementWizard.override is set, use that extension's wizard instead:
504  $tsConfig = BackendUtility::getModTSconfig($this->id, 'mod');
505  $moduleName = isset($tsConfig['properties']['newContentElementWizard.']['override'])
506  ? $tsConfig['properties']['newContentElementWizard.']['override']
507  : 'new_content_element';
508  $url = BackendUtility::getModuleUrl($moduleName, ['id' => $this->id, 'returnUrl' => GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI')]);
509  $rowContent .= '<li>' . $newLink . ' ' . BackendUtility::wrapInHelp($table, '') . '</li><li><a href="' . htmlspecialchars($url) . '">' . $newContentIcon . htmlspecialchars($lang->getLL('clickForWizard')) . '</a></li></ul>';
510  } else {
511  // Get the title
512  if ($v['ctrl']['readOnly'] || $v['ctrl']['hideTable'] || $v['ctrl']['is_static']) {
513  continue;
514  }
515  if ($v['ctrl']['adminOnly'] && !$isAdmin) {
516  continue;
517  }
518  $nameParts = explode('_', $table);
519  $thisTitle = '';
520  $_EXTKEY = '';
521  if ($nameParts[0] == 'tx' || $nameParts[0] == 'tt') {
522  // Try to extract extension name
523  if (substr($v['ctrl']['title'], 0, 8) == 'LLL:EXT:') {
524  $_EXTKEY = substr($v['ctrl']['title'], 8);
525  $_EXTKEY = substr($_EXTKEY, 0, strpos($_EXTKEY, '/'));
526  if ($_EXTKEY != '') {
527  // First try to get localisation of extension title
528  $temp = explode(':', substr($v['ctrl']['title'], 9 + strlen($_EXTKEY)));
529  $langFile = $temp[0];
530  $thisTitle = $lang->sL('LLL:EXT:' . $_EXTKEY . '/' . $langFile . ':extension.title');
531  // If no localisation available, read title from ext_emconf.php
532  $extEmConfFile = ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath($_EXTKEY) . 'ext_emconf.php';
533  if (!$thisTitle && is_file($extEmConfFile)) {
534  $EM_CONF = [];
535  include $extEmConfFile;
536  $thisTitle = $EM_CONF[$_EXTKEY]['title'];
537  }
538  $iconFile[$_EXTKEY] = '<img ' . 'src="' . ExtensionManagementUtility::extRelPath($_EXTKEY) . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_LOADED_EXT'][$_EXTKEY]['ext_icon'] . '" ' . 'width="16" height="16" ' . 'alt="' . $thisTitle . '" />';
539  }
540  }
541  if (empty($thisTitle)) {
542  $_EXTKEY = $nameParts[1];
543  $thisTitle = $nameParts[1];
544  $iconFile[$_EXTKEY] = '';
545  }
546  } else {
547  if ($table === 'pages_language_overlay' && !$this->checkIfLanguagesExist()) {
548  continue;
549  }
550  $_EXTKEY = 'system';
551  $thisTitle = $lang->getLL('system_records');
552  $iconFile['system'] = $this->moduleTemplate->getIconFactory()->getIcon('apps-pagetree-root', Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render();
553  }
554  if ($groupName == '' || $groupName != $_EXTKEY) {
555  $groupName = empty($v['ctrl']['groupName']) ? $_EXTKEY : $v['ctrl']['groupName'];
556  }
557  $rowContent .= $newLink;
558  }
559  // Compile table row:
560  if ($table == 'tt_content') {
561  $startRows[] = '<li>' . $rowContent . '</li>';
562  } else {
563  $this->tRows[$groupName]['title'] = $thisTitle;
564  $this->tRows[$groupName]['html'][] = $rowContent;
565  $this->tRows[$groupName]['table'][] = $table;
566  }
567  }
568  }
569  }
570  }
571  // User sort
572  if (isset($pageTS['mod.']['wizards.']['newRecord.']['order'])) {
573  $this->newRecordSortList = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $pageTS['mod.']['wizards.']['newRecord.']['order'], true);
574  }
575  uksort($this->tRows, [$this, 'sortNewRecordsByConfig']);
576  // Compile table row:
577  $finalRows = [];
578  $finalRows[] = implode('', $startRows);
579  foreach ($this->tRows as $key => $value) {
580  $row = '<li>' . $iconFile[$key] . ' <strong>' . $value['title'] . '</strong><ul>';
581  foreach ($value['html'] as $recordKey => $record) {
582  $row .= '<li>' . $record . ' ' . BackendUtility::wrapInHelp($value['table'][$recordKey], '') . '</li>';
583  }
584  $row .= '</ul></li>';
585  $finalRows[] = $row;
586  }
588  $finalRows[] = '</ul>';
589  // Make table:
590  $this->code .= implode('', $finalRows);
591  }
600  public function sortNewRecordsByConfig($a, $b)
601  {
602  if (!empty($this->newRecordSortList)) {
603  if (in_array($a, $this->newRecordSortList) && in_array($b, $this->newRecordSortList)) {
604  // Both are in the list, return relative to position in array
605  $sub = array_search($a, $this->newRecordSortList) - array_search($b, $this->newRecordSortList);
606  $ret = ($sub < 0 ? -1 : $sub == 0) ? 0 : 1;
607  } elseif (in_array($a, $this->newRecordSortList)) {
608  // First element is in array, put to top
609  $ret = -1;
610  } elseif (in_array($b, $this->newRecordSortList)) {
611  // Second element is in array, put first to bottom
612  $ret = 1;
613  } else {
614  // No element is in array, return alphabetic order
615  $ret = strnatcasecmp($this->tRows[$a]['title'], $this->tRows[$b]['title']);
616  }
617  return $ret;
618  } else {
619  // Return alphabetic order
620  return strnatcasecmp($this->tRows[$a]['title'], $this->tRows[$b]['title']);
621  }
622  }
630  public function printContent()
631  {
633  echo $this->content;
634  }
645  public function linkWrap($linkText, $table, $pid, $addContentTable = false)
646  {
647  $urlParameters = [
648  'edit' => [
649  $table => [
650  $pid => 'new'
651  ]
652  ],
653  'returnUrl' => $this->returnUrl
654  ];
655  if ($table == 'pages' && $addContentTable) {
656  $urlParameters['tt_content']['prev'] = 'new';
657  $urlParameters['returnNewPageId'] = 1;
658  } elseif ($table == 'pages_language_overlay') {
659  $urlParameters['overrideVals']['pages_language_overlay']['doktype'] = (int)$this->pageinfo['doktype'];
660  }
661  $url = BackendUtility::getModuleUrl('record_edit', $urlParameters);
662  return '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($url) . '">' . $linkText . '</a>';
663  }
672  public function isTableAllowedForThisPage($pid_row, $checkTable)
673  {
674  if (!is_array($pid_row)) {
675  return $this->getBackendUserAuthentication()->isAdmin();
676  }
677  // be_users and be_groups may not be created anywhere but in the root.
678  if ($checkTable == 'be_users' || $checkTable == 'be_groups') {
679  return false;
680  }
681  // Checking doktype:
682  $doktype = (int)$pid_row['doktype'];
683  if (!($allowedTableList = $GLOBALS['PAGES_TYPES'][$doktype]['allowedTables'])) {
684  $allowedTableList = $GLOBALS['PAGES_TYPES']['default']['allowedTables'];
685  }
686  // If all tables or the table is listed as an allowed type, return TRUE
687  if (strstr($allowedTableList, '*') || GeneralUtility::inList($allowedTableList, $checkTable)) {
688  return true;
689  }
691  return false;
692  }
709  public function showNewRecLink($table, array $allowedNewTables = [], array $deniedNewTables = [])
710  {
711  if (!$this->getBackendUserAuthentication()->check('tables_modify', $table)) {
712  return false;
713  }
717  // No deny/allow tables are set:
718  if (empty($allowedNewTables) && empty($deniedNewTables)) {
719  return true;
720  }
722  return !in_array($table, $deniedNewTables) && (empty($allowedNewTables) || in_array($table, $allowedNewTables));
723  }
730  protected function checkIfLanguagesExist()
731  {
732  $languageCount = $this->getDatabaseConnection()->exec_SELECTcountRows('uid', 'sys_language', '1=1');
733  if ($languageCount) {
734  $languageCount = true;
735  }
736  return $languageCount;
737  }
744  protected function getLanguageService()
745  {
746  return $GLOBALS['LANG'];
747  }
754  protected function getBackendUserAuthentication()
755  {
756  return $GLOBALS['BE_USER'];
757  }
764  protected function getDatabaseConnection()
765  {
766  return $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB'];
767  }
768 }
static getPagesTSconfig($id, $rootLine=null, $returnPartArray=false)
showNewRecLink($table, array $allowedNewTables=[], array $deniedNewTables=[])
static intExplode($delimiter, $string, $removeEmptyValues=false, $limit=0)
static readPageAccess($id, $perms_clause)
static BEgetRootLine($uid, $clause='', $workspaceOL=false)
mainAction(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response)
static trimExplode($delim, $string, $removeEmptyValues=false, $limit=0)
static linkThisScript(array $getParams=[])
static cshItem($table, $field, $_='', $wrap='')
Definition: ext_emconf.php:2
static redirect($url, $httpStatus=self::HTTP_STATUS_303)
Definition: HttpUtility.php:76
static viewOnClick($pageUid, $backPath='', $rootLine=null, $anchorSection='', $alternativeUrl='', $additionalGetVars='', $switchFocus=true)
linkWrap($linkText, $table, $pid, $addContentTable=false)
static getRecord($table, $uid, $fields=' *', $where='', $useDeleteClause=true)
if(TYPO3_MODE==='BE') $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_tsfebeuserauth.php']['frontendEditingController']['default']
static deleteClause($table, $tableAlias='')