Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
4 /*
5  * This file is part of the TYPO3 CMS project.
6  *
7  * It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8  * the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 2
9  * of the License, or any later version.
10  *
11  * For the full copyright and license information, please read the
12  * LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.
13  *
14  * The TYPO3 project - inspiring people to share!
15  */
26 {
27  const SIGNAL_GenerateDataArray_BeforeCaching = 'generateDataArray.beforeCaching';
28  const SIGNAL_GenerateDataArray_PostProcesss = 'generateDataArray.postProcess';
29  const SIGNAL_GetDataArray_PostProcesss = 'getDataArray.postProcess';
30  const SIGNAL_SortDataArray_PostProcesss = 'sortDataArray.postProcess';
32  const GridColumn_Collection = 'Workspaces_Collection';
33  const GridColumn_CollectionLevel = 'Workspaces_CollectionLevel';
34  const GridColumn_CollectionParent = 'Workspaces_CollectionParent';
35  const GridColumn_CollectionCurrent = 'Workspaces_CollectionCurrent';
36  const GridColumn_CollectionChildren = 'Workspaces_CollectionChildren';
43  protected $currentWorkspace = null;
50  protected $dataArray = [];
57  protected $sort = '';
64  protected $sortDir = '';
69  protected $workspacesCache = null;
74  protected $systemLanguages;
79  protected $integrityService;
90  public function generateGridListFromVersions($versions, $parameter, $currentWorkspace)
91  {
92  // Read the given parameters from grid. If the parameter is not set use default values.
93  $filterTxt = isset($parameter->filterTxt) ? $parameter->filterTxt : '';
94  $start = isset($parameter->start) ? (int)$parameter->start : 0;
95  $limit = isset($parameter->limit) ? (int)$parameter->limit : 30;
96  $this->sort = isset($parameter->sort) ? $parameter->sort : 't3ver_oid';
97  $this->sortDir = isset($parameter->dir) ? $parameter->dir : 'ASC';
98  if (is_int($currentWorkspace)) {
99  $this->currentWorkspace = $currentWorkspace;
100  } else {
101  throw new \InvalidArgumentException('No such workspace defined', 1476048304);
102  }
103  $data = [];
104  $data['data'] = [];
105  $this->generateDataArray($versions, $filterTxt);
106  $data['total'] = count($this->dataArray);
107  $data['data'] = $this->getDataArray($start, $limit);
108  return $data;
109  }
117  protected function generateDataArray(array $versions, $filterTxt)
118  {
119  $workspaceAccess = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->checkWorkspace($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace);
120  $swapStage = $workspaceAccess['publish_access'] & 1 ? \TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Service\StagesService::STAGE_PUBLISH_ID : 0;
121  $swapAccess = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspacePublishAccess($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace) && $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspaceSwapAccess();
124  $iconFactory = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(IconFactory::class);
125  // check for dataArray in cache
126  if ($this->getDataArrayFromCache($versions, $filterTxt) === false) {
128  $stagesObj = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Service\StagesService::class);
129  $defaultGridColumns = [
130  self::GridColumn_Collection => 0,
131  self::GridColumn_CollectionLevel => 0,
132  self::GridColumn_CollectionParent => '',
133  self::GridColumn_CollectionCurrent => '',
134  self::GridColumn_CollectionChildren => 0,
135  ];
136  foreach ($versions as $table => $records) {
137  $hiddenField = $this->getTcaEnableColumnsFieldName($table, 'disabled');
138  $isRecordTypeAllowedToModify = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->check('tables_modify', $table);
140  foreach ($records as $record) {
141  $origRecord = BackendUtility::getRecord($table, $record['t3ver_oid']);
142  $versionRecord = BackendUtility::getRecord($table, $record['uid']);
143  $combinedRecord = \TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Domain\Model\CombinedRecord::createFromArrays($table, $origRecord, $versionRecord);
144  $this->getIntegrityService()->checkElement($combinedRecord);
146  if ($hiddenField !== null) {
147  $recordState = $this->workspaceState($versionRecord['t3ver_state'], $origRecord[$hiddenField], $versionRecord[$hiddenField]);
148  } else {
149  $recordState = $this->workspaceState($versionRecord['t3ver_state']);
150  }
152  $isDeletedPage = $table === 'pages' && $recordState === 'deleted';
153  $viewUrl = \TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Service\WorkspaceService::viewSingleRecord($table, $record['uid'], $origRecord, $versionRecord);
154  $versionArray = [];
155  $versionArray['table'] = $table;
156  $versionArray['id'] = $table . ':' . $record['uid'];
157  $versionArray['uid'] = $record['uid'];
158  $versionArray['workspace'] = $versionRecord['t3ver_id'];
159  $versionArray = array_merge($versionArray, $defaultGridColumns);
160  $versionArray['label_Workspace'] = htmlspecialchars(BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($table, $versionRecord));
161  $versionArray['label_Live'] = htmlspecialchars(BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($table, $origRecord));
162  $versionArray['label_Stage'] = htmlspecialchars($stagesObj->getStageTitle($versionRecord['t3ver_stage']));
163  $tempStage = $stagesObj->getNextStage($versionRecord['t3ver_stage']);
164  $versionArray['label_nextStage'] = htmlspecialchars($stagesObj->getStageTitle($tempStage['uid']));
165  $versionArray['value_nextStage'] = (int)$tempStage['uid'];
166  $tempStage = $stagesObj->getPrevStage($versionRecord['t3ver_stage']);
167  $versionArray['label_prevStage'] = htmlspecialchars($stagesObj->getStageTitle($tempStage['uid']));
168  $versionArray['value_prevStage'] = (int)$tempStage['uid'];
169  $versionArray['path_Live'] = htmlspecialchars(BackendUtility::getRecordPath($record['livepid'], '', 999));
170  $versionArray['path_Workspace'] = htmlspecialchars(BackendUtility::getRecordPath($record['wspid'], '', 999));
171  $versionArray['workspace_Title'] = htmlspecialchars(\TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Service\WorkspaceService::getWorkspaceTitle($versionRecord['t3ver_wsid']));
172  $versionArray['workspace_Tstamp'] = $versionRecord['tstamp'];
173  $versionArray['workspace_Formated_Tstamp'] = BackendUtility::datetime($versionRecord['tstamp']);
174  $versionArray['t3ver_wsid'] = $versionRecord['t3ver_wsid'];
175  $versionArray['t3ver_oid'] = $record['t3ver_oid'];
176  $versionArray['livepid'] = $record['livepid'];
177  $versionArray['stage'] = $versionRecord['t3ver_stage'];
178  $versionArray['icon_Live'] = $iconFactory->getIconForRecord($table, $origRecord, Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render();
179  $versionArray['icon_Workspace'] = $iconFactory->getIconForRecord($table, $versionRecord, Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render();
180  $languageValue = $this->getLanguageValue($table, $versionRecord);
181  $versionArray['languageValue'] = $languageValue;
182  $versionArray['language'] = [
183  'icon' => $iconFactory->getIcon($this->getSystemLanguageValue($languageValue, 'flagIcon'), Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render()
184  ];
185  $versionArray['allowedAction_nextStage'] = $isRecordTypeAllowedToModify && $stagesObj->isNextStageAllowedForUser($versionRecord['t3ver_stage']);
186  $versionArray['allowedAction_prevStage'] = $isRecordTypeAllowedToModify && $stagesObj->isPrevStageAllowedForUser($versionRecord['t3ver_stage']);
187  if ($swapAccess && $swapStage != 0 && $versionRecord['t3ver_stage'] == $swapStage) {
188  $versionArray['allowedAction_swap'] = $isRecordTypeAllowedToModify && $stagesObj->isNextStageAllowedForUser($swapStage);
189  } elseif ($swapAccess && $swapStage == 0) {
190  $versionArray['allowedAction_swap'] = $isRecordTypeAllowedToModify;
191  } else {
192  $versionArray['allowedAction_swap'] = false;
193  }
194  $versionArray['allowedAction_delete'] = $isRecordTypeAllowedToModify;
195  // preview and editing of a deleted page won't work ;)
196  $versionArray['allowedAction_view'] = !$isDeletedPage && $viewUrl;
197  $versionArray['allowedAction_edit'] = $isRecordTypeAllowedToModify && !$isDeletedPage;
198  $versionArray['allowedAction_editVersionedPage'] = $isRecordTypeAllowedToModify && !$isDeletedPage;
199  $versionArray['state_Workspace'] = $recordState;
201  $versionArray = array_merge(
202  $versionArray,
203  $this->getAdditionalColumnService()->getData($combinedRecord)
204  );
206  if ($filterTxt == '' || $this->isFilterTextInVisibleColumns($filterTxt, $versionArray)) {
207  $versionIdentifier = $versionArray['id'];
208  $this->dataArray[$versionIdentifier] = $versionArray;
209  }
210  }
211  }
212  // Suggested slot method:
213  // methodName(\TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Service\GridDataService $gridData, array $dataArray, array $versions)
214  list($this->dataArray, $versions) = $this->emitSignal(self::SIGNAL_GenerateDataArray_BeforeCaching, $this->dataArray, $versions);
215  // Enrich elements after everything has been processed:
216  foreach ($this->dataArray as &$element) {
217  $identifier = $element['table'] . ':' . $element['t3ver_oid'];
218  $element['integrity'] = [
219  'status' => $this->getIntegrityService()->getStatusRepresentation($identifier),
220  'messages' => htmlspecialchars($this->getIntegrityService()->getIssueMessages($identifier, true))
221  ];
222  }
223  $this->setDataArrayIntoCache($versions, $filterTxt);
224  }
225  // Suggested slot method:
226  // methodName(\TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Service\GridDataService $gridData, array $dataArray, array $versions)
227  list($this->dataArray, $versions) = $this->emitSignal(self::SIGNAL_GenerateDataArray_PostProcesss, $this->dataArray, $versions);
228  $this->sortDataArray();
230  }
236  protected function resolveDataArrayDependencies()
237  {
238  $collectionService = $this->getDependencyCollectionService();
239  $dependencyResolver = $collectionService->getDependencyResolver();
241  foreach ($this->dataArray as $dataElement) {
242  $dependencyResolver->addElement($dataElement['table'], $dataElement['uid']);
243  }
245  $this->dataArray = $collectionService->process($this->dataArray);
246  }
255  protected function getDataArray($start, $limit)
256  {
257  $dataArrayPart = [];
258  $dataArrayCount = count($this->dataArray);
259  $end = ($start + $limit < $dataArrayCount ? $start + $limit : $dataArrayCount);
261  // Ensure that there are numerical indexes
262  $this->dataArray = array_values(($this->dataArray));
263  for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) {
264  $dataArrayPart[] = $this->dataArray[$i];
265  }
267  // Ensure that collections are not cut for the pagination
268  if (!empty($this->dataArray[$i][self::GridColumn_Collection])) {
269  $collectionIdentifier = $this->dataArray[$i][self::GridColumn_Collection];
270  for ($i = $i + 1; $i < $dataArrayCount && $collectionIdentifier === $this->dataArray[$i][self::GridColumn_Collection]; $i++) {
271  $dataArrayPart[] = $this->dataArray[$i];
272  }
273  }
275  // Suggested slot method:
276  // methodName(\TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Service\GridDataService $gridData, array $dataArray, $start, $limit, array $dataArrayPart)
277  list($this->dataArray, $start, $limit, $dataArrayPart) = $this->emitSignal(self::SIGNAL_GetDataArray_PostProcesss, $this->dataArray, $start, $limit, $dataArrayPart);
278  return $dataArrayPart;
279  }
285  {
286  $this->workspacesCache = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Cache\CacheManager::class)->getCache('workspaces_cache');
287  }
295  protected function setDataArrayIntoCache(array $versions, $filterTxt)
296  {
297  $hash = $this->calculateHash($versions, $filterTxt);
298  $this->workspacesCache->set($hash, $this->dataArray, [$this->currentWorkspace, 'user_' . $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->user['uid']]);
299  }
308  protected function getDataArrayFromCache(array $versions, $filterTxt)
309  {
310  $cacheEntry = false;
311  $hash = $this->calculateHash($versions, $filterTxt);
312  $content = $this->workspacesCache->get($hash);
313  if ($content !== false) {
314  $this->dataArray = $content;
315  $cacheEntry = true;
316  }
317  return $cacheEntry;
318  }
327  protected function calculateHash(array $versions, $filterTxt)
328  {
329  $hashArray = [
330  $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace,
331  $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->user['uid'],
332  $versions,
333  $filterTxt,
334  $this->sort,
337  ];
338  $hash = md5(serialize($hashArray));
339  return $hash;
340  }
346  protected function sortDataArray()
347  {
348  if (is_array($this->dataArray)) {
349  switch ($this->sort) {
350  case 'uid':
351  case 'change':
352  case 'workspace_Tstamp':
353  case 't3ver_oid':
354  case 'liveid':
355  case 'livepid':
356  case 'languageValue':
357  uasort($this->dataArray, [$this, 'intSort']);
358  break;
359  case 'label_Workspace':
360  case 'label_Live':
361  case 'label_Stage':
362  case 'workspace_Title':
363  case 'path_Live':
364  // case 'path_Workspace': This is the first sorting attribute
365  uasort($this->dataArray, [$this, 'stringSort']);
366  break;
367  default:
368  // Do nothing
369  }
370  } else {
371  GeneralUtility::sysLog(
372  'Try to sort "' . $this->sort . '" in "TYPO3\\CMS\\Workspaces\\Service\\GridDataService::sortDataArray" but $this->dataArray is empty! This might be the Bug #26422 which could not reproduced yet.',
373  'workspaces',
375  );
376  }
377  // Suggested slot method:
378  // methodName(\TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Service\GridDataService $gridData, array $dataArray, $sortColumn, $sortDirection)
379  list($this->dataArray, $this->sort, $this->sortDir) = $this->emitSignal(self::SIGNAL_SortDataArray_PostProcesss, $this->dataArray, $this->sort, $this->sortDir);
380  }
389  protected function intSort(array $a, array $b)
390  {
391  if (!$this->isSortable($a, $b)) {
392  return 0;
393  }
394  // First sort by using the page-path in current workspace
395  $path_cmp = strcasecmp($a['path_Workspace'], $b['path_Workspace']);
396  if ($path_cmp < 0) {
397  return $path_cmp;
398  }
399  if ($path_cmp == 0) {
400  if ($a[$this->sort] == $b[$this->sort]) {
401  return 0;
402  }
403  if ($this->sortDir === 'ASC') {
404  return $a[$this->sort] < $b[$this->sort] ? -1 : 1;
405  }
406  if ($this->sortDir === 'DESC') {
407  return $a[$this->sort] > $b[$this->sort] ? -1 : 1;
408  }
409  } elseif ($path_cmp > 0) {
410  return $path_cmp;
411  }
412  return 0;
413  }
422  protected function stringSort($a, $b)
423  {
424  if (!$this->isSortable($a, $b)) {
425  return 0;
426  }
427  $path_cmp = strcasecmp($a['path_Workspace'], $b['path_Workspace']);
428  if ($path_cmp < 0) {
429  return $path_cmp;
430  }
431  if ($path_cmp == 0) {
432  if ($a[$this->sort] == $b[$this->sort]) {
433  return 0;
434  }
435  if ($this->sortDir === 'ASC') {
436  return strcasecmp($a[$this->sort], $b[$this->sort]);
437  }
438  if ($this->sortDir === 'DESC') {
439  return strcasecmp($a[$this->sort], $b[$this->sort]) * -1;
440  }
441  } elseif ($path_cmp > 0) {
442  return $path_cmp;
443  }
444  return 0;
445  }
456  protected function isSortable(array $a, array $b)
457  {
458  return
459  $a[self::GridColumn_CollectionLevel] === 0 && $b[self::GridColumn_CollectionLevel] === 0
460  || $a[self::GridColumn_CollectionParent] === $b[self::GridColumn_CollectionParent]
461  ;
462  }
472  protected function isFilterTextInVisibleColumns($filterText, array $versionArray)
473  {
474  if (is_array($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->uc['moduleData']['Workspaces'][$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace]['columns'])) {
475  foreach ($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->uc['moduleData']['Workspaces'][$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace]['columns'] as $column => $value) {
476  if (isset($value['hidden']) && isset($column) && isset($versionArray[$column])) {
477  if ($value['hidden'] == 0) {
478  switch ($column) {
479  case 'workspace_Tstamp':
480  if (stripos($versionArray['workspace_Formated_Tstamp'], $filterText) !== false) {
481  return true;
482  }
483  break;
484  case 'change':
485  if (stripos(strval($versionArray[$column]), str_replace('%', '', $filterText)) !== false) {
486  return true;
487  }
488  break;
489  default:
490  if (stripos(strval($versionArray[$column]), $filterText) !== false) {
491  return true;
492  }
493  }
494  }
495  }
496  }
497  }
498  return false;
499  }
509  protected function workspaceState($stateId, $hiddenOnline = false, $hiddenOffline = false)
510  {
511  $hiddenState = null;
512  if ($hiddenOnline == 0 && $hiddenOffline == 1) {
513  $hiddenState = 'hidden';
514  } elseif ($hiddenOnline == 1 && $hiddenOffline == 0) {
515  $hiddenState = 'unhidden';
516  }
517  switch ($stateId) {
518  case -1:
519  $state = 'new';
520  break;
521  case 2:
522  $state = 'deleted';
523  break;
524  case 4:
525  $state = 'moved';
526  break;
527  default:
528  $state = ($hiddenState ?: 'modified');
529  }
530  return $state;
531  }
540  protected function getTcaEnableColumnsFieldName($table, $type)
541  {
542  $fieldName = null;
544  if (!(empty($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns'][$type]))) {
545  $fieldName = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns'][$type];
546  }
548  return $fieldName;
549  }
559  protected function getLanguageValue($table, array $record)
560  {
561  $languageValue = 0;
563  $languageField = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['languageField'];
564  if (!empty($record[$languageField])) {
565  $languageValue = $record[$languageField];
566  }
567  }
568  return $languageValue;
569  }
579  protected function getSystemLanguageValue($id, $key)
580  {
581  $value = null;
582  $systemLanguages = $this->getSystemLanguages();
583  if (!empty($systemLanguages[$id][$key])) {
584  $value = $systemLanguages[$id][$key];
585  }
586  return $value;
587  }
594  public function getSystemLanguages()
595  {
596  if (!isset($this->systemLanguages)) {
598  $translateTools = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Configuration\TranslationConfigurationProvider::class);
599  $this->systemLanguages = $translateTools->getSystemLanguages();
600  }
601  return $this->systemLanguages;
602  }
609  protected function getIntegrityService()
610  {
611  if (!isset($this->integrityService)) {
612  $this->integrityService = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Service\IntegrityService::class);
613  }
615  }
624  protected function emitSignal($signalName, ...$arguments)
625  {
626  // Arguments are always ($this, [method argument], [method argument], ...)
627  $signalArguments = $arguments;
628  array_unshift($signalArguments, $this);
629  $slotReturn = $this->getSignalSlotDispatcher()->dispatch(\TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Service\GridDataService::class, $signalName, $signalArguments);
630  return array_slice($slotReturn, 1);
631  }
636  protected function getDependencyCollectionService()
637  {
638  return GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Service\Dependency\CollectionService::class);
639  }
644  protected function getAdditionalColumnService()
645  {
646  return $this->getObjectManager()->get(\TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Service\AdditionalColumnService::class);
647  }
652  protected function getSignalSlotDispatcher()
653  {
654  return $this->getObjectManager()->get(\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\SignalSlot\Dispatcher::class);
655  }
660  protected function getObjectManager()
661  {
662  return GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManager::class);
663  }
664 }
static viewSingleRecord($table, $uid, array $liveRecord=null, array $versionRecord=null)
static createFromArrays($table, array $liveRow, array $versionRow)
workspaceState($stateId, $hiddenOnline=false, $hiddenOffline=false)
static makeInstance($className,... $constructorArguments)
generateGridListFromVersions($versions, $parameter, $currentWorkspace)
static getRecordTitle($table, $row, $prep=false, $forceResult=true)
calculateHash(array $versions, $filterTxt)
isFilterTextInVisibleColumns($filterText, array $versionArray)
static getRecordPath($uid, $clause, $titleLimit, $fullTitleLimit=0)
setDataArrayIntoCache(array $versions, $filterTxt)
static getRecord($table, $uid, $fields=' *', $where='', $useDeleteClause=true)
if(TYPO3_MODE==='BE') $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_tsfebeuserauth.php']['frontendEditingController']['default']
getDataArrayFromCache(array $versions, $filterTxt)